Manifesto of the Catholic Laity. Brian Williams, Liturgy Guy, June 13, 2015
Dated Pentecost 1943, the long forgotten letter was discovered in the Archives of the Archbishop of Westminster… ‘We utterly repudiate the subversive efforts that are being made to discredit the use of the Latin Liturgy, a precious heritage brought to the English people by Saint Augustine of Canterbury from our glorious Apostle, Saint Gregory the Great, and which we are proud to have preserved intact these fourteen hundred years, even throughout the hardships and dangers of the penal times.’
Young Catholics tell bishops: We’re here for the tradition. Church Militant, June 14, 2019
"I found the beauty of intellectual truth in the teachings of the Church, the True Presence of the Eucharist, and the manifestation of both of these things in the reverence and beauty of the Extraordinary Form of the Mass," wrote one Catholic Twitter user.
You must suffer. Roosh Valizadeh, July 26, 2021
The first “gotcha” question that atheists usually demand of believers is “Why does God allow suffering?” Their hearts are too hard to understand the answer: because He loves us. Without suffering, we would remain attached to the fallen world and its false idols, never turning away from the neon lights and sensual music to work on our salvation, because it’s only in pain do we start contemplating the big questions of our existence.
The growth of the Latin Mass: a survey. Crisis Magazine, July 26, 2021
First, the number of parishes offering the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM) increased (by 27% – see figure 1)…
Further, the average number of parishioners at each TLM increased (by 34% – see figure 2)…
Combine these two factors, and the overall TLM attendance across all parishes from January 2019 to June 2021 increased by 71% (see figure 3)…
So at a time when general Mass attendance was decreasing, attendance at the TLM was dramatically increasing.
Nevertheless, TLM-attending Catholics still make up a very small minority in the Church. As noted, 658 parishes (pre-Traditionis Custodes) offer at least one TLM regularly. However, there are 16,702 total Catholic parishes in the United States, according to the most recent data. Thus, only 4% of parishes offer even one TLM on a regular (although not necessarily weekly) basis. In the ocean of American Catholicism, attendance at the TLM is still a small, albeit growing, bucket.
“Why do so many still believe? Dr. Mattias Desmet, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, Belgium, gives an exceptionally incisive explanation. Ray Harvey, JournalPulp, Sept. 22, 2021
[Re: mass formation]
For the last eighteen months, since the lunacy over the Wuhan virus officially began, I’ve not heard a single person address — let alone address insightfully — the one thing above all others which for me, from right off, was the total giveaway to this entire deadly farce.
There were in fact two things very early on that couldn’t be reconciled — the most immediate of which was the instant calculation by the powers-that-be of fatality rates before anything close to widespread testing had been done. This remains one of the truest giveaways: you cannot calculate fatality rates before you know infection rates, and you cannot know infection rates before widespread testing…
This second thing I’m speaking of — the something that not one person among even the most dedicated and zealous catastrophists, not doctor, not scientist, not politician, not anyone, has ever addressed, even when I’ve directly and repeatedly asked — is this:
How can anyone who purports to care about human life begin to justify the incalculable, irrefutable death and destruction these reckless and completely ineffective lockdown policies are having upon the innocent third-world poor, all across the world?
How can any sane person justify creating astronomically more death and misery, and for an indefinite period of time, for a coronavirus which when treated with safe, abundant, inexpensive, effective, early-treatment protocols is far less lethal than the seasonal flu?…
[After explaining mass formation, Desmet states in the video:]
“In my opinion, the most important thing for people to do is to continue to speak out. Even if it’s just to say that you don’t agree with the mainstream narrative: because mass formation is provoked by the specific voice it’s gotten used to. Really, you have to take this literally. Totalitarian leaders know this very well: they start every new day with thirty minutes of propaganda, in which the voice of the leader constantly penetrates the consciousness of the population. So without mass media and without the ability to confront people, time and time again, with the voices of the leaders, no mass formation could continue as long as it continued in Germany and then in the Soviet Union. And the opposite of this is also true: if other voices are available in the public space, then the mass hypnosis will be disturbed.”
