More on the World Health Organization, US sovereignty, individual Constitutionally-protected human rights.
Comment posted on Mark Crispin Miller’s latest WHO treaty post.
My response:
There are two things going on.
One is a set of US-proposed amendments to the 2005 WHO International Health Regulations currently under consideration by the other member states of WHO.
The International Health Regulations (which are not a treaty but share many features) have already been in force globally since 2007.
The IHR is the international legal framework through which all the countries’ governments coordinated the panic messaging and population control programs for Covid starting in January 2020.
The second thing is a new pandemic treaty under negotiation by the participating member-states of WHO.
It’s important to understand that the US already relinquished national sovereignty through the 2005 WHO IHR, specifically through the implementing statutes and executive orders adopted by the US Congress and signed by US presidents, and the implementing regulations promulgated by the US Health and Human Services secretary.
In a nutshell, under the WHO-IHR-required domestic laws, the HHS secretary declaring a public health emergency, automatically and silently transferred all civil liberties of American citizens, and all Constitutional governing power in the US from the three branches (executive, legislative and judicial) into the HHS secretary’s hands, for as long as he or she extends the state of emergency.
Behind that structure, the US-HHS secretary, acting on behalf of the global corporate cabal (Gates, Schwab, Soros, Rockefeller, Rothschild, etc.), is controlling WHO.
So the whole thing was a silent, almost-invisible overthrow of the American people and US government, conducted under the public health pretext.
Commenter posted:
Isn't this why we have 3 branches of government, so this shit doesn't happen? Impeach this MF'er!
I replied:
I think this is why we have the Second Amendment. For when the three-branches checks and balances stops working properly.
Apart from that, I think the path forward will involve criminal prosecutions (the David Martin strategy against Fauci, Daszak, Baric, Gates, etc.), plus the treason prosecutions I advocate against Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton, Bush, Becerra, Azar, plus treason prosecutions against SCOTUS justices.
And in parallel, rebuilding a Constitutional republic re-founded on Christian moral laws: Ten Commandments and related principles.
No big whoop.
Isn't this why we have 3 branches of government, so this shit doesn't happen? Impeach this MF'er!
My understanding is that there are 2 different WHO plays going on, that are getting coverage, which is why there is confusion for exactly what and when the WHO are trying to do, let alone the how! (Btw, If you followed that, your smarter than most peeps officially in charge😂🤣)
The stuff being discussed and decided on on the 22nd May deadline, (to my understanding) is the amendments to CURRENT pandemic emergency powers, those in place prior to 2020, to enable the similar level of power abuse that actually occurred during 2020/21, to occur EVERYTIME they declare a pandemic emergency. Basically, old skool power tripping- consolidate your illegally gained power base before moving onto new ground to illegally presume powers over. They learnt from their mistakes and are now laying the framework to make sure that those mistakes do not happen next time. The "silent power grab" referred to, when the original "pandemic treaties" popped up after/at swine flu event. So the "current" powers were possibly (I say possibly cos I'm not a law expert) illegally gained in the first place. * stolen stuff still stolen if you publicly ratify it?😐*
The other WHO semi silent, very innocuous, don't mind us and what we are doing over here, Pandemic treaties discussions are the ones already occurred, that they took public comment on and is subsequently now closed for comment. This is the big bad WHO having a Senator Palpatine moment. This is going ahead and will be installed by 2024, unless people of the world, let their public figures know there will be repercussions if the countries go ahead with the WHOs "suggestion". It's done. They are doing this, they are not asking permission. They have assumed everyone's on board, they just want to know if you'd like them to pretend you have a say in it. Kind of like when your significant other asks you if you mind, while their actually doing the very thing, they are asking about!!! #pointless #subtlemanipulation