Tampering with public records; perjury.
Foxes in the henhouse, wolves 'guarding' the sheep, writ small and writ large. UPDATED/REVISED
As reported October 8, I went with a friend to file Affidavits of Noncompliance at the Centre County courthouse on October 7.
We both watched the court clerk log the cases — titled In regards to fraudulent Covid-19 national emergency — by hand in the official notebook from which information is transferred to the computer filing system. The computer files are the records to which uploaded copies of initial and subsequent documents are typically attached.
She processed our $10 filing fees and formally stamped our copies as “Filed for Record.” We both listened as she told us that our affidavits had been filed, and we both thanked her for filing them.
Today I went to check on the status of the cases, and confirm that they had entered the court record properly.
My case (22-0020) and my friend’s case (22-0021) currently appear nowhere in the online database of Civil Miscellaneous cases filed in 2022.
The original post laid out detailed speculation about criminal tampering with public records, based largely on my past experiences with Centre County government officials, and witness accounts of tampering with Centre County court records by prosecutors and judges.
A reader who is more emotionally-removed from the situation, commented that perhaps there’s just been a lengthy delay in logging the information to the online system. That’s a benefit of the doubt I should have been willing to extend to the Centre County clerks, but did not. I’m sorry.
I’m angry, frustrated and tired. In that state of mind, I should not have posted the detailed Centre County background.
I’ve removed the Centre County content for now, leaving only the content about how fraud crimes form part of the basis for several Covid-19 federal cases.
Fraudulent public records, fraudulent misrepresentations in official government business, perjury and other lying crimes are at the foundation of several federal Covid-19 cases.
Jackson v. Pfizer is about Pfizer submitting fraudulent clinical pseudo-trial data to the US Food and Drug Administration, cited by the FDA in public documents granting biologically-active, injectable weapons fraudulent pseudo-authorizations and pseudo-approvals as ‘medical countermeasures.’ US Government Motion to Dismiss is pending in US District Court for Eastern Texas.
Ealy v. Redfield is about the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention using fraudulent diagnostic testing and cause-of-death pseudo-data in CDC directions issued to state and local governments, resulting in fraud-based enforcement of public health pseudo-policies. US Government Motion to Dismiss is pending in US District Court for Oregon.
Robert v. Austin is about the US Department of Defense using fraudulent misrepresentation of informed consent laws and the FDA’s fraudulent pseudo-approval of the pseudo-drug Comirnaty to pseudo-justify discharging military men and women for refusal to submit to unwanted bodily trespass. US Government Motion to Dismiss granted by US District Court in Colorado in January 2022. US Government Motion to Dismiss plaintiffs’ appeal is pending in Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals in Colorado.
…Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Who will guard the guards themselves?
What are the remedies when the worst criminals — the mass murderers and their accomplices — control and operate the criminal justice system itself?
Please keep filing the Affidavits of Noncompliance in your own counties.
Your filings may help us all find and support the sheriffs, prosecutors and judges who are, at this moment, preparing themselves to stand up and fight.
Keep building the avalanche of public records of total nonviolent noncompliance with tyranny.
I can’t believe the bizarre world we are all living in .
Awesome, Katherine Watt! Thank you for all you're doing!