Federal militarization of local police, sheriffs and National Guard under pseudo-permanent state of emergency/state of war.
Excerpt from Melvin Stamper, Fruit from a Poisonous Tree (2008)
Reader comment on Is the power there or not?
They could not have done any of this without the enforcement arm of the law.
Has anyone looked into the legal structure of the police? Who pays them?
My current understanding by way of Fruit from a Poisonous Tree (Melvin Stamper, 2008) subject to more research, is that municipal police and judges, county sheriffs and state National Guard troops are deputized federal military agents of the President as Commander-in-Chief, operating through FEMA under the Department of Homeland Security, during the current emergency/state of war, from whenever it began — whether Civil War, 1917, 1933, 1972, 2020 or some other date — through the present.
They have no obligations to protect and defend ordinary people and our lives, liberties and property.
Many of them do not know this.
Stamper, Fruit from a Poisonous Tree, Chapter 12, War Powers (233-245) at p. 236-240:
Evidences of Emergency Powers
First, under emergency powers, there must be an active and visible occupation of the land by armed troops of the entity that declares emergency powers. This is called “open and notorious, armed and hostile, occupation of the land.” Is there an armed occupation of America? The answer, of course, is, Yes!
Under the guise of national emergencies (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc.), all National Guard units were federalized, and all policemen, firemen, highway patrol, state marshals and county sheriffs have been placed under control of the Guard since 1972.
They are all under the control of Federal Emergency Management Agency, called the Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force, which centralizes military and law enforcement power under the Federal government and the Commander-in-Chief, the President.
Though law enforcement officers may not know it, they are in fact a force occupying the land for the Federal government.
Our own neighbors hold us the people hostage.
The reason why active duty Federal forces are stationed in all National Guard Armories is obvious – to sustain the emergency powers control of the states and counties by the Federal government and to maintain martial rule in the hands of the President as Commander in Chief. By these means the Federal martial rule government maintains “open, notorious, and hostile, armed occupation of the land.”
Military law recognizes only municipal law. So, states had to create municipal courts to punish “infractions” of Motor Vehicle Codes. Such courts fly the flag of the Commander-in-Chief (solid fringed flag), as they are really an arm or an extension of the power of the President.
Their primary function is to collect war reparations through fines, penalties, etc. They all operate as quasi-military courts using summary court martial proceedings. This is why such courts try only matters of fact and why judges make and declare law on a case-by-case basis, without the controls of precedent or constitutional restrictions.
Municipal Court judges do this because they act for the Commander-in- Chief in the field under emergency conditions. Judges make any decision to resolve the case under Doctrines of Necessity. In such courts, the Constitution, Supreme Court decisions, and civil stare decisis are not permitted.
Under emergency powers the final authority is always the chief military commander, who in this nation is the Commander-in-Chief, i.e., the military office of the President of the United States.
This accounts for Executive Order landslides since F.D.R., who first declared – openly – his seizure of Emergency Powers in March 1933, again, by Executive Orders.
Executive Orders have the force and effect of law when published in the Federal Register, and by this means they become “Public Policy…”
By necessity, field officers (judges, highway patrol, sheriffs, etc.) exercise powers of life and death to maintain authority given them by International Law that prohibits lawful civil authority or constitutional mandates. Such procedures are too timely and clumsy for military or quasi-military operations. In sum, constitutional and common law precedents are too restrictive of Federal, State, County, and City power. Further, military courts exercise