Note to readers:
For the last several months, I’ve been writing two sorts of posts here at Bailiwick.
Roughly half of the posts have been related to fighting back against Covid-19 tyranny at the school board, municipality, county and state level in Centre County, Pennsylvania, where I live.
The other half of the posts have been about geopolitics and religion, or teleopolitics: current and rapidly developing events at the international level, in terms of the global spiritual war humanity is now openly engaged in.
I’ve been writing about the Good v. Evil battle raging between a divinely-inspired, God-oriented, natural law, local (decentralized), virtue- and moral-freedom-based Christendom structure on the one hand, and a centralized, secular, authoritarian, demonic technocracy, under the Great Reset/Agenda 2030/New World Order/transhumanist, totalitarian structure on the other.
The essays in that series now include:
Ternaries and Trinities - Oct. 13, 2021
Teleopolitics - Dec. 17, 2021
Mass formation; self-destructive nature of totalitarianism; and the teleopolitical history of Poland - Jan. 6, 2022
Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box - Feb. 26, 2022
Bergoglio, Biden, Putin, Zelensky, Xi, Tedros, Soros and Schwab - March 3, 2022
Another piece of the Russia-demonization and one-world-secular-technocratic-government puzzle - March 4, 2022
Going forward, I plan to read and write almost entirely on the teleopolitical themes.
Below is one of the last few posts about the struggle as it’s going on in Centre County, PA.
For those who want to get up-to-date information about the Pennsylvania struggle, I encourage you to sign up for updates from the Pennsylvania Coalition for Informed Consent, which monitors statewide developments — such as HB2013, a bill to add medical freedom to the Pennsylvania Constitution — and sends out detailed action alerts and event announcements regularly.
As always, thank you for reading and sharing.
As reported previously, State College Area School District parents have been trying to get the school board and superintendent to stop abusing our children with medicalized fear propaganda, masking orders, and other Covid-19 “mitigation” measures, most recently using the Bonds for the Win approach.
Feb. 10, 2022 - Filing claims against SCASD school board directors’ surety bonds to get them to repeal the mask mandates on our kids.
Feb. 14, 2022 - Updates on parent campaign to unmask our SCASD kids; Right to Know Request filed today.
Feb. 17, 2022 - Unmask our kids - SCASD campaign
Feb. 21, 2022 - Unmask our kids campaign - update; SCASD provided us (parents) with insurance policy documents.
Feb. 23, 2022 - Notices of Intent to File Claims, delivered to State College Area School District board members and superintendent today.
Feb. 28, 2022 - SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign - update
March 2, 2022 - National Bonds for the Win Update. SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign going strong; SCASD administration doubling down on masks.
March 4, 2022 - SCASD Unmask Our Kids campaign. Email update.
Today, I finished drafting a Claim Letter and Affidavit for parents and SCASD taxpayers to sign and send to the school district’s general liability insurance provider, CM Regent Co. The text of the letter is below.
Please contact me if you want the PDFs emailed so you can sign and send copies.
Claim against SCASD General Liability Insurance Policy CMR-CPP-01721, as applied to official acts and omissions by individual SCASD Board of Directors members (named below) and SCASD Superintendent Robert O'Donnell, acting within the scope of their governing and administrative duties.
The undersigned swears and affirms as follows…
1. Under CM Regent Co. Policy No. CMR-CPP-01721, CM Regent Co. company provides General Liability Insurance coverage to the State College Area School District.
2. Specifically, Certificate Number CAS579-21 provides damages for acts of "Abuse or Molestation" at $1,000,000 per occurrence; SLL1038321 provides damages for School Board Errors and Omissions at $1,000,000 per occurrence; and the Crime Premium provides "Faithful Performance of Duty coverage for Government Employees."
3. Other policy provisions may also apply, as may be determined as the claim process moves forward.
4. In March 2020, the State College Area School District initiated a series of policies and practices allegedly intended to "mitigate" Covid-19, including school closures and occupancy limitations; masking orders; repeated, daily verbal assertions to children that ordinary human breathing, speaking, physical contact and disclosure of facial expressions threaten the lives of others and must be avoided; behavioral modifications and physical barriers intended to maintain abnormal physical distance between children, teachers and staff; testing protocols; isolation protocols; and district promotion of pharmaceutical products marketed as "Covid-19 vaccines."
5. These policies and practices continue to be promulgated and enforced by school district employees to the present date, as of March 2022.
6. These policies and practices have caused, and continue to cause, severe physical, mental and emotional harm to children, including but not limited to hypoxia, hypercarbia, dehydration, headaches, fatigue, bacterial and other skin infections, difficulty concentrating, difficulty interpreting speech and emotional and social cues, difficulty speaking and conveying emotional and social cues, oral infections and tooth decay, depression, anxiety, and exacerbation and/or developmental regression for children with learning and speech disabilities, and disorders such as autism, attention-deficit-disorder and sensory-processing disorders.
