Pray for and donate to support the Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022.
GoFundMe yanked $10 million in donations, but Christian crowdfunding site GiveSendGo is now on the job.
For news about the convoy and Ottawa protest — and related convoys and protests happening all around the world — one good source is the truckers’ Gab feed: TruckerConvoy2022.
TruckerConvoy2022, with Gabbers’ help, is successfully going around the legacy media censors at newspaper, radio and television corporations, and around the gatekeepers at Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.
The more you can forward the independent reporting you find — on Gab and elsewhere — to friends and family that may not know what’s happening, the better.
GIVESENDGO LINK here and on screenshot below.
You can use the link to send a prayer, send money, or both.
Their servers are having trouble keeping up with traffic, but I managed to get a prayer and a donation through after about 15 minutes of trying.
God-willing, they will be able to upgrade their servers and security to be able to reach their $16,000,000 goal.
Funds will be used for food, fuel and other things the truckers need to maintain their protest until the Canadian government lifts all restrictions.