the biggest threat to us, the people, is our government

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Reading our private emails wasn't enough.

Tracking everyone we know and where we go isn't enough.

Collecting our biometrics at airports isn't enough.

Collecting our DNA through swabs isn't enough.

Now they want to change our sacred genetic heritage, our destined lifespans, our fertility and the existence of our children.

What will they want next - mandatory organ harvesting? Direct brain access and modification? Surely what they have now isn't enough.

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Thank-you for your work on this one. I read part of it and was lost as usual, but to my layman's eye, it didn't look "kosher."

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There is no documented evidence that SARS-Cov2 exists as a physical particle let alone “massive evidence” that it was developed by DOD. There is no valid test for it. There is no samples of it. There is no evidence of its physical existence.

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You are right, but the dictators are not suppose to explain anything or to show evidence of something. Everything can be or not " because we told you so".

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Where is documented evidence that sars-cov2 exists as something other than a genome made on computer software?? Give me evidence of a physical particle. Saying “bs” is not evidence.

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It is ridiculous to claim Covid does not exist. You can culture it. The only question still waiting an answer is to which laboratory was chiefly responsible for its creation and if omicron was not manmade as well. It seems to be.

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'Covid' is the bundle of symptoms. It is not the virus. They are labeling all respiratory symptoms 'Covid', including influenza A and B, as well as what we used to call a 'cold'. The PCR test is bogus and cannot detect SARSCov2.

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Yes, and symptoms do not come from the virus. They come from your immune system fighting the virus.

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Thanks for this. It should come as no surprise that government continues to tighten the screws on its citizens. Recall the line from "V for Vendetta,"

"People should not be afraid of their governments; governments should be afraid of their people." Would that that were true today.

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I think it's still true today. If it weren't true, they could just sit back and watch the cage doors close smoothly and silently on us all, forever.

But it's not going smoothly for them. They've been trying to kill us off for at least 50 years, and there are more of us now than when they started.

And there are more of us talking amongst ourselves and trying to figure out better ways to fight off and stop their death and enslavement programs and protocols, so they have to keep adding bars to the cage.

The fight is not over. They want us to think it's a done deal, but it's not.

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The hideous, egregious truth, as you state:

“The globalists believe the greatest threat to public health is living human adults conceiving and giving birth to healthy babies and raising those children to adulthood.

Therefore biological and chemical weapons that abort babies in the mother’s womb, sterilize and sicken people, and shorten lifespans qualify for the ‘prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes’ loopholes in federal and international laws prohibiting development and use of biochemical weapons. See Biological Weapons and Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.”

Again Katherine Thank You for the clear, explicit language exacting transparency where there is nothing but intentional hoodwinking and slight of hand. Given the false appearance of beneficent authoritative officialdom in these statutes, bills, and legislative documents, it is no wonder that the American people—the vast bulk of which are known never to read, scrutinize, or follow any of this—are so easily dooped, relegating their God given powers of discernment to the very ones who excel at creating their demise.

What an awful price to pay, supposedly, to “wake people up;” when many will never wake up or boldly face this reality and will then pay the ultimate price.

No, in my view, it is not just a matter of waking people up, therefore, allowing these insane atrocities to play out, and the unfortunate casualties that occur in the process.

It is blatant murder and genocide through an evil deception so diabolical in its intricacy, and a total betrayal of the American people, and the world’s people. We know this to be true.

However, if it is true that ‘White hats’ are in charge and waking people up by allowing these demons to show themselves, even destroy themselves, and millions of Americans in the process, at this juncture, it really pisses my off that the these white hats, a ‘positive Alliance’, have not yet brought down the thunder on the main culprits, severing the snake’s head, those well known to be responsible for this horror show.

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If only it was that simple. I wish I could see more of the bigger picture to be able to assess all that’s going down and how we all can stop this horrific crime. But the natural forces are at play. The best thing we can do is find our place in it, do what we can, don’t do what is hateful and deceptive, and remember that this is all a movie that seems to be getting stranger all the time.

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The great evil paradox continues. . . What you say in this paragraph should be brought to everyone's attention!!!

"Therefore biological and chemical weapons that abort babies in the mother’s womb, sterilize and sicken people, and shorten lifespans qualify for the ‘prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes’ loopholes in federal and international laws prohibiting development and use of biochemical weapons. See Biological Weapons and Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, 18 USC 175, passed May 22, 1990 to implement the UN Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction, which entered into force March 26, 1975."

My, my--you once again have a bullseye!

Thank you Katherine

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I give you props for reading any proposed law nowadays. It's all word salad gobbedly-gook from people who think they are important. More words and pages and they think that means it's more important. "Lawmakers" do not read any of these bills. They don't care. It's K street and the oh-so-important drafters from the lobby industry that write these bills. As long as the "lawmakers" get their kickbacks, the proper vote is ensured.

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Thanks for jumping on this. Here is what I wrote about it a few weeks ago. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/quick-alert

A week later I wrote this piece which sort of fleshes out my thoughts on the agenda.


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Got not hot

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Thank you for keeping us informed! It’s hot to be scintillating reading😳

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......Katherine, did you encounter any references to official resources / contingencies for managing / mitigating effects of the comparatively-IMMINENT geomagnetic reversal?

For the uninitiated.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihwoIlxHI3Q

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No, but you could download the PDF of HR4350 and do a keyword search on “geomagnetic” to find out if it’s in there. I have to limit myself to a sub-set of issues, or I won’t be able to work at all because there are just too many things to keep track of. Geomagnetic, chem-trails, and many other important issues are excluded from the list I focus on.

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OK - have the PDF page up - not on my Desktop yet; don't see an internal search engine / field anywhere, though - are you suggesting that might be part of my reader [Word alternative] platform, or am I missing something on the browser version of it?

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I usually can’t do it online. I have to download the PDF and then use the search function in Adobe.

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Just hit Control & f and it will bring up search

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Already done in the Desktop engine - nothing at ALL under every relevant keyword.....

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