Time to bring this madness to an end. Daniel Miller, The Conservative Woman, Dec. 16, 2021
It remains the responsibility of people in a free society to hold the government to account, as opposed to obeying their diktats slavishly, by thinking for themselves based on a rational analysis of all facts. Individuals must not only be reminded of their civic duties, but take active measures to re-establish the necessary conditions for their exercise. What Edmund Burke called the ‘little platoons’ of society must be rebuilt.
By presenting the urgency of this situation in the starkest possible terms the pandemic is producing a re-politicisation of the public sphere, for which we should be grateful. It is true that there is no going back. Not only the current regime but also the conditions which enabled it to come into being must be destroyed.We should take our inspiration from Gandhi’s satyagraha, that is, not only passive resistance, but the force that is generated through adherence to truth. Gandhi said: ‘I believe that no government can exist for a single moment without the co-operation of the people, willing or forced, and if people suddenly withdraw their co-operation in every detail, the government will come to a standstill.’
We’ll see it happen.
The spiritual abuse continues. Eric Sammons, Crisis Magazine, Dec. 18, 2021
I’ve spoken to many people in the last year who started attending the Traditional Latin Mass only recently. I’ve found that they are not the nostalgic, anti-Vatican II “rad trad” stereotype pushed by the Vatican. When these newcomers think about Vatican II, which isn’t often, they see it as a historical event, not a super-council that must dominate their entire Catholic life. They do not consider the 1950’s an Immaculate Era to which we must return. They are just regular Catholics trying to live their Catholic faith in an age of confusion.
They simply desire to draw closer to Christ and they find that the Traditional Latin Mass far better facilitates that than their experiences at their diocesan parish. Most of them have good friends at and fond memories of their old parishes, but they simply could not grow in their faith anymore where the liturgy was celebrated in a casual manner, with greater concern for COVID protocols than liturgical protocols. These newcomers are not embarking on an ideological jihad against modernism; they just want to reverently and beautifully worship the Lord.
And note, they are not finding this consolation in a local Protestant church or a secular movement; they are finding it in the Mass under which countless saints were formed for centuries. As Pope Benedict XVI said, “What earlier generations held as sacred, remains sacred and great for us too, and it cannot be all of a sudden entirely forbidden or even considered harmful.” To say that Catholics are being harmed by attending the Traditional Latin Mass and that it thus must be eliminated undermines the entire Catholic religion.
If this Mass was spiritually enriching for Catholics in the 1920’s, then it cannot be declared spiritually harmful for Catholics in the 2020’s. Otherwise we must question the very foundations of our Faith.
Message to the American People. Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, Scribd, Dec. 19, 2021
Today more and more people are opening their eyes and beginning to understand that the emergency pandemic and the“ecological emergency” are part of a criminal plan hatched by the World Economic Forum, the UN, the WHO, and a galaxy of organizations and foundations that are ideologically characterized as clearly anti-human and – this needs to be said clearly – anti-Christian. One of the elements that unequivocally confirms the criminal nature of the Great Reset is the perfect synchrony with which all the different Nations are acting, demonstrating the existence of a single script under a single direction.
And it is disconcerting to see how the lack of treatment, the deliberately wrong treatments that have been given in order to cause more deaths, the decision to impose lockdowns and masks, the conspiratorial silence about the adverse effects of the so-called “vaccines” that are in fact gene serums, and the continuous repetition of culpable errors have all been possible thanks to the complicity of those who govern and the institutions. Political and religious leaders, representatives of the people, scientists and doctors, journalists and those who work in the media have literally betrayed their people, their laws, their Constitutions, and the most basic ethical principles…
You are animated by a yearning for justice, and this is a legitimate and good desire. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,” says the Lord (Mt 5:6). But this Justice must be based on the awareness that this is aspiritual battle in which it is necessary to take sides without equivocation and without compromise, holding transcendent and eternal references that even the pagan philosophers glimpsed, and that have found fulfillment in the Revelation of the Son of God, the Divine Master…
Quo vadis? Faith is at a crossroads as the Great Reset looms. Michael Driver, The Conservative Woman, Dec. 20, 2021
We’re at a crossroads as a species. Do we abdicate responsibility for ourselves to this collection of billionaires or do we assume responsibility for our own future? Do we join an alliance against them? This decision is going to require faith.
