The House of Representatives passed the 2022 NDAA (HR-4350) last year, and the Senate will likely pass it at some point.
Update 08/10/2022 - The Senate passed the 2022 NDAA (PL 117-81) on June 9, 2021. The House passed it on Dec. 7, 2021, and President Biden signed it on Dec. 27, 2021.
Global Health Security Act and related provisions got removed from the 2022 NDAA during negotiations but have been re-introduced in the 2023 NDAA. More on that.
It is another in a long line of Congressional acts adopted in the aftermath of government-declared emergencies, which are presented as responses to the emergencies, even though the legislation was prepared and drafted long before the events occurred, to achieve globalist goals established decades ago. See PATRIOT Act.
The 2022 NDAA bill — HR4350 — was 3,268 pages long, so most Congress members have probably not read it. I've skimmed it to locate key sections, and plan to go back and read those sections more closely to do more reporting on them.
Several sections are related to expansion of federal and international agency power and outlay of federal funds on the Covid-19 and other public health emergency pretexts.
Many are predicated on the official view that the largest threats to public health come from infectious disease agents jumping from animals to humans (zoonotic origin), to divert public understanding away from the fact that the largest threats to public health come from laboratory development of biological weapons, and deployment of those weapons by governments against human populations.
The globalists believe the greatest threat to public health is living human adults conceiving and giving birth to healthy babies and raising those children to adulthood.
Therefore biological and chemical weapons that abort babies in the mother’s womb, sterilize and sicken people, and shorten lifespans qualify for the ‘prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes’ loopholes in federal and international laws prohibiting development and use of biochemical weapons. See Biological Weapons and Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, 18 USC 175, passed May 22, 1990 to implement the UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction, which entered into force March 26, 1975.
The zoonotic origin predicate for the expansion of the global public health police state is why the US government and propagandists continue their intense efforts to promote the wildlife market theory of the SARS-CoV-2 origination, even as independent researchers have collected massive evidence that it was created, tested and deployed by US Department of Defense contractors working at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Wuhan Institute of Virology, and other labs.
Four major provisions of HR4350 [that may or may not be in PL 117-81]:
Section 6438, Global Health Security Act (pp. 2808-2848) - Creates a Global Health Security Agenda Interagency Review Council to meet four times a year to "provide policy-level recommendations to participating agencies on Global Health Security Agenda (GHSA) goals, objectives, and implementation, and other international efforts to strengthen pandemic preparedness and response." Committee to be headed by Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, in coordination with the heads of Department of State; Department of Defense; Department of Justice; Department of Agriculture; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of the Treasury; Department of Labor; Department of Homeland Security; Office of Management and Budget; Office of the Director of National Intelligence; United States Agency for International Development; Environmental Protection Agency; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Office of Science and Technology Policy; National Institutes of Health; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
Section 6444 - Creates a National Security Commission on Synthetic Biology (pp. 2876-2894)
Section 6491 - Creates Interagency One Health Program, funding research and other programs exploring connections between human, animal and environmental health including zoonotic diseases.
Section 8001 - Global Pandemic Prevention and Biosecurity Act (pp. 3238-3268). Creates a Global Zoonotic Disease Task Force, an Integrated Zoonotic Diseases Program at CDC, and deploys US-AID to African, Asian and Latin-American countries to close their wildlife-based food markets and convert them to corporate agriculture. Establishes as "Congressional findings" (at Section 8004) that "(1) The majority of recent emerging infectious diseases have originated in wildlife. (2) There is a rise in the frequency of zoonotic spillover events and outbreaks of such diseases. (3) This rise in such spillover events and out- breaks relates to the increased interaction between humans and wildlife..."
Other provisions:
Section 1341 establishes a State Department Office of City and State Diplomacy. If I understand it correctly, it will coordinate U.S. state and municipal governments engaging with foreign governments at the “sub-national” level. [I may be wrong; it may relate to the state and municipal governments of other countries. Need to read it several more times.]
Section 5121 and several others are related to “securing essential medical materials” by expanding the Defense Production Act and federal power to block purchases, contracts and shipments of medical materials to states and municipalities.
Section 6233 is related to using Transportation Safety Administration employees for medical screenings and building sterile checkpoints at points of entry.
At Section 6306, the definition of "national defense" is changed to add "and health emergency preparedness activities."
the biggest threat to us, the people, is our government
Reading our private emails wasn't enough.
Tracking everyone we know and where we go isn't enough.
Collecting our biometrics at airports isn't enough.
Collecting our DNA through swabs isn't enough.
Now they want to change our sacred genetic heritage, our destined lifespans, our fertility and the existence of our children.
What will they want next - mandatory organ harvesting? Direct brain access and modification? Surely what they have now isn't enough.