Sitemap - 2022 - Bailiwick News
Reinhabiting Congress and all the other government branches: local, county, state and federal.
Distributed ledger (Central Bank Digital Currency) provisions in NDAA for FY2023
Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
On the powers and limitations of illusionists.
Biomedical security state and state-run bioterrorism programs: six American statutory frameworks.
Repost: Democidal Master-Class v. Humanity, 1944-present.
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
Globalist predator-parasites' interest in substitutes for war.
Livestream: UKcolumn/Doctors4CovidEthics Symposium 5
Another outline of the legal frameworks
C.S. Lewis, Screwtape Letters, Chapter XXVII.
Informed, connected & brave v. ignorant, isolated & scared.
Arkmedic on Killing Fields of Samoa, measles-coronavirus chimera designed by Baric.
Immunomodulation and fear modulation.
Some thinking about tampering with evidence and spoliation. And orientation for new readers.
International fractals of the US-DOD/HHS medical martial law system.
Thought-stopping stage sets in legal pleadings.
Legal context for the Couey hypothesis discussions.
Update on Affidavits of Noncompliance filed in Centre County, Pennsylvania
Five Small Stones Campaign Updates
A Latypova and a Watt talk about DOD-controlled, BigPharma-manufactured, FDA-authorized bioweapons.
Tampering with public records; perjury.
Forced internment on communicable disease and public health emergency pretexts.
Is bodily trespass under medical pretexts constitutional?
Amnesty, no. Trials and executions, yes.
About the Emily Oster piece in the Atlantic.
Fighting against hospital homicide through the courts.
Legal buckshot, legal birdshot, legal slugs, legal cannonballs...
Jackson v. Pfizer, Ventavia, Icon: Barnes legal team response filed Oct. 27
How can HHS, DOD and DHS be ‘foreign terrorist organizations?’
Outline for writing today. Synopsis of proposed Jackson v. Pfizer argument
Shakespeare's King Henry V, St. Crispin's Day speech before the Battle of Agincourt
Legal horror movie pitch: The World According to Darp.
Thoughts on American Organic Law
Alternate view of the ACIP meeting.
Please pray for US District Court Judge Michael J. Truncale
Five Small Stones - website buildout updates
18 USC 2333 cases: venue, national security, Fauci, summary judgment
John Doe v. Azar, Kadlec, Gruber and Hinton
Five Small Stones 'Write a Letter' Page
Notice of War Crimes to Local and State Officials
Homo borgiensis update/correction
In regards to fraudulent Covid-19 national emergency
State-level Mini-Me government-run bioterrorism programs.
Five Small Stones campaign update
Biotech idolatry: DOD-Pfizer contracts have replaced federal constitutions and laws
A poll about county prosecutors.
In 2011, Congress prohibited patent-based ownership of humans.
Project for a New American Century - Rebuilding America’s Defenses, Sept. 2000.
Clinton Orders Human Experiments
Mathew Crawford realizing that there were never any valid clinical trials; it was all fabricated.
Some thoughts on the Nuremberg Code's 75th anniversary
More on Congressional voting records
22 worst Congressional bioterrorism authorization and funding laws passed since 1983
CORRECTIONS to Aug. 1 post on 2022 NDAA and Global Health Security Act
Bailiwick News PDF compilations
2022 National Defense Authorization Act - HR4350
1971 National Cancer Act, 1972 WHO Bulletin 47, 1986 Strecker Bioattack Alert and more.
Making some headway on setting research and writing priorities for the next few months.
Thinking through possible future scenarios
John Dewey, psycho-spiritual weapons and the war into which we’ve been conscripted.
More on the tiered coercion cascades.
January through June posts, compiled and footnoted.
Possibilities for proving intent
“There are treaties that prevent the usage of chemical and biological weapons to maim and kill.”
Compilation PDFs with footnotes
On why and how globalists, allied with communists, are fomenting federalist conflicts in America.
Run-up to the American bioterrorist State’s Jan. 31, 2020 declaration of war - Part 2.
1952 - Truman's Executive Order 10399
On the odds of Nuremberg 2.0 prosecutions for the US government’s Covid war crimes.
Public-private partnerships and pressure on the Constitution
Implications of 10 USC 2371b, the federal contracting provision cited by Pfizer
PEADs - Presidential Emergency Action Documents
Run-up to the American bioterrorist State’s Jan. 31, 2020 declaration of war - Part 1.
On the federal government’s plan to use force against American civilians.
On the two WHO maneuvers and grassroots strategies
On legal strategies and cases already filed.
On the relationship between the World Health Organization and the US government.
Moral law v. secular law; standards for vaccines
January - April 2022 compilations
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Regulations, Rules and Guidance Documents
Faked Clinical Trials and 'Real World Evidence'
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Cures 2.0 Act, Sections 407 & 408: Genomic testing and pharmacogenetic consultations.
The investigational drugs that weren’t.
Permanent corporate liability exemption for vaxx manufacturers.
Administrative Procedures Act v. Public Health Service Act
Martin Armstrong with a somewhat more optimistic view.
Funeral director John O’Looney posted comments at Naked Emperor today.
Legalized bioterrorism: poisons and antidotes
Comment posted to Tess Lawrie’s Substack about WHO pandemic treaty negotiations
Send comments to World Health Organization on pandemic treaty update negotiations
Parallel statutory and international law frameworks: pandemic and countermeasures v. bioweapons
Note to Attorney Aaron Siri re: US statutes nullifying US Constitution.
Re: “judicially-unreviewable.”
Responding to Steve Kirsch, James Roguski and others
Lipid nanoparticle production facilities are the munitions factories of World War Biochemistry.
Sharp, prophetic reporting from 2009
Democidal Master-Class v. Humanity, 1944-present
Project Bioshield Act of 2004 and PREP Act of 2005
Regional food security: food that can be produced in Centre County, Pennsylvania
Catherine Austin Fitts discussion with Karel van Wolferen
On the World Health Organization’s current round of pandemic treaty negotiations
Myriad and Moderna and the furin cleavage site.
Russia-Ukraine conflict as cover for global Internet shutdown by globalists
Vera Sharav testimony at Grand Jury of Public Opinion
SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign
Another piece of the Russia-demonization and one-world-secular-technocratic-government puzzle
Bergoglio, Biden, Putin, Zelensky, Xi, Tedros, Soros and Schwab
National Bonds for the Win Update
Steve Kirsch, Tom Renz and Bryan Ardis: Science Uncensored event
SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign - update
Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box
Notices of Intent to File Claims
Unmask our kids campaign - update.
Request for appointment - UPDATED
Unmask our kids - SCASD campaign
Updates on parent campaign to unmask our SCASD kids
Bailiwick News Volume 5 back from the printer.
Filing claims against SCASD school board directors’ surety bonds - UPDATED
The truckers are not afraid of the police.
Ransom demand from World Health Organization to G20.
Contact FDA/Pfizer Inc. to demand no FDA approval for killshots for babies.
Pray for and donate to support the Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022.
Department of Defense responds to Senator Ron Johnson
More on the International Health Regulations
January 19, 2017 Federal Register
Canadian Truckers for Freedom press conference
Give me death or give me liberty.
Keep on rockin’ in the free world
Setting up to stuff the January bundle
Mass formation; self-destructive nature of totalitarianism; and the teleopolitical history of Poland