7. SCASD's Covid-19 "mitigation" policies directed at frightening, masking, testing and injecting K-12 children, as a condition of their attendance at public school, as enforced by teachers, staff and other students, constitute acts of child abuse under Pennsylvania criminal law 23 Pa. CSA Section 6306, including but not limited to the following:
(b)(1) - bodily injury;
(b)(2) - Fabricating, feigning or intentionally exaggerating or inducing a medical symptom or disease which results in a potentially harmful medical evaluation or treatment;
(b)(3) - Causing or substantially contributing to serious mental injury;
(b)(5) - Creating a reasonable likelihood of bodily injury;
(b)(6) - Creating a likelihood of sexual abuse or exploitation; and
(b)(8)(v): interfering with the breathing of a child.
8. Covid-19 "mitigation" policies directed at frightening, masking, testing and injecting individual K-12 children, as a condition of their attendance at public school, as enforced by teachers, staff and other students, and violate Pennsylvania criminal statute 63 Pa. CSA Section 422.38, regarding practice of medicine without a license. Board members and administrators do not have physician-patient relationships with students, and do not have diagnostic, testing or treatment authority to prescribe medical devices, medical testing and/or delivery of pharmaceutical products for any K-12 student.
9. SCASD board and administrator policies and practices relating to Covid-19 "mitigation" violate the Pennsylvania oath of office and violate their individual fiduciary obligations to perform their duties to education children faithfully ("Faithful Performance of Duty.")
10. On February 23, 2022, 14 individual parents formally notified each official of the State College Area School District that — if the policies and practices were not terminated — parents of SCASD schoolchildren and SCASD property owners who fund SCASD through property tax assessments intended to file claims against SCASD's General Liability insurance, under policy coverage provisions relating to these acts of child abuse, practice of medicine without a license, and breach of fiduciary duty occurring daily on school property, by district employees, under the color of law of the governmental policies and practices adopted by the SCASD board of directors and implemented by the SCASD Superintendent, teachers and staff.
11. A copy of the submitted Notice of Intent to File Claims is attached at Exhibit A.
12. The Notice of Intent identified the agents responsible for the criminal acts and omissions as SCASD Superintendent Robert O'Donnell and current school board members Amber Concepcion; Amy Bader; Peter Buck; Gretchen Brandt; Carline Crevecoeur; Deborah Anderson; Jacqueline Huff; Daniel Duffy; Laurel Zydney.
13. The Notice of Intent demanded that the SCASD board and administrators cease and desist from child abuse, unlicensed practice of medicine and breach of fiduciary duty as the official government policies and practices of the district no later than 8 a.m. on Monday, February 28.
14. On Tuesday, March 1, the SCASD superintendent notified parents via email that the masking and other policies and practices will stay in place at least through March 28, and even if they are lifted at that time, may be reimposed by the district at any time, on any evidential pretext, or for no stated reason at all. Copy of superintendent's email, (downloaded from on March 9, 2022), is attached at Exhibit B.
15. On Tuesday, March 1, a parent went to the State College Police Department at 243 South Allen St., State College PA 16801, and filed a police report (22-SC-03406), requesting an investigation into the child abuse policies and practices taking place within the schools.
16. The SCPD officer who took the report stated that he would forward it "up the chain of command," but added that because the issue has been "politicized," the report was unlikely to lead to a police investigation or investigation by Centre County child welfare agency officials.
17. On Wednesday, March 2, a parent met with the Centre County sheriff, and was informed that even if State College police arrested administrators or teachers for alleged acts of child abuse, the Centre County District Attorney would drop the charges, and/or Centre County judges would dismiss the charges without evidentiary hearings or legal argument, because the issue has been "politicized," and they are elected officials whose positions and offices are funded by other elected officials (Centre County Commissioners).
18. The SCASD board and superintendent’s legislatively-granted authority to supervise the education of the children entrusted to their care does not include the right to abuse those children or groom them for future abuse and molestation by demonstrating to them that their bodily integrity may be violated by adults, daily, for years, with impunity.
19. Child abuse is a crime, no matter who commits it, how they attempt to justify their acts of abuse, where the abuse takes place, or how long it goes on.
20. State College area parents are painfully familiar with child abuse, grooming techniques, and cover-ups, due to the sexual abuse of several children committed by Jerry Sandusky over many years, reported to police, child welfare agencies and prosecutors, and covered up by police, child welfare agencies and prosecutors.
21. Child abuse is wrong, and the SCASD board and superintendent do not have the right to abuse children even if no police, child welfare agencies, prosecutors and courts will take action to protect those children; even if the US Centers for Disease Control and Pennsylvania health officials recommend child abuse as federal and state public health guidance; even though many other districts have engaged in and continue to engage in the same child abuse acts; even though the abuse of SCASD children has gone on for two years already; even though all SCASD children are equally subjected to the pervasive abuse; and even if -- as they claim -- the board members and administrators sincerely believe that the abuse of children is being committed "for their own good" and/or for the good of the wider State College area community.
22. CM Regent Insurance Company's control of the district's long-term financial interests, through the SCASD General Liability insurance policy, is one of the only remaining tools parents and taxpayers can use to get SCASD to stop abusing children.
23. I therefore request that you process this claim:
investigate the facts;
identify all abused children (redacting their identities in any public reports)
identify all administrators, board members, teachers and staff who have directed and/or committed abuse and breach of fiduciary duties
compel SCASD to stop its child abuse policies and practices immediately and permanently; and
pay damages.