Information added to today’s post on homo borgiensis.
UPDATE/CORRECTION: I checked in with Callender after posting, to request the source of the term. The correct spelling is homo borgiensis — and the term wasn’t created by NASA or DOD or any other government. It’s not, as far as I know, used in relevant government or NGO reports.
The term homo borgiensis was coined by author Elva Thompson, as described in her 2014 essay Requiem for Humanity. Thompson is an interesting character; use caution and skepticism when reading her work, and I’ll say no more about that.
Setting aside Thompson’s views on human history and the spiritual struggle between good and evil, homo borgiensis is, my view, an accurate and useful term to describe the man-machine borgs that governments and NGOs have demonstrably invested billions of dollars to culturally normalize, create, and control over the past few decades.
Governments and NGOs refer to these hybrid organisms as cyborgs, borgs or augmented humans.
One example is the May 2021 UK and German Defence Ministry report Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm: A strategic implications project, which is replete with examples of experiments and augmentation procedures already undertaken.
I sent this correction post to alert readers that the original post had been updated with substantive information, in keeping with my editorial policy.
I planned to delete this one, but have decided to leave it up because readers posted comments on it. -KW 10/10/2022
Thanks. A borg by any other name... is just as scary.
Got it !
In any case, what a strange word indeed...yet fitting for such a strange inhuman adulterated being.