Why? Because we simply have too much information to reason the decision. We’re not going to read all the scientific papers, we’re incapable of processing all the data, we’re literally overwhelmed with conflicting reports, papers and opinions. A deluge of propaganda from compromised sources.
Any decision must be made outside of reason. The direction we take, we take on faith. Faith in our new leaders, or faith in our old religions and our previous beliefs.
On domed cities and doomed dreams. John Michael Greer, Ecosophia, Dec. 20, 2021
During the first half of the twentieth century, most of the world’s industrial nations ended up being run by a managerial elite that claimed the right to rule on the basis of their allegedly superior understanding of the way the world works—and the “superior understanding” in question was based on a knowledge of abstractions. That process began in 1917 with the Russian Revolution and ended in 1945 with the imposition of technocratic governments all across conquered Europe and Japan; the beginning of Franklin Roosevelt’s first term in 1933 is a good start date for the process here in the United States…
Charles Fort pointed out many years ago that the prestige of science depends on a slick public-relations scheme whereby every success is trumpeted to the skies while every failure is swept under the nearest available rug. The same is true of the prestige of the managerial classes in today’s world. These days, their predictions and projects fail far more often than they succeed, but the corporate media can be counted on to yell all day and night about their successes and pretend that the failures never happened. There are plenty of reasons why so few people these days believe anything that comes from official channels, but that’s one of the big ones.
The logic behind this self-defeating habit is that our managerial aristocrats can’t simply step away from the claim that their mastery of abstractions gives them superior insight into the world of everyday affairs. That claim is what justifies their present condition of privilege, but it’s also the foundation of their collective identity. Like so many people cornered by the consequences of their own errors, accordingly, the managerial class has reacted to its failures by doubling down.
Whose body is it anyway? Emina Melonic, American Greatness, Dec. 21, 2021
This is the second year of this absurdity, and it’s pretty clear that the current regime, not just in the United States but globally, is trying to create a social hierarchy based on medical status (which is really just code for obedience)…
Today we are facing an economic commodification of human beings in which capitalism blends with an ideology of surveillance. By creating a division between the vaccinated and unvaccinated, globalist regimes are effectively speaking the language of “in-valids” and “valids.” The “valids” have access to certain services because they’ve been “good” in the eyes of the government, and the “in-valids” don’t have a right even to ask for those services, let alone use them. Instead of the genetic superiority presented in “Gattaca,” however, the regimes are presenting a medical emergency, invoking false morality about saving lives, and bullying and shaming those who dare to ask questions.
In the meantime, nobody is actually enjoying life, and this includes the vaccinated people. The regime brings no promise of freedom or special goods, only misery and a demand for continued compliance and weakness. Regimes thrive on fear, and the question remains whether the majority of people will recognize and realize they are not free, and that demands will continue to pile on because ideology knows no logic, science, or human singularity.
“The Mask Has Fallen”: Interview with Dr. Kwasniewski. Rorate Caeli, Dec. 21, 2021
…Unquestionably the Latin Mass is here to stay. If the progressives couldn’t stamp it out in the 1970s, when there were far fewer traditionalists and the Church’s hierarchy, especially the pope, could still expect and sometimes even receive prompt assent to their decrees, however absurd, then there’s not even a remote chance of the now dinosaurian nostalgics and their ambitious hangers-on getting away with it in the 2020s. As a matter of fact, Traditionis Custodies has re-energized a traditionalist movement that was in danger of a bit of complacency and comfort. Things had become almost easy in some places, and now suddenly it’s “back to the seventies” where you have to fight for what you love. That’s the secret of persecution: it makes the Church stronger. The same will be true here.
