Isn't this why we have 3 branches of government, so this shit doesn't happen? Impeach this MF'er!

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I think this is why we have the Second Amendment. For when the three-branches checks and balances stops working properly.

Apart from that, I think the path forward will involve criminal prosecutions (the David Martin strategy against Fauci, Daszak, Baric, Gates, etc.), plus the treason prosecutions I advocate against Schumer, Pelosi, McConnell, Biden, Trump, Obama, Clinton, and Bush, plus treason prosecutions against SCOTUS justices.

And in parallel, rebuilding a Constitutional republic refounded on Christian moral laws: Ten Commandments and related principles.

No big whoop.


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The Second Amendment IS all we have left. They continue to try to chip away at it.

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My understanding is that there are 2 different WHO plays going on, that are getting coverage, which is why there is confusion for exactly what and when the WHO are trying to do, let alone the how! (Btw, If you followed that, your smarter than most peeps officially in charge😂🤣)

The stuff being discussed and decided on on the 22nd May deadline, (to my understanding) is the amendments to CURRENT pandemic emergency powers, those in place prior to 2020, to enable the similar level of power abuse that actually occurred during 2020/21, to occur EVERYTIME they declare a pandemic emergency. Basically, old skool power tripping- consolidate your illegally gained power base before moving onto new ground to illegally presume powers over. They learnt from their mistakes and are now laying the framework to make sure that those mistakes do not happen next time. The "silent power grab" referred to, when the original "pandemic treaties" popped up after/at swine flu event. So the "current" powers were possibly (I say possibly cos I'm not a law expert) illegally gained in the first place. *pondering...is stolen stuff still stolen if you publicly ratify it?😐*

The other WHO semi silent, very innocuous, don't mind us and what we are doing over here, Pandemic treaties discussions are the ones already occurred, that they took public comment on and is subsequently now closed for comment. This is the big bad WHO having a Senator Palpatine moment. This is going ahead and will be installed by 2024, unless people of the world, let their public figures know there will be repercussions if the countries go ahead with the WHOs "suggestion". It's done. They are doing this, they are not asking permission. They have assumed everyone's on board, they just want to know if you'd like them to pretend you have a say in it. Kind of like when your significant other asks you if you mind, while their actually doing the very thing, they are asking about!!! #pointless #subtlemanipulation

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Exactly. Except the current level of power abuse that they actually deployed globally, including in the US, in 2020 is still in place. They’re doing cosmetic rollback games, but they’ve relinquished none of the unilateral, HHS power they believe they’ve held since January 2020, and they are prepared to reimpose any and all, and more draconian measures, whenever they like. And Congress and the courts have made clear, over the last two years, that they will not interfere.

Agree that the current powers - taken over from the People, by Congress, in bits and pieces since 1983 — are illegally gained in the first place, because violative of common law and the US Constitution. But those statutes and regulations themselves have not been challenged in courts on Constitutional grounds, or if plaintiffs have attempted it over the last 40 years, the federal courts have kicked the cases out before they could get going.

On the WHO pandemic treaty negotiations, yes, I think it’s the big bad Senator Palpatine moment, with one added comment: the global governance team has already passed and implemented a bunch of other sovereignty-destroying treaties, most notably the World Trade Organization treaties that require taxpayers in a country to reimburse multinational corporations for profits lost in the country due to that country’s laws, such as environmental or labor rights laws. There are several other global treaties like that one, and the WHO treaty will simply add public health issues to the existing portfolio of powers handed over by countries to the global governance team.

I don’t think the people of the world can stop the World Health Assembly reps from moving forward with the WHO treaty, although the effort is extremely important for waking more people up.

I think the larger strategy is to

1) work toward getting each country to withdraw from the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Organization, and all the other globalist organizations.

2) work toward prosecuting the US Congress, Presidents, HHS secretaries and federal judges for treason, through parallel citizens courts, most likely, which has a lot of dangers itself, as the bloody French Revolution showed.

3) work toward the secession of individual US states so that each can establish new Constitutions (hopefully very similar to the former US Constitution, as far as checks and balances, and protections for individual human rights), and new executive, legislative and judicial branches and/or

4) work toward the dissolution of the current US government, and replacement with Constitutionally-compliant executive, legislative and judicial branches.

