Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
Who’s who of American government biomedical terrorists, murderers and thieves.
On the topic of "where does the coordination of the Covid-19 criminal enterprise actually happen?"
I recently found out about the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise.
More research needed about the legal status of government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) but they seem to be another public-private partnership structure shielded from public oversight by corporate secrecy privileges, and shielded from market forces (such as consumer demand) and legal liability by government policy-setting (such as product-use “mandates”), money-printing powers and liability immunities.
A government-sponsored enterprise is a quasi-governmental entity established to enhance the flow of credit to specific sectors of the U.S. economy. Created by acts of Congress, these agencies—although they are privately-held—provide public financial services.
GSEs operating in the American housing market (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) played a big role in the 2008 Great Financial Crisis.
I think the PHEMCE is for the pharmaceutical-bioweapons industry what the Federal Reserve is for the banking industry.
From the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (HHS division formerly known as the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, elevated to operating division status in July 2022)
The Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) was established by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in 2006, and codified by Congress in 2019, to advance the country's medical countermeasure (MCM) preparedness against chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and emerging infectious disease threats.
The PHEMCE is a collaboration of federal partners that have expertise in the different MCM functions that are necessary to ensure countermeasure availability and use to protect people during public health emergencies.
The PHEMCE exists to bridge the gaps in the country’s MCM portfolio that might otherwise occur between these federal programs…
PHEMCE members…work together to advise the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (Assistant Secretary) who then makes recommendations to the Secretary of HHS on MCMs—including vaccines, treatments, devices, and personal protective equipment—that may be used to protect the American people during an emergency or other disaster.
Specifically, the Public Health Service (PHS) Act dictates the PHEMCE shall make recommendations to the Secretary of HHS regarding MCM research and development (R&D), procurement, stockpiling, distribution, and utilization; identify national health security needs; develop strategies for logistics, deployment, distribution, dispensing of countermeasures, particularly as it relates to the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS).
I found PHEMCE because I was looking for reports to Congress about DOD+HHS bioweapons-as-public-health activities and located a series of HHS-BARDA Project BioShield Annual Reports to Congress, 2004-2014.
Then I found a provision of the 2013 Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (at Section 205) repealing the Project BioShield reporting requirement as "duplicative."
I found a series of FDA Medical Countermeasures Initiative (MCMi) reports, and thought maybe those were the reports allegedly duplicated by the Project BioShield reports.
Turns out not.
My current understanding is that the replacement report series is called the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Strategy and Implementation Plan (SIP).
HHS set up the PHEMCE on its own in 2006.
In 2013, through the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act (at Section 102), Congress asked HHS to start providing some reports, called Strategy and Implementation Plans (SIPs).
Then in 2019, through the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act (at Section 402), Congress and Trump after-the-fact codified management of the PHEMCE program by authorizing a committee to steer it.
§300hh–10a. Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise
(a) In general - The Secretary shall establish the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (referred to in this section as the "PHEMCE"). The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response shall serve as chair of the PHEMCE.
(b) Members - The PHEMCE shall include each of the following members, or the designee of such members:
(1) The Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
(2) The Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(3) The Director of the National Institutes of Health.
(4) The Commissioner of Food and Drugs.
(5) The Secretary of Defense.
(6) The Secretary of Homeland Security.
(7) The Secretary of Agriculture.
(8) The Secretary of Veterans Affairs.
(9) The Director of National Intelligence.
(10) Representatives of any other Federal agency, which may include the Director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, the Director of the Strategic National Stockpile, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and the Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, as the Secretary determines appropriate.
(c) Functions
(1) In general. The functions of the PHEMCE shall include the following:
(A) Utilize a process to make recommendations to the Secretary regarding research, advanced research, development, procurement, stockpiling, deployment, distribution, and utilization with respect to countermeasures, as defined in section 247d–6b(c) of this title, including prioritization based on the health security needs of the United States. Such recommendations shall be informed by, when available and practicable, the National Health Security Strategy pursuant to section 300hh–1 of this title, the Strategic National Stockpile needs pursuant to section 247d–6b of this title, and assessments of current national security threats, including chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats, including emerging infectious diseases. In the event that members of the PHEMCE do not agree upon a recommendation, the Secretary shall provide a determination regarding such recommendation.
(B) Identify national health security needs, including gaps in public health preparedness and response related to countermeasures and challenges to addressing such needs (including any regulatory challenges), and support alignment of countermeasure procurement with recommendations to address such needs under subparagraph (A).
(C) Assist the Secretary in developing strategies related to logistics, deployment, distribution, dispensing, and use of countermeasures that may be applicable to the activities of the strategic national stockpile under section 247d–6b(a) of this title.
Three months later, in September 2019, Trump issued Executive Order 13887: Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health, which directed and prioritized federal agency collaboration with industry for rapid-deployment mRNA/DNA/LNP/nanotech bioweapon platforms misclassified as public health protection.
Here's the 2022 PHEMCE-SIP.
Below is a list of the men and women1 serving on the PHEMCE committee during these last few Covid years of accelerated, somewhat-more-visible genocide inflicted on the world for our own good, to keep us safe from living healthier, longer lives.
Xavier Becerra, Secretary of Health and Human Services, preceded by Alex Azar, Norris Cochran, Tom Price, Sylvia Burwell, Kathleen Sebelius.
Dawn O'Connell, HHS Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, preceded by Robert Kadlec [also of Emergent BioSolutions] and Nikki Bratcher-Bowman
Rochelle Walensky, CDC Director, preceded by Robert Redfield
Lawrence A. Tabak, NIH Director, preceded by Francis Collins
Robert M. Califf, Commissioner of Food and Drugs; preceded by Janet Woodcock, Stephen Hahn, Scott Gottlieb, Margaret Hamburg.
Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, preceded by David Norquist, Christopher C. Miller and Mark Esper
Alejandro Majorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security, preceded by Chad Wolf and David Pekoske
Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture
Denis Richard McDonough, Secretary of Veterans Affairs, preceded by Dat Tran and Robert Wilkie
Avril Haines, Director of National Intelligence, preceded by John Ratcliffe and Richard Grenell
Gary Disbrow, BARDA Director, preceded by Rick Bright [now at the Rockefeller Foundation] and founding director Robin Robinson [now at RenovaCare]
Steve Adams, Director of the HHS Strategic National Stockpile/DoD Chemical and Biological Weapons stockpile
Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, soon to be followed by his deputy, Hugh Auchincloss
Stephen Redd, Director of the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response

US federal crimes for which there is evidence to prosecute Covid-19 bioterrorists who occupy US government positions. And a starter list of defendants. Originally published Aug. 9, 2022. Occasionally updated with additions. The PHEMCE members are a sub-set of the larger group of US government bioterrorists.
Katherine, thank you for bringing into the light the names of the crooks running part of the RealOps, alongside aspects of the PsyOps needed to legitimise the actions of PHEMCE.
Folks: every one of those names are murderers or accessories before, during and after the fact of killings flowing directly from monstrously inappropriate “medical countermeasures”.
Particularly galling is that the “pandemic” required no actual circulating new & lethal pathogen, merely the belief held by most that there was one.
For the epidemiological evidence against, please see Denis Rancourt’s recent interviews, including this one.
To add...
Best wishes
Great list to start off with - we got a long way to go. The collusion between government and big pharma is hazardous to our health.