All of the posts listed below are currently available here at Substack. I collate my reporting into PDFs for readers who prefer to read printed material and for those who want to save the information on hard-drives. I archive them at my Wordpress site in case deplatforming comes for Substack.
I started focusing on Covid-19 legal issues at the end of January 2022. At the time, I was also writing about local campaigns in the Pennsylvania county, town and school district where I live, but dropped that coverage in mid-March. The February compilation includes several posts about the Canadian Freedom Convoy, not listed in the contents below.
Also Sasha Latypova recorded an interview with me today for her work at TrialSite News. It was a good discussion. Thank you Sasha! Will post the link to the video when it’s available.
Back issue PDFs at Bailiwick News Archives.
February 2022 Bailiwick News (60 pages)
March 2022 Bailiwick News (51 pages)
April 2022 Bailiwick News (50 pages)
May 2022 Bailiwick News (55 pages)
June 2022 Bailiwick News (48 pages)
July 2022 Bailiwick News (41 pages)
August 2022 Bailiwick News (43 pages)
September 2022 Bailiwick News (30 pages)
October 2022 Bailiwick News (59 pages)
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program (Sept. 20, 2022 version, 67 pages)

February 2022 Posts
Criminal charges. Filed locally, on behalf of those killed by the mRNA/DNA injections.
January 19, 2017 Federal Register. US Health and Human Services final rulemaking, WHO International Health Regulations, and human liberty.
More on the International Health Regulations. Bipartisan Presidential Executive Orders in 2003, 2005, and 2014 authorized the Secretary of Health and Human Services to detain Americans on suspicion of having colds and flus.
Department of Defense responds to Senator Ron Johnson after he follows up on Attorney Thomas Renz’ presentation on Jan. 24, 2022
How the International Health Regulations, voiding constitutional and statutory law in signatory nation-states, underpin de facto public health martial law in Pennsylvania.
Contact FDA/Pfizer Inc. to demand no FDA approval for killshots for babies.
Horowitz: The Pentagon’s response to the explosive DOD medical data is an even bigger story than the data.
Ransom demand from World Health Organization to G20.
World Health Organization now working toward an expansion of the 2005 International Health Regulations
Filing claims against SCASD school board directors’ surety bond to get them to repeal the mask mandates on our kids.
Legacy media getting a narrative jump on vaxx-induced cardiac damage, heart attacks, strokes, pulmonary embolisms & deaths. Don’t fall for the (latest) lies.
“The survival of Man on this not worth having unless it can be had by honourable and merciful means.” C.S. Lewis, 1948
Updates on parent campaign to unmask our SCASD kids. Right to Know Request filed today.
Unmask our kids - SCASD campaign
Email message sent to Centre County sheriff Bryan Sampsel, Centre County District Attorney Bernie Cantorna and Centre County ADA Sean McGraw
Request for appointment sent to Centre County Sheriff Bryan Sampsel.
Unmask our kids campaign - update.
Pennsylvania House Bill 2013
Notices of Intent to File Claims delivered to State College Area School District board members and superintendent today.
Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box
SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign - update
March 2022 Posts
Steve Kirsch, Tom Renz and Bryan Ardis: Science Uncensored event. Plus Pfizer’s Feb. 2021 knowledge of severe adverse effects from mRNA injections
National Bonds for the Win Update. SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign going strong; SCASD administration doubling down on masks.
Bergoglio, Biden, Putin, Zelensky, Xi, Tedros, Soros and Schwab
Another piece of the Russia-demonization and one-world-secular-technocratic-government puzzle
SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign. Email update sent Friday, March 4, 2022
Vera Sharav testimony at Grand Jury of Public Opinion. Jewish Holocaust survivor on history, connections and parallels.
Russia-Ukraine conflict as cover for global Internet shutdown by globalists
Pfizer’s getaway plan.
Claim Letter & Affidavit. Update: State College Area School District Unmask Our Kids campaign
Moderna’s 2013 patent on furin cleavage site, Brook Jackson’s 2020 report to FDA on clinical trial fraud, Pfizer 2021 SEC filings.
Myriad and Moderna and the furin cleavage site.
On the World Health Organization’s current round of pandemic treaty negotiations. Preemption doctrine at the global level: America is already under stealth occupation.
Catherine Austin Fitts discussion with Karel van Wolferen
Legal Walls - Short version. Worldwide Schrodinger’s nation-states and people: simultaneously sovereign and not-sovereign, citizens and slaves.
Why Pfizer and Moderna and FDA are working toward government authorization to inject babies and small children
Regional food security: food that can be produced in Centre County, Pennsylvania
Project Bioshield Act of 2004 and PREP Act of 2005
Democidal Master-Class v. Humanity, 1944-present
Sharp, prophetic reporting from 2009
April 2022 Posts
Lipid nanoparticle production facilities are the munitions factories of World War Biochemistry.
2004 Project Bioshield Act amendments to 1938 Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act attempted to legally void Nuremberg principles, through redefinitions.
Responding to Steve Kirsch, James Roguski and others: World War Biochemistry has been underway for decades, key battle won by World Health Organization silently in January 2020.
Re: “judicially-unreviewable.”
Note to Attorney Aaron Siri re: US statutes nullifying US Constitution.
Parallel statutory and international law frameworks: pandemic and countermeasures v. bioweapons
Send comments to World Health Organization on pandemic treaty update negotiations
Comment posted to Tess Lawrie’s Substack about WHO pandemic treaty negotiations
Legalized bioterrorism: poisons and antidotes
Legalized bioterrorism. Paper trail and analysis.
Clue about motive for poor data collection by public health authorities, on post-injection injuries and deaths; timeline.
Funeral director John O’Looney posted comments at Naked Emperor today.
Martin Armstrong with a somewhat more optimistic view.
Administrative Procedures Act v. Public Health Service Act; USDC Middle Florida ruling in Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Biden opens window into key separation of powers issue of the American biomedical police state established Jan. 31, 2020; list of federal cases.
Permanent corporate liability exemption for vaxx manufacturers.
The Thanatos Syndrome
The investigational drugs that weren’t. Preview of post under construction
Cures 2.0 Act, Sections 407 & 408: Genomic testing and pharmacogenetic consultations.
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program. Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.
May 2022 Posts
Congress appropriated billions more for domestic and international bioweapon development and deployment. Consolidated Appropriations Act, signed March 15, 2022. Six weeks ago.
Faked Clinical Trials and 'Real World Evidence'
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Regulations, Rules and Guidance Documents
Moral law v. secular law; standards for vaccines
Some thoughts on what to do.
Shell game.
On the relationship between the World Health Organization and the US government.
On legal strategies and cases already filed. Griner v. Biden (Utah), Ealy v. Redfield (Oregon) and PREP Act immunity provisions.
Comment to US Health and Human Services Office of Global Affairs representatives to the World Health Organization
Shifting the frame
Where does the current Supreme Court majority stand on whether the US Constitution protects individual liberty against encroachment by the State?
More on the World Health Organization, US sovereignty, individual Constitutionally-protected human rights.
On the two WHO maneuvers and grassroots strategies
On America First Legal litigation plan re WHO International Health Regulations amendments and new pandemic treaty
On the federal government’s plan to use force against American civilians.
Could the Dobbs opinion unite pro-life, pro-choice and pro-medical freedom people against the illegitimate, treasonous US government?
Email sent to Senator Toomey, Senator Casey and Representative Keller, on withdrawing the US from the World Health Organization's global bioterrorism program.
Run-up to the American bioterrorist State’s Jan. 31, 2020 declaration of war - Part 1.
PEADs - Presidential Emergency Action Documents. Also May 17 House Judiciary Committee hearing: Examining Potential Reforms of Emergency Powers.
Pfizer’s Motion to Dismiss the Brook Jackson, federal contracting fraud, clinical trial fraud, whistleblower case. Implications of 10 USC 2371b, the federal contracting provision cited by Pfizer: Hundreds of millions of Americans and billions of people around the world were forced into a DOD experiment.
Faith and hope.
Public-private partnerships and pressure on the Constitution
On the odds of Nuremberg 2.0 prosecutions for the US government’s Covid war crimes.
June 2022 Posts
1952: Truman's Executive Order 10399
On the possibility of patent-based legal enslavement of human beings under US judicial precedents and statutes. In 2011, Congress passed a law to block it.
Run-up to the American bioterrorist State’s Jan. 31, 2020 declaration of war - Part 2.
On why and how globalists, allied with communists, are fomenting federalist conflicts in America.
COVID-19 injectable bioweapons as case study in legalized, government-operated domestic bioterrorism.
Rep. Henry Waxman questioning FDA Commissioner Mark McClellan about informed consent waivers authorized through Project Bioshield Act.
Prep notes for an interview
Strategies for drawing out judicial admission that Constitution has been suspended since Jan. 27, 2020.
Links to interview video
How the 1913 Federal Reserve Act may connect to the government-run bioterrorism campaign called Covid-19.
Smart v. Kemp; ultra vires -- ‘beyond the power.’
A few things globalist kill-squad commanders fear, hate and therefore blot from their public-facing acts in an ultimately futile attempt to make them not be.
“There are treaties that prevent the usage of chemical and biological weapons to maim and kill.”
July 2022 Posts
On how things might unfold after a critical mass understands the US government’s mass control, maiming and murder program as such.
Possibilities for proving intent. The work product of attorneys Susan E. Sherman, Wen W. Shen, Dawn Johnsen and the July 6, 2021 Department of Justice legal opinion.
Robert Morrison on similarities of Bergoglio and Biden, and the call to rely on the Blessed Virgin Mary to lead us through these terrible times.
Some recent comment threads. On DOD contracts, informed consent, EUAs, government/ Big Tech censorship, FEMA camps, Internet kill switch, and more.
More on the tiered coercion cascades.
John Dewey, psycho-spiritual weapons and the war into which we’ve been conscripted. Excerpt from Malachi Martin’s Windswept House
Thinking through possible future scenarios. Perhaps we get neither a One-World Government, nor accountability for the criminals who have tried to bring it about.
Action proposals for those who may soon be elected to local and county legislatures and school boards. The Administrative State monster lives in the local, county and school governments too.
Making some headway on setting research and writing priorities for the next few months. Curious about reader views on something.
Why do local law enforcement officers side with hospitals and nursing homes in conflicts with patients, patients’ family members and pastoral care providers?
1971 National Cancer Act, 1972 WHO Bulletin 47, 1986 Strecker Bioattack Alert and more.
After Hours podcast. And an excerpt from C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity about the war in the universe, free will and evil.
August 2022 Posts
2022 National Defense Authorization Act - HR4350 First read-through.
Law of War, War of Law
US federal crimes for which there is evidence to prosecute Covid-19 bioterrorists who occupy US government positions. And a starter list of defendants.
22 worst Congressional bioterrorism authorization and funding laws passed since 1983.
More on Congressional voting records
Some thoughts on the Nuremberg Code's 75th anniversary. Guest post by Ash, author of Doctors Trial: Never Forget Substack
On Health and Human Services maneuvers this summer reorganizing CDC and Office of Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
Mathew Crawford realizing that there were never any valid clinical trials; it was all fabricated.
Naming more names. Henchmen and henchwomen of the Oligarchs Culling Shit (TM/Sage Hana Productions)
Clinton Orders Human Experiments. November 1999 reporting by Timothy W. Maier on Executive Order 13139
Project for a New American Century - Rebuilding America’s Defenses, Sept. 2000. One of the blueprints for the moral disarmament of America, and some thoughts about moral rearmament.
Five small stones. Millions of Davids standing up against the secular globalist death cult Goliath.
In 2011, Congress prohibited patent-based ownership of humans. In 2013, the Supreme Court upheld patent-based ownership of genetically-modified living organisms.
September 2022 Posts
A poll about county prosecutors. Assessing county prosecutor interest in indicting Covid-19 architects for murder and conspiracy to murder.
If criminals commit crimes and no earthly authorities are willing to identify and punish the acts and actors, are they still crimes and criminals? Yes.
Biotech idolatry: DOD-Pfizer contracts have replaced federal constitutions and laws. And the DOD-DOJ-HHS complex has replaced federal legislatures and courts.
In Nov. 2020, Pfizer told FDA reviewers, led by Marion Gruber, that safety studies were neither needed nor conducted. In making that argument, Pfizer cited WHO guidance written in 2002 by a team led by Marion Gruber.
Four American war criminals I think should be prosecuted first: Alex Azar, Robert Kadlec, Marion Gruber and Bill Gates
Spike protein, furin cleavage site, gp120, HIV, microvascular destruction, turbo-cancer and cystic fibrosis. Geopolitical, legislative, executive and DOD context for Walter M. Chesnut’s SPED hypothesis. Updated with more DOD prototype ownership information
DOD chemical and biological warfare program: herd-culling plus stockpile disposal in one tidy package
Five Small Stones campaign update: Military Medical Martial Law symposium Oct. 6 at VaxxChoice CloutHub channel.
October 2022 Posts
Affidavit of Noncompliance. And a reminder about exhaustion and pacing.
Notes for state Attorneys General considering filing challenges to protect the people in their states. Also PDF compilations, and thank you to readers for helping Bailiwick get to 5,000 free subscribers.
State-level Mini-Me government-run bioterrorism programs. Turning Point Initiative, Model State Emergency Health Powers Act and progeny.
Homo borg-genesis/borgiensis
Five Small Stones 'Write a Letter' Page. Also a research primer on federal law numbering systems.
Secret Squirrel v. Azar, Kadlec and Gruber. First parts of draft 18 USC 2333 federal civil complaint
18 USC 2333 cases: venue, national security, Fauci, summary judgment
Five Small Stones - website buildout updates
Please pray for US District Court Judge Michael J. Truncale. Truncale is the federal judge in the Eastern District of Texas to whom whistleblower Brook Jackson's False Claims Act case is assigned.
Alternate view of the ACIP meeting. American parents began defying the Childhood Bioweapon Schedule a long time ago, and our defiance grows stronger and more widespread every day.
Other Transaction Authority (OTA) is to federal procurement contract regulation as Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is to federal drug safety regulation.
Legal horror movie pitch: The World According to Darp. 'Shouting fire in a crowded theater' meets 'When did you stop beating your wife?' Starring US Government as Darpon Fink, serial-killer/arsonist.
Shakespeare's King Henry V, St. Crispin's Day speech before the Battle of Agincourt
Pharmaceuticidal tendencies. Condensing the legal nightmare for judicial review.
Outline for writing today. Synopsis of proposed Jackson v. Pfizer argument. Clinical trial documents are just props in a theatrical production; clinical investigators are fooled performers and in the fooled audience; playwright and director is DOD.
The goal is getting one good whistle-blower and one good federal judge together, through one solid, well-argued case.
How can HHS, DOD and DHS be ‘foreign terrorist organizations?’ Through the treasonous (18 USC 2381) primary allegiance of their secretaries, and other senior executives, to the World Health Organization and its conspiring globalist institutions.
Jackson v. Pfizer, Ventavia, Icon: Barnes legal team response filed Oct. 27
Legal buckshot, legal birdshot, legal slugs, legal cannonballs...Legal shoulder-mounted rocket launchers...
Fighting against hospital homicide through the courts
did you ever include Alan Dershowitz who openly said that if a citizen does not volunteer to take any jab, the police can come into their home, drag them out and force them to take it.
He also said the constitutionality of forced vaccinations "is settled"
"....It is not a debatable issue constitutionally. Look, they have a right to draft you and put your life in danger to help the country. The police power of the state is very considerable."
The famed law professor added that if the disease in question is not contagious — for example, cancer — a person can refuse treatment.
He continued, "[But] If you refuse to be vaccinated [for a contagious disease], the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm."
"You have no right to refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease," Dershowitz added. "Public health, the police power of the Constitution, gives the state the power to compel that. And there are cases in the United States Supreme Court."
"Police Power of the state is considerable"
When I first heard about this, I thought it was propaganda specifically geared to spook people into taking it (vs having it forced). Based on your work so far on this substack, I understand [thanks to your research] the Public health "laws" (e.g. declaring public emergencies giving the state some extra powers to administer/make available untested substances). But was the dramatic "drag you into a doctors office and force it" for dramatic effect or was he actually citing something real.
Some responses: [ March, 2020 ] [like a part 2 so to speak, December, 2020]
Btw Professor Amnesty Oster has a substack
Can I post link to yours in my meagre substack about Amnesty abomination?