Making some headway on setting research and writing priorities for the next few months.
Curious about reader views on something.
Poll will be open for three days.
I’m thinking about the question in terms of battle-planning.
There are several fundamental challenges for Americans trying to protect our country, our people, our families and ourselves from secular technocratic globalist assaults.
The US Constitution, also known as the social contract between American governed and American government, has been suspended and needs to be restored, because it provides important protections for the People, against government abuses of power.
The government agents who suspended the US Constitution didn’t tell us they were doing it, or ask for our consent.
Most of them still sit in Congress and in the White House.
The People, as the only remaining party to the social contract in a position to restore it to functionality, hold a variety of views, or don’t think about it at all.
Some are aware of the importance of the Constitution, aware that it’s been suspended, and fired up to get it put back in place so that — however things develop on the global stage — Americans can use Constitutional tools to protect ourselves from emergent government threats as they arise.
And, as an important side benefit, Americans can serve as a beacon of hope for the people of other countries as they try to restore legitimacy to their own social contracts.
Some people don’t know about the US Constitution at all.
Other people are aware of the Constitution, but don’t understand how important it is.
Some people know how important it is, but don’t know it’s been suspended.
Some are aware of the Constitution, know it’s been suspended, but don’t think it matters because they believe the globalist social contract on offer is as good or better. They think “You will own nothing and will comply with every government behavioral demand made upon you” sounds good.
Some people are indifferent. They see the Constitution as perhaps a nice try, but compromised, corrupted, imperfect and therefore expendable.
Some people are actively hostile to the Constitution, and regard it as a white-supremacist tool of oppression which they seek to destroy and then erase from human memory. Those views don’t make sense to me, since the Constitution has been successfully used to lift many people up from servility into dignity. But I know those people exist and deeply believe what they believe.
I’m curious about reader views about how many people in America form that first group.
How many Americans, in your estimation, are aware of the importance of an intact, legitimate social contract; aware that the social contract has been broken by the US government; and interested in seeing it restored to functionality?
There is a show on Fox Nation called Constitution Alive! that is very good at explaining the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in an easy to understand manner. It's all of our responsibility to read, understand and teach the principles of the Constitution to the upcoming generation so they can be free.
Federalism is the way to slay this beast, and a few AGs have started, AG Landry from Louisiana and another (Oklahoma, maybe?) have been granted discovery on government collusion with tech on covid. The Red State AGs can band together in similar fashion to the Big Tobacco take and straighten things out. Especially since the nutbars are concentrated in only a few localities.