It’s time to occupy the churches. Sean McClinch, OnePeterFive, Dec. 21, 2021
…We have been beaten by our own father in the name of mercy and marginalized in the name of unity. Abusing his office, he has transgressed our rights to the ancient Mass – what our forefathers bled and died to pass down to us.
As a friend recently remarked to my wife and I, “Traditional liturgy is our birthright.” I refuse to beg and grovel for what rightly belongs to my brethren and me by inheritance, just as I don’t thank art museum curators for refraining from spray painting graffiti all over the Renaissance sculptures.
True obedience vs. revolution in the church. Peter Kwasniewski, Crisis Magazine, Dec. 23, 2021
Even as secular rulers do not have an authority that simply overrides a citizen’s own exercise of reason and the voice of his conscience, so too in the realm of grace ecclesiastical rulers do not have an authority that simply shuts down the believer’s reason and evacuates his responsibility before God to love the Church’s common good more than any personal good of anyone.
Pomposity cannot stand ridicule: A canon lawyer draws lessons from Communist history. Fr. Timothy T. Ferguson, JCL, STL, Rorate Caeli, Dec. 23, 2021
The recent news that that Holy See has made known its interest in what parishes advertise in their bulletins (after sixty years of parishes advertising blatant heresy and heterodoxy with impunity) reminds me of the Lithuanian Soviet government’s requirement that religious entities pass every alteration of their churches through a labyrinthine approval process, designed specifically to halt alterations and frustrate religion.
The response of the Lithuanian Catholics at the time: inundate the bureaucracy with a flood of requests. The priest’s chair needs to be moved ten inches forward, then the kneeler needs to be moved three feet to the left, then the potted plant that was next to the kneeler needs to be moved to the other side of the sanctuary, then the lamp that was on the other side of the sanctuary needs to be moved down one step... and so on. If the forms needed to be filled out in triplicate, there was a small army of church ladies who filled out every last line on the forms so that Father could drop off the 180 requests to the office for processing—standing in line with another 50 priests behind him requesting the same sort of alterations. The government backed off, and eventually the whole system collapsed.
The Zoom class gets Covid. Jeffrey Tucker, Brownstone Institute, Dec. 27, 2021
Now that the people who tried to protect themselves are no longer able to do so, we are seeing a sudden rethinking of disease stigmatization, class disdain, and the treatment of others as sandbags to shield people based on class. Now it is suddenly no longer a sin to be sick.
The Covid narrative is insane and illogical…and maybe that’s no accident. Maybe forcing people to believe your lies, even after you admit you’re lying, is the purest form of power. Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian, Dec. 29, 2021
You can never control people with the truth, because the truth has an existence outside yourself that cannot be altered or directed. It may be the truth itself that controls people, not you.
You can never force people to obey rules that make sense, because they may be obeying reason, not your force.
True power lies in making people afraid of something that does not exist, and making them abandon reason in the name of protecting themselves from the invented threat.
yes, the vaccines were supposed to stop covid spread. yes, the "experts" told us so. adventures in revisionist history. el gato malo, Substack, Dec. 30, 2021
the revisionist history around vaccines is getting pretty extreme. let’s be VERY clear:
yes, they were promised to stop spread, contagion, and provide herd immunity.
yes, those promises were made by the same “experts” currently claiming “vaccines were never supposed to stop spread, just reduce severity.”
yes, they were so committed to this that they literally changed the definition of “herd immunity” to EXCLUDE natural immunity.
(of course, they then changed the definition of “vaccine” as well to make this look like less of a failure)
and yes, all the unprecedented lock down and mask up policies were pushed explicitly as “only necessary until we get the vaccines.”
Vaccine-injuried pilots put FAA on notice - Call to Action. April Moss interview transcript, Thinking Conservative, Dec. 30, 2021.
So, essentially what’s happened at the FAA, it’s completely unprecedented that they have ever allowed pilots to take an experimental, experimental medication like this in mass. There are zero long-term safety studies that have ever been completed on this vaccine. We don’t know, we don’t know what’s going to happen down the road. But what we are seeing is a massive uptick in blood clots and strokes and Myocarditis, specifically. I hear from from pilots frequently that are losing their medicals, and like I said previously, we represent twenty six airlines, that’s, that’s a lot of pilots and flight attendants that I hear from. And I can tell you that, you know, just, just recently, as recently as the past few days, there have been multiple medical divergence within the airline industry, one for a heart attack that I’m aware of specifically, and another one, I believe it was an American Airlines pilot last week, actually suffered a stroke while in cruise.
Six Cultish Things Globalist Elites Want You to Look Forward To in 2022—and Beyond! Stella Morabito, American Greatness, Dec. 30, 2021
Though much has come to pass, including genetic engineering and the surveillance state, there’s proof enough that we can’t predict the future with certainty.
Even so, we humans love to prophesy. So, for that job, who you gonna call? Well, we could call on some folks—mostly billionaires—working for a monopoly on the future. These are your globalists and transhumanists who have an advantage in predicting the future by just telling you what your future will be like while blockading the alternatives.
Coffee and Covid - Dec. 31, 2021. Jeff Childers, Substack.
[Excellent year-in-review look back at 2021.]
If mass testing of asymptomatic people ends, the pandemic WILL officially be over. Think about it. There won’t be any thousands of “cases” for the media to report. Deaths will fall even lower if hospitals stop testing every person who comes in the door.
Do Not Take Part in the Lie. Robert Malone, Substack, Dec. 31, 2021
So, don’t let the fear-porn get to you – Omicron is coming to a town, village, city, restaurant, or grocery store near you. But for the vast majority of us, we will be fine. We have tools to fight this more mild variant, and there are life-saving treatments. Just work to stay or get as healthy as you can, eat your vitamins, eat real food and go get some exercise!
I will end with a quote from F. A. Hayek, (1974 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences): “‘Emergencies' have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded -- and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency persists.
What if the largest experiment on human beings in history is a failure? Robert Malone, Substack, January 2, 2022
“…Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64.” This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent’s dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables…
This article reads like a dry description of an avoidable mass casualty event caused by a mandated experimental medical procedure. One for which all opportunities for the victims to have become self-informed about the potential risks have been methodically erased from both the internet and public awareness by an international corrupt cabal...”
Update On Physician Whistleblower: Since Dr. Lee’s Pleas To CDC/FDA Regarding Serious COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries Remain Unaddressed, She Has Escalated Her Concerns To Congress. Aaron Siri, Substack, Jan. 3, 2022.
Dr. Lee had a Zoom meeting with six federal health officials, including Dr. Peter Marks of the FDA and Dr. Tom Shimabukuro of the CDC. The meeting left Dr. Lee more frustrated than she had been prior to the meeting – the officials had no interest in the specific harms she detailed, even after hearing the heartbreaking and traumatic stories that Dr. Lee shared about her individual patients. Without asking a single question or reviewing any of the relevant medical records, Dr. Lee was effectively told that COVID-19 vaccines did not cause these injuries in her patients.
Coffee & Covid - January 3, 2022. Jeff Childers, Substack.
“ occurred to me that, since Omicron prefers the injected, had the CDC stuck with its original 14-day quarantine, employers who followed the guidance and enforced vaccine mandates could have most of their workforce out for up to 18 days ... That could put a lot of folks out of business, or in the uncomfortable position of — like my client’s employer — having to hire back their uninjected workers at huge premiums...
So, it’s possible, even likely, that the CDC was NOT responding to the Delta Airlines letter or to the NFL, but instead was trying to avoid a wholesale, nationwide disaster where the CDC would ultimately be the one who got blamed. So they just changed the rules, again.
It’s nice when you are completely unaccountable and can change the rules whenever you want.”
The treatment nihilism of our government continues unabated. Daniel Horowitz, The Blaze, Jan. 4, 2022
Clearly, the goal was never to flatten the hospitalization curve. The politicians and the hospital administrators (if not the doctors on the floor) are enjoying full hospitals and the power and money they bring in. Everyone knows the best way to clear the hospitals is to treat early and outpatient, when the virus is much easier to control.