did you ever include Alan Dershowitz who openly said that if a citizen does not volunteer to take any jab, the police can come into their home, drag them out and force them to take it.

He also said the constitutionality of forced vaccinations "is settled"

"....It is not a debatable issue constitutionally. Look, they have a right to draft you and put your life in danger to help the country. The police power of the state is very considerable."

The famed law professor added that if the disease in question is not contagious — for example, cancer — a person can refuse treatment.


He continued, "[But] If you refuse to be vaccinated [for a contagious disease], the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor's office and plunge a needle into your arm."

"You have no right to refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease," Dershowitz added. "Public health, the police power of the Constitution, gives the state the power to compel that. And there are cases in the United States Supreme Court."

"Police Power of the state is considerable"



When I first heard about this, I thought it was propaganda specifically geared to spook people into taking it (vs having it forced). Based on your work so far on this substack, I understand [thanks to your research] the Public health "laws" (e.g. declaring public emergencies giving the state some extra powers to administer/make available untested substances). But was the dramatic "drag you into a doctors office and force it" for dramatic effect or was he actually citing something real.

Some responses:

https://odysee.com/@Crowdsourcethetruth:d/dershowitz-is-a-liar-a-coward-a-social:e [ March, 2020 ]

https://odysee.com/@Crowdsourcethetruth:d/alan-dershowitz-returns-to-discuss:0 [like a part 2 so to speak, December, 2020]

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The police power to forcibly inject people or otherwise forcibly medically treat them is real, and also unconstitutional.

It’s real, under pseudo-statutes including 42 USC 264


And pseudo-regulations pseudo-authorized by those statutes, including 42 CFR 70.6.


Plus the state’s have mini-versions of these same unconstitutional pseudo-statutes and pseudo-regulations.


The problem is the lack of federal and state judges who 1) understand how executives, using legislatures, have attempted to strip courts of their Constitutional power to review statutes and regulations for Constitutionality, and 2) have the will to defy those unconstitutional usurpations of power by the executive, from the legislative and judicial branches.

This is a useful ACLU report on that topic from 2001:


“ ‘The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other funda- mental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.’

These were the words of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson in West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette.5 The case arose when a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses challenged public school regulations requiring students to salute the U.S. flag. The government sought conformity. A minority in the community sought freedom of expression. The Court upheld the rights of the minority and thwarted the will of the majority.

The Barnette case, and Justice Jackson’s words, illustrate a vital principle in American life. While the nation’s founders celebrated democracy, they also recognized that certain individual freedoms must never be placed at the mercy of shifting political majorities. They adopted a Constitution which sets certain individual liberties apart from majori- tarian rule, and carved out for the federal judiciary a unique role in preserving these liberties.”

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The founders "celebrated" democracy? Which ones?

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Nov 3, 2022Edited
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Yeah, that would be good but so time-consuming. And comment threads go quiet for a while and then get active again, so it would be good to go through and update the archives, but also too time-consuming.

When there are meaty exchanges like this one, I try to post them as standalone posts — because then they get archived and also because a lot of people who read posts don’t read comment threads. But I can’t catch all of them.

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Wonder how it would be possible and STILL achieve the research and Investigative Journalism. ENORMITY OF THE PROBLEM TO UNRAVEL THE TOTALITY OF THE SCHEME IS BEYOND THE ABILITY TO IMAGINE AT THIS TIME; the extensive nature of the scheme is beyond CONFUSING.

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I absolutely remember Dershowitz saying that.

Creep. Advocating coercion of deatthvax... Ncv, he could hang. Wasn't he at Epstein island? The cult has so many in their power. Threats of prison, murder, murder of family... Mafia like

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Btw Professor Amnesty Oster has a substack


Can I post link to yours in my meagre substack about Amnesty abomination?

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I contend, John, that Ms. Fancypants over at Brown University with her PhD from Harvard wrote that piece as a means of asking for those in her circle to grant 𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒉 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 "amnesty." She did not make that request to the larger world or to you or me, but to those like her, who behaved as she did. She wants to make nice with 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑚. I wrote about it here: https://shethinksliberty.substack.com/p/the-way-we-were

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Thanks SheThinks!

I bookmarked for tonight. (Your post)

Very interesting comment here, intrigued.

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Thank you! ❤️

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Please oh sagest one! Go git ‘er!!!!

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Please don’t tell me that! LOL! You probably just got it deleted!

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Thank you, Katherine...Praying daily...

More facts from the sources: BARDA Plan is outlined here for the future:


Please read! Page 17 "Acquisition vehicles" indicates more than is being said, as well as the antibiotic and pharma focus...pediatrics...etc.

How this was allowed is summarized in their last paragraph:

ASPR and BARDA’s legal authorities for preparing and responding to public health emergencies are based in the Public Health Service Act (42 USC 247d). The relevant impact for BARDA’s mission from various amendments to the act are highlighted below.

• Project BioShield Act of 2004: Project BioShield provided incentives to industry to develop MCMs for which traditional markets were not sufficient to promote private investment. This act also established a fund that may be used to procure MCMs for the SNS, prior to licensure, if they may be made available under an EUA during a public health emergency.

• Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act of 2005: The PREP Act authorizes the HHS Secretary to issue a declaration that provides some immunity from liability to individuals and organizations involved in the development and use of certain FDA-regulated MCMs. It does not exempt liability for willful misconduct.

• Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act of 2006 (PAHPA): PAHPA established the ASPR organization, including BARDA as a part of ASPR. The act also provided new authorities for advanced development and acquisitions of MCMs.

• Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (PAHPRA) of 2013: PAHPRA reauthorized BARDA and the funds for procurement of MCMs through 2018. PAHPRA also increased the flexibility of Project BioShield to support advanced research and development of potential MCMs.

• 21st Century Cures Act of 2016: This act clarified BARDA contracting authorities. In addition, it provided to BARDA the authorities related to the use venture capital methods and practices.

• Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act (PAHPAIA) of 2019: PAHPAIA reauthorized BARDA and the funds for procurement of MCMs through 2023.

Public Health Service Act (42 USC 247d) : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/247d

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There are at least several hundred good reasons to ignore amnesty and proceed with trials and executions. One more would be that a good friend of mine who was murdered by hospital covid protocol deserves justice, not amnesty.

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And, it's not ours to give

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Thank you, Katherine.

Save to disk, folks.

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Damn Katherine!

Answer me this. Why do people who know what we di, supposedly are on our side, describe the horror, and end in "jail time"

You get jail time for $10k left.

You get death penalty for mass murder.

What am I missing?

Btw meme.. I'd pound you in back if you were here in so happy

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💜 Out of all the stories presented so far about this, I like yours best!

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A Russian military tribunal might work.

At this point even a North Korean tribunal would be more impartial than any of the US agencies.

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The picture at the end classic from the ancient medical history… perfect 👍🏼. Lest us never forget.

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You mind is a steel vault add some Sagehana to it …. What a winner! 🤗💜😘

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WordPress, and MailChimp have deplatformed users. I'm sure your writing is stored on your hard drive though just in case.

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Katherine has DOD reference on meme... I didn't catch first time... But after bitchute interview I did!!!! She and Sasha boggled my mind... I cannot understand it even a little... So massive

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Slaughter by Mass Murderers

Who was murdered in your personal circle? Anyone here had their children or other loved ones killed?

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How can you expect to have tribunals when the military is controlled by the Cabal?

We are not even remotely close to this point and who will enforce it when the time comes?

The only way out of this for Americans is to move in mass and ABOLISH the entire government without warning.

This is a legal right and power we have and one that was used before against Britain.

The big problem lies in that if we do this, then everything we have worked for in our wealth and holdings will vanish into nothing.

The federal government is tied into many NGO and this will affectively kill everything in it's tracks when declared.

Are Americans able to make the ultimate sacrifice and lose everything to survive to ensure that we alone control our freedom and the future of our children and generations to come?

The upcoming midterms are just for show and mean nothing because of the HHS declaration on January 27, 2020 when the Constitution was suspended due to the national health emergency declared with Covid 19.

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Hello Katherine, Have you seen this info yet? It's damning: https://dossier.substack.com/p/exclusive-the-dossier-uncovers-wef

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Just read it because you linked to it. Not really any new ground broken.

We know that they use predictive programming to psychologically manipulate people to accept government abuse quietly, and that they've been doing it for decades.

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Hi Katherine, I don't see this as predictive programming because this information only recently came into the public domain. But I sure agree that the govt. is using everything they have to keep people from understanding what is going on and taking action against it. You have been doing excellent work to help us take action! Thank you!!

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I'm not saying Schachtel's piece is predictive programming.

I'm saying Event 201 and hundreds of other psychological nudge events and video games and films are predictive programming, and adding the audio recordings to the record of evidence of the events doesn't add much to the overall understanding.

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Also thank you for the kind words. And you're welcome!

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Just the facts!! You're doing great work!

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He is talking about an event that took place in Jan. 2019, prior to Event 201 wherein the Davos crowd showed their hand to each other about what they were going to do.

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Liz Truss Allegedly Sent A Message Saying: “It Is Done” To Blinken After Nord Stream Sabotage


oops sorry?

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