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Your talking about trying to get people to disregard institutions/organisations, that have been around for north of 80 years. Organisations that people believe, are protecting them and are remnants from the WW2 promise to never allow atrocities of magnitude to occur again. These organisations have had decades to infiltrate subconscious of generations. Convincing people of less than global altruistic motives of these groups is going to be difficult if not actually impossible, unless the boomers generation and before are gone. They still remember and have passed down that allegiance to the ideals of those organisations. Even if those ideals no longer exist. Memory is powerful. It would be like trying to get people to disbelieve germ theory...🤔😉

But hey, I'm a fan of Alice- " i try to believe in at least 4 impossible things before breakfast!". Its an amazing universe, where anything can happen.

Ps, im very sure my original comment did not deserve a seperate Substack. Can I request not to do that again? It's your Substack of course, I just prefer to stay in the background noise.

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"So the whole thing was a silent, almost-invisible overthrow of the American people and US government, conducted under the public health pretext."

It's undercover war under the guise of medical research. The response to the coronavirus made no common sense. A "vaccine" in warp speed time using experimental technology makes no common sense. Declaring the experimental "vaccine" safe and effective is physically impossible because "a sensible amount of time did not pass in order to make that determination." Our president and government health leaders lied. Imposing an "experimental vaccine" on everybody, makes no common sense when there is a 99.997 recovery rate. Denying physicians the right to provide early treatment to their COVID-19 positive patients makes no common sense. Taking away the medical licenses of physicians who think for themselves and do not buy into the safety of these experimental vaccines makes no common sense. Slandering the medical experts, and scientists that are concerned with experimental "vaccine" safety makes no common sense. Nothing about the COVID-19 "pandemic" response makes common sense. It is an attack on common sense as it is an attack on common people.

If now is not the time to arrest our leaders for treason, then when is? Time has come full circle when the clearly incompetent aim to kill the secretly incompetent.

The "vaccine" is not even a proper name for the shot. I would call it an RNA jumble crap shot.

Thank you Katherine for your determination in uncovering the truth.

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Agree with the criminal prosecutions. Basing our constitutional republic on Christian teachings makes me nervous. Are you referring to the true Christian teachings of Jesus? Or the Christian culture wars of the '80s, and the prosperity Gospel of today? Because the latter twist the teachings of Jesus in my view. Separation of church and state I think is still important.

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True Christian teachings of Jesus. I’m not advocating the 80s religious Right or the prosperity gospel.

I’m still thinking through separation of church and state. I think it should be a one-way wall, such that State cannot interfere with individual or group religious practices, apart from prohibiting/criminalizing homicidal sacrifice, torture rituals, kidnapping and the like.

But individuals should be able to bring their religiously-derived moral values into public life and lawmaking, because otherwise, the moral field is left completely open to the secular technocrats, and I think their moral values are evil, driven by a hatred of the human soul, and an obsession with death and control of others.

I’m intrigued by the Polish model of a Catholic Constitutional republic, with legal protections for religious minorities.

Started exploring it in some pieces from December and January, but further writing about those issues has been on back burner because of the legal research about the bio/security state.

Essay on connections between American founding, Christianity, etc.


Essay on a few topics, including the Polish model of pluralistic Christian Constitutional republic built on the Piast Pact with the Holy See in 990, the Pact with the Roman Catholic Primate of Poland as the Interrex of 1573, and the Pact with Mary as the Queen of Poland of 1655. It didn’t survive in Poland; it was overthrown. But as with so many historical things that run in cycles, it could be scavenged and restored and adapted to today’s society.


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So far I read and the first post on teleopolitics. Brilliant. You are a deep and moral thinker. I couldn't agree more about the infusion of values into politics. Christianity communicates good values. Human values can't be separated from human beings in all aspects of our life. And removing the moral lens from our political actions is dis-grace-ful. I thought that Maranne Williamson spoke to this well in the last presidential election.

Thanks for illuminating your perspective a little more. 👍🏼💕

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