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What if they’re transhumans (thanks to experimental mRNA jabs) and therefore no longer protected?

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That’s another layer of the monstrosity.

No one knows how human legal systems will classify and protect/not protect genetically-altered humans post-Covid-19, either on the legislative side (through the conflict between patent law and the 2011 statute prohibiting patent-based ownership of humans) or on the judicial side through the 2013 Myriad precedent interpreting patent law to mean that corporations can own living organisms.

PL 112-29, 125 Stat. 340. Section 33 limited the authority of the US patent office under 35 USC 101, to prohibit issuing of patents “directed to or encompassing a human organism.”


Attorney Todd Callender has asked the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals to address the issue, through the plaintiffs’ appellate brief in Robert v. Austin filed in March 2022, but it remains to be seen whether the court will address it or ignore it.

Callender holds the view that Gates & Co. will be very annoyed if a court declares that they *can’t* legally own and dispose of people at will, because Gates & Co. have invested a lot of money on the assumption that they legally can.

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And to me, that particular grey area of law is DEEPLY concerning. We have/will continue to figure out how to mitigate/cure damage inflicted by these shots, we will figure out, eventually, how to stop more shots for the future. But if this particular issue does not get addressed very publically and very soon (Especially since the introduction of mitochondrial bills around the world), then some may lose all their rights in a very "woke-esque", "for the good of all" fashion, BEFORE they even realise they were in danger.

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For the Good of All. Or another phrase meaning the same thing; For the Greater Good.

The Greater here is the folks of the .0001% that believe that are great and that greater good is what is good for them.

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exactly ! the .0001 percent that have 90 or so percent of the money, and that one devil who owns a sickeningly amount of land that should be owned by farmers. How I despise that monster.

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I hear you. But this redistribution of land started with Secretary of Agriculture Earl Butz in the 1970s started with his statement to small farmers; "Get Big or Get Out!!! That began the destruction of small farming and the US gov subsidizing of corporate farmers.

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government should stay out of how farmers farm their land. They should know what crop to plant and no subsidizing crops that don't grow on your land ! I have seen corn burnt in too hot climate and under water in too cold climate both in the US and Europe, and farmers are subsidized for both, and then get insurance money for their lost crop, and then they are surprised there is no food. I am glad the Dutch farmers finally had enough. The Belgian government tried to have farmers unite their land but that did not go well. But now these same farmers have gone all silent on similar laws then what the Dutch government is trying to do.

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God bless you

Thankful for your vision

We’re dealing with this intelligence far greater than human, and evil also far more malicious

We must lean on Our Lady, as she has a clear view of the battlefield, and will ultimately crush the head of the serpent

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I lean on Jesus.

It gets crazier daily!

With morgellons, detox and repentance really helped me, sure felt transhuman , all the unnatural substances coming out of my skin.

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I read some time ago, that Pfizer had claimed 27000 people as study objects. There was a file attached that looked genuine, but of course I am not sure of that.

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If there is a pinnacle of tyranny in this world down through the centuries, it would be the Roman Catholic Church. It’s head, the “Holy Father” a blasphemous title of the Pope claims to own all humanity. If you want to find the biggest promoters of communism look at the Roman Catholic Jesuits. The “Holy Father” for centuries prohibited people from having the Bible in their language, and tortured you or killed you for having the wrong opinion. If you are trying to restore freedom you need truth. The Roman church burned Bibles and burned those who wanted to read them.

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I won’t argue against your position that the Roman Catholic Church as an institution has been subject to extreme corruption, and still is to this day, especially at the top of the hierarchy.

I do think there’s a difference that matters, between the Catholic faith, as practiced by faithful saints, priests, contemplatives and laymen and women with humility and integrity, and the Catholic Church as a corruptible human institution.

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Nothing legal stops tyranny. This injection is illegal. And it is murder. And it is global.

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The timing ■ it appears if emergency could allow illegal activity; then measure the allowed time between approvals and it is there that the law perhaps was not handled properly; then the extended emergency is illegal itself

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Appreciated ■ sharing your study today; I have watched much of Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

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I just read Spartacus today and saw your comment. All excellent!!! I feel fortunate to have access to such thorough and intelligent information. Thank you. 💕🙏

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