“There are treaties that prevent the usage of chemical and biological weapons to maim and kill.”
Unless the weapons are reclassified as public health measures, and human beings are reclassified as public health threats.
Update/clarification Feb. 13, 2025 - I no longer believe that gain-of-function biotechnology such as “manipulated viruses” pose a true threat to human health. The most feasible form of “gain of function” technology is vaccination, which can be defined as: propagation, encapsulation, bottling, refrigeration, storage, transport and injection of non-self biological material into a living human or animal body.
Spartacus has posted an excellent piece on biotech and bioweapons at ICENI Bulletins:
I posted a comment, responding to one of Spartacus’ key points: “There are treaties that prevent the usage of chemical and biological weapons to maim and kill.”
Comment expanded, with citations/links added:
One of the things I’ve found is that the US government has passed domestic statutes and regulations that nullify the effect of those treaties on American soil by reclassifying biological and chemical weapons as public health emergency products (medical countermeasures, pandemic products, epidemic products and other terms).
These statutes and regulations are presumptively unconstitutional and morally illegitimate, but I anticipate they will be cited by the defense if any criminal prosecutions do take place.
The best example I’ve found so far is that Congress (42 U.S.C. 262a, added to 1944 Public Health Service Act June 12, 2002 at Section 201(a), amended Nov. 25, 2002 at 1709(a) and June 24, 2019 at 405) authorized HHS to create a list of scheduled toxins, the circulation of which present threats to public health, in 42 CFR 73.3.
Being on that list then authorizes HHS to manage the response to the threat as a legally-neutral public health threat, not as an international crime/bioweapon attack or act of war.
As soon as it became clear, in the fall of 2021, that the lab-development theory of SARS-CoV-2 could not be permanently suppressed, increasing the likelihood that it would eventually be identified as a group of human-created “self-spreading” and “self-replicating” (also self-mutating) products —construed by designers as an advancement in biotechnology for benign purposes of public immunization campaigns conducted without consent, in keeping with the Johns Hopkins 2018 report — HHS added chimeric SARS-CoV-2 to that list.
2021/11/17 - HHS Interim Final Rule - Possession, Use, and Transfer of Select Agents and Toxins—Addition of SARS–CoV/SARS–CoV–2 Chimeric Viruses Resulting From Any Deliberate Manipulation of SARS–CoV–2 To Incorporate Nucleic Acids Coding for SARS–CoV Virulence Factors to the HHS List of Select Agents and Toxins. 86 FR 64075 (7 pages) [that] “have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety.” 42 CFR 73.3.
Through that maneuver, HHS attempted to inoculate the scientists and physicians working with viruses as communicable products, and the related injectable products (spike protein injections) from legal accountability under bioweapons treaties, by preemptively converting the legal meaning of their work and work products to be public health research and immunization campaigns instead.
So I think that’s the international legal framework they’re going to apply to all of the insane things they have planned for deployment, just as they’ve already used it for SARS-CoV-2, H1N1, MERS, SARS-1, etc.
Barring the international grassroots outrage we’re all working to nurture and direct toward the architects of these programs and the monstrous programs and legal structures they’ve built, the architects themselves won’t be bothered with the lack of international treaties governing biotech.
They’ll point to international treaties governing public health (primarily the 2005 World Health Organization International Health Regulations) and legally fold all of their activities under that rubric.
Humans working with Satan built these sinful legal, political and social prisons.
Humans working with God can tear them down and build divinely-governed legal, political and social cathedrals on the rubble.
Coincidentally, I was reading Bishop Fulton J. Sheen’s 1953 Life is Worth Living collection this morning: the transcript of a telecast on Communism.
Communism destroys freedom. Man is free, thanks to two guarantees: one economic, the other spiritual. The economic guarantee of freedom is private property, for it enables man to call something his own which is outside himself.
The spiritual guarantee of freedom is his soul, which makes him independent of an earthly tyrant or a political dictator. Thanks to religion, his soul is his own on the inside, as his property is his own on the outside.
If Communism is to enslave man and destroy his freedom, it can do so only by wiping out man’s two guarantees of freedom. This is done by destroying private property, on the one hand, and by atheism or the persecution of religion, on the other hand. These are the two fundamental concepts of Communism, and he who thinks it is an economic or political system is ignorant of its nature.
Once, too, Dialectical Materialism is understood, one can understand the attitude of Communists at the UN and at peace conferences throughout the world. Their basic principle is that the Communist revolution can come into being only by creating contradiction, opposition, conflict, civil war and chaos in society.
Hence they must do everything to create confusion, obfuscation: one moment seeming like angels, the next moment being like devils.
If our Western politicians knew something about Dialectical Materialism and the way it works itself out at the peace tables, they would not be fooled by the tactics of the Communists. They would know that they cannot promote peace; they must work for disorder.
How long would doctors tolerate in their medical societies a small group who believed that the only way to restore public health was to inoculate everyone with leprosy?
We now know to the answer to that last, oddly-prescient question: at least two five years.
How much longer?
Story still unfolding.
What if they’re transhumans (thanks to experimental mRNA jabs) and therefore no longer protected?
If there is a pinnacle of tyranny in this world down through the centuries, it would be the Roman Catholic Church. It’s head, the “Holy Father” a blasphemous title of the Pope claims to own all humanity. If you want to find the biggest promoters of communism look at the Roman Catholic Jesuits. The “Holy Father” for centuries prohibited people from having the Bible in their language, and tortured you or killed you for having the wrong opinion. If you are trying to restore freedom you need truth. The Roman church burned Bibles and burned those who wanted to read them.