1971 National Cancer Act, 1972 WHO Bulletin 47, 1986 Strecker Bioattack Alert and more.
Comments posted at Sage Hana's latest.
Sage Hana’s latest dig: The "AIDS Emerged from Oral Polio Vaccine Tests" Fauci Disinformation SWAT Team is Ba-a-aaaaack in "Lab Leak-2: The China Covid Sequel"
She’s putting together a very useful chronology.
I posted some comments in the ensuing thread, reposted below with some additions.
Curious timing: Walter Chesnut zeroing in on amyloid proteins and amyloidosis as mechanism for spike protein injury, and the sudden ‘debunking’ of the theory that amyloid proteins are key to Alzheimer’s and related neurodegenerative disorders.
To clarify: I think Chesnut’s work is credible, and TPTB are muddying things and discrediting the links between amyloids and neurodegeneration, most likely to cover tracks.
Just passing it along as possibly another example of the pattern you’re digging into.
On when the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon was deployed:
My source for the March 2018 start date is EthicalSkeptic. See China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018, EthicalSkeptic, 11/15/2021.
He argues that carbon emissions and public transit rider data provided evidence that SARS-like illness was circulating in China at very high rates in 2018 and 2019…
Another piece in the chronology is Erica Bickerton/Pirbright Institute patent on coronavirus live attenuated virus that 'may be used as a vaccine' published August 2017.
On the CARES Act and the hospital death protocols:
CARES Act for sure.
The financial coercion is the primary control and compliance mechanism, from the very top (Bank of International Settlements coercing nation-states and federal central banks to enforce the WHO IHR protocols or face loss of access to international banking transactions), down through federal government using HHS/CMS/Medicare/Medicaid funding of state health systems to force death protocols/Remdesivir, masking, nasal cavity searches and lethal injections on employees and patients, or face loss of federal funding for hospital systems, down to military, federal contractors and universities forcing it all on employees and students or face loss of jobs and educational spots.
I was talking to a woman in Texas recently who raised the possibility of state legislatures putting up shields against the federal/globalist control grid, possibly by counter-threatening hospitals with loss of state licensure (controlled at the state legislature) if the hospitals fail to uphold state constitutional rights by complying with federal mandates that violate both US and state constitutions.
That move would force the hospital administrators to choose between loss of state licensure and loss of federal funding, and bring the coercion mechanism further into the light of public awareness.
It needs some state legislators who understand what's happening and are ready to stand up to it in the open.
And the legislators would have to be clear with state residents that if the states are serious about standing up to the feds, they have to be prepared to get off the federal funding feeding trough and fund their own health care systems without Medicare and Medicaid and CARES-style Congressional funding packages.
Sage Hana: I really want to start getting to names and communication patterns. How does it get passed down? It has to be running through the CIA and DARPA, seems to me…And there is clear communication with China. Was there some double crossing? We all know it's coordinated. We have now laws and patents and viral sequences matching up with cancer drugs and on and on. We have Event 201, We have monkeypox simulations. We have WEF telling us what they intend to do and doing it, we have Malyasian Prime Ministers telling us the game.
KW reply:
I think BARDA — Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority — is central, coordinating with WHO and WEF committees and counterpart federal agencies in China, etc. But I also think US-BARDA is the ringleader agency for the world, not so much subordinate to WHO as running it — CIA-like — as a front. I don't think the US-BARDA people are loyal to US though; I think they're loyal to themselves as agents of the globalists.
From the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program timeline:
BARDA was created in 2006, through Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act. PL 109-417, 120 Stat. 2878…Further consolidated and centralized power in federal Health and Human Services Secretary’s hands. Created new HHS department, led by new Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (counterpart to the Department of Homeland Security Director of Emergency Preparedness and Response position created in 2002). Established rules for coordination among HHS, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Secretary of Transportation and “any other relevant federal agency.” Established national framework subordinating state, county, tribal and local public health and law enforcement systems to federal agencies. Expanded surveillance programs. Clarified definitions of qualified countermeasure, security countermeasure, and infectious disease for purposes of 2004 Project Bioshield Act. Established Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) division under HHS, “to facilitate a broad-based approach to emergency medical countermeasure-related activities,” including $1,070,000,000 appropriation. Tools included HHS authority to limit competition among manufacturers of pandemic products as defined under 2004 Project Bioshield Act.
Within the last couple of weeks, I noticed another pattern, which is that Congress often passes things in pairs, such that one bill looks like it's a good thing, but a simultaneous or near-simultaneous bill nullifies the apparent good thing and creates or expands a bad thing.
Primary example is 1997.
Nov. 18, 1997, PL 105-85, restricting DOD use of military personnel for chemical and biological experiments under 50 USC 1520, followed on
Nov. 21, 1997 with PL 105-115, Food and Drug Modernization Act, which authorized "expanded access to unapproved therapies and diagnostics in emergency situations" through EUA program, within the FDCA at 21 USC 360bbb.
That's the two-bill maneuver that transferred the chemical and biological weapons program from Department of Defense to Health and Human Services, while expanding pool of human subjects whose informed consent rights could be waived by HHS Secretary and/or President from military personnel to entire US population.
Other examples that I need to investigate further:
11/4/1988 - Addition of "genocide" to criminal code at 18 USC 1091 through PL 100-606 coupled with…
11/4/1988 Health Omnibus Program Extension Act, PL 100-607, which increased the slush fund for HHS "public health emergencies fund" (created in 1983) from $30 million to $45 million while expanding AIDS research programs. HHS Public Health Emergency Fund has since been renamed Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund, as of 2005, as far as I can tell.
8/21/1996 - Addition of "war crimes and crimes against humanity" to criminal code at 18 USC 2441 through PL 104-192, coupled with…
8/21/1996 - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (PL 104-191) which was related to funding for FDA experimental products under Social Security Act/Medicare/Medicaid/CHIP programs.
9/23/1996 - Added a new section to Prohibition on Biological Weapons under criminal code (18 USC 175) at (a) authorizing domestic deployment of military during biological weapon of mass destruction (WMD) incident at request of Attorney General, coupled with…
9/30/1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act, through which Congress further stripped federal courts of judicial review authority over executive actions.
I've also started looking for the names of the Congressional co-sponsors of the statutes. Project Bioshield in 2004, for example, had 11 co-sponsors in the Senate when introduced by Judd Gregg [R-NH]:
All Republicans: Sen. Frist, William H. [TN]; Sen. Alexander, Lamar [TN]; Sen. Warner, John [VA]; Sen. Enzi, Michael B. [WY]; Sen. Sessions, Jeff [AL]; Sen. Roberts, Pat [KS]; Sen. Graham, Lindsey [SC]; Sen. Bond, Christopher S. [MO]; Sen. Inhofe, James M. [OK]; Sen. Stevens, Ted [AK]; Sen. Fitzgerald, Peter [IL]
Project Bioshield Act was passed by the Senate by a 99-0 vote on May 19, 2004 (John Kerry was absent).
It passed by the House by a 414-2 vote on July 14, 2004. (The No votes were cast by Ron Paul, TX and Jeff Flake, AZ)
It was signed by President George W. Bush on July 21, 2004
On the origin of HIV/AIDS:
Two pieces that crossed my path by way of a Feb. 28, 2022 post at The Covid Blog are the 1988 Strecker memorandum + video, and a 1992 Baltimore Sun report about Jakob Segal, a German scientist whose hypothesis was that AIDS was developed from Fort Detrick/US military research on an Iceland sheep virus, to be a bioweapon, starting in 1978…
Having gone down this path this evening, this 1986 Strecker Bioattack Alert report is interesting.
I had heard of the two-part 1972 Bulletin of the World Health Organization Vol 47 mentioned by the Streckers: Virus-associated immunopathology: animal models and implications for human disease, Part 1 and Part 2, by way of a Jane Burgermeister report from July 2009. [The formatting of that report makes it hard to read but it has extremely useful information].
Burgermeister was investigating things because of the 2009 H1N1 panic and ensuing globalized mass injection campaign.
She argued that, from the 1972 bulletin through 2009, WHO had sought and then developed a three-injection sequence.
The first injection would be intended to disable the victim’s immune system, a second would load the cells in the victim with infectious agents, and the third would re-activate the host’s immune system to cause a lethal cytokine storm in response to the pre-loaded infectious agents.
I think maybe one or more of those steps could also be a communicable infectious agent; perhaps Sudden Adult Death Syndrome as painstakingly documented by Mark Crispin Miller and his team is the result of the injected spike proteins and lipid nanoparticles as Steps 1 and 2 in the sequence, followed by ordinary exposure to the circulating SARS-CoV-2 variant as Step 3.
Maybe the sequenced steps also include the 1976 swine flu infections and injections, 2003 SARS-CoV-1 infections, 2009 H1N1 infections and injections, plus MERS, HIV and so forth. Given all the fragments engineered into the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon, and the circulation of those agents throughout populations since 1976.
The 1986 Strecker report ties things together with the 1971 National Cancer Act in the statutory timeline, which helps link the whole story with some other early 1970s plot points:
1970 - Founding of Society of St. Pius X by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre
1971 - Dennis Meadows Club of Rome depopulation report Predicament of Mankind; Philip Zimbardo Stanford prison experiments; Klaus Schwab establishment of World Economic Forum; Nixon’s launch of the War on Drugs; Nixon’s removal of US dollar from gold standard.
1972 - UN Convention on Prohibition of Biological Weapons opened for signature, leaving major loophole for research and deployment of ‘protective’ or ‘prophylactic’ biological agents; Martin Seligman learned helplessness experiments; Club of Rome Limits to Growth report; SCOTUS Eisenstadt v Baird case on contraception; WHO Bulletin Vol. 47; Leiden University/Alex Jan van der Elb abortion, cell harvesting and murder of live female fetus for HEK cell line.
1973 - SCOTUS Roe v. Wade on abortion.
1974 - Foreign Affairs essay by Richard Gardner, The Hard Road to World Order; Henry Kissinger April memo re: depopulation, which led to December National Security Study Memorandum 200, laying out the plan; Disaster Relief Act of 1974, expanding role of Federal Emergency Management Agency; National Research Service Award Act, addressing protection of human subjects in biomedical experiments.
1975 - Rockefeller Commission Report to the President on CIA Activities Within the US, re human experimentation, MK Ultra, etc.; UN Convention on Prohibition of Biological Weapons went into effect, with major loopholes for so-called prophylactic biological agents; President Ford National Security Decision Memorandum 314 ordering implementation of Kissinger NSSM 200 for depopulation.
1976 - Swine flu H1N1 outbreak started at Fort Dix; mass vaccination campaign launched using Congressionally funded Merck vaccine that led to Guillaine-Barre syndrome and deaths.
Shout-out to my Dad, James G. Watt, on what would have been his 88th birthday. Miss you! But happy to think of you in Heaven with God!
Here’s me and him in Summer 1975:
A reader at Igor Chudov’s Substack posted a reply to a comment I made there (summarizing the 1972 WHO bulletin. 1986 Strecker memo and 2009 Burgermeister report) adding another link:
1969 Congressional hearing:
“Reminded me of Dr. Donald MacArthur's quote from the Dept. of Defense Appropriations hearings for 1970, H.B. 15090:
‘2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes upon when we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectious disease.
3. A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million.’
[from June 9, 1969 transcript of Senate testimony of Dr. Donald MacArthur, a high-level Defense Department biological research administrator discussing, what some folks believe to be, the lab creation of the AIDS virus]”
Shocking report. So much work you have put into this--my God you have zeroed in on the epicenter of the real-evil!