These can be combined; everybody can do none, one or more of them.
No. 1. - Filing Claims Against CM Regent Co. insurance policy
For criminal child abuse, practicing medicine without a license, and breach of fiduciary duty.
Draft of a letter/affidavit to CM Regent Co. is attached, along with a copy of the claim form, a template affidavit put together by Bonds for the Win, and a copy of the SCASD memorandum of coverage that lists child abuse and breach of fiduciary duty as bases for claims.
For those who are interested in this approach, I can finalize the draft letter/affidavit over the weekend and we can start signing them (before a notary public) and sending them on Monday, March 7…
No. 2 - Direct Action
Such as organizing parent walk-ins, sit-ins, honk-ins etc. at SCASD schools.
Or organizing student walk-outs, mask-offs etc.
More below.
No. 3 - File a Court Petition to Remove School Board Members
File to remove the board members all together. A SCASD parent contacted an attorney (not in this area) who provided all the steps and forms, and said she would even assist in the filing.
Here were the steps:
Check with your county court system if they have e-filing available.
Request an e-filing account as "pro se." [representing yourself, without an attorney]
Edit the template Petition to Remove School Board for Pennsylvania, for your school district.
Optional but recommended - Start collecting parent statements from those who have children who have been adversely affected by masking.
Start collecting signatures for the petition once you edit the template. You need 10 signatures and 3 witnesses to verify.
Add exhibits such as the Right to Know requests from the Pennsylvania Department of Health and the Food and Drug Administration Emergency Use Authorization letter on masking.
If you have any other public meetings, documents, emails, or anything between the community members and the board denying exemption requests, etc., those are also helpful to reference in your petition or as exhibits.
No. 4 - File federal constitutional lawsuit against SCASD Superintendent Bob O'Donnell
Another parent suggested we file a complaint to Bob O’Donnell personally…in federal court...
There have been many successful cases like this across the country already on the grounds of violating our children’s constitutional rights. This action is based on statute 42 USC 1983, Civil Action for Deprivation of Rights.
The lawsuit is based on a variety of constitutional provisions including: *First Amendment-Freedom of Speech; *Fourth Amendment-Unlawful seizure-violation of personal integrity; *Fifth Amendment-Due process; *Ninth Amendment-fundamental right to liberty; *Fourteenth Amendment-Equal protection, due process, fundamental rights; *Guarantee of republican government- mask mandates must be passed by the legislature if at all; *Claim for relief-All available relief-money damages, INJUNCTION, declaratory judgment, attorneys fees.
You can find out more about this approach as well as printouts for the complaint from a webinar Dr. Naomi Wolf did with NY Attorney James Ostrowski on her home page at
Bigger Picture: Constitutional Rights, Criminal Laws and Law Enforcement
I met with a Pennsylvania county law enforcement officer this week, who has advised parents in several other school districts that their best recourse is to keep going to board meetings, filing papers with the districts, and running for office to kick the current board members out of office.
I talked to him about lots of things, including direct action, such as parents getting arrested for trespassing, to bring the evidence and legal dispute before a judge.
The response given by the State College Police Department, when a report of child abuse as SCASD official policy and practice, was made earlier this week, was that the facts of children being forcibly masked are not in dispute, but the "legal interpretation" of whether that constitutes criminal child abuse is in dispute and heavily politicized.
This means that the only way to resolve the conflict is to get the policies and practices into court so that a judge and jury can review the evidence and make a determination about the legality of the acts.
The county LEO I talked to said we might get arrested for trespassing, and/or school administrators and teachers might get arrested for child abuse, but prosecutors (district attorneys) and judges, as political animals elected by voters, just as deeply divided as citizens are, and just as interested in keeping their jobs and household incomes, don’t want to get involved.
So the prosecutors would drop all the charges every time, to prevent the issues from coming before a judge. And even if the charges were filed, the judges would immediately dismiss them.
Legally speaking, it appears that inside the walls of public school buildings, the US and Pennsylvania Constitution and federal, state and local civil and criminal laws don’t apply.
This aligns with information I got from Rep. Kerry Benninghoff in a phone call last summer, to the effect that, through the Public School Code of 1949, the state legislature is heavily limited in how much it can weigh in on school board governance of public schools.
Public schools are governed independently by school boards, as their own jurisdiction or territory, with no oversight through courts or police.
The school board’s policies are the sole enforceable law within schools.
I've been trying to think this through as far as fights, weapons and drug use in schools, and I think that the resource officer acts first as an enforcer of school policies, and only later, after the student has been physically removed from the building, can additional charges based on criminal statutes be brought into play.
The independent government of schools by school boards has worked out mostly okay in practice up until Covid, if the school board is not majority-insane.
But we happen to have kids in SCASD when the school board is at least majority-insane, and possibly unanimously insane.
With good reason: like all of the world’s people, they have been subjected to the most comprehensive and violent psychological manipulation and abuse campaign in human history.
Bonds for the Win campaigns have worked in other districts, I speculate, because their board members were less insane to start with, and withdrew the policies —probably only temporarily, but still — before the parents got to the step of filing claims with the insurance companies, and/or before the insurance companies responded to filed claims. Remains to be seen as things play out more.
Thus, we probably aren’t going to be able to liberate our kids unless we get at least five SCASD board members to resign soon, replacing them with sane parents; move to other districts with sane boards; pull our kids out of SCASD schools and start new charter or private schools to educate them ourselves while staying within the State College area; and/or take over the SCASD school board over the next one or two election cycles.
Bigger Picture: International
While I've been trying unravel this at the SCASD level, I've also been learning about how it's being done at the other levels up through county, state, and federal, to international.
Anyone interested in that information, please check out my recent posts at Bailiwick, linked below.
It's trickle-down authoritarianism, used to top-down control everyone from just below the Bank International Settlements and the World Health Organization, to the nurses and teachers fired, or students kicked out of school, based on a public health pretext, by withholding money and education for real (firing the workers and expelling students) or threatening to withhold money and educational access to anyone, at any level, who is non-compliant.
Federal constitutions and charters have been suspended since Jan. 30, 2020, when Tedros declared Covid-19 a "public health emergency of international concern" (PHEIC).
PHEIC as a legal superceding of national sovereignty is ongoing, so constitutions and charters have not been reinstated yet. Biden affirmed, by extending the Covid-19 state of emergency in US on Feb. 18, 2022, with no expiration.
This has made it so that acts that would formerly have been illegal, like murder, child abuse and firing people for refusing to submit to unwanted medical treatments and devices, are now legal, and — more than legal — obligatory for any level of government (from school districts up to federal governments) that wants to retain access to funding.
Things are moving very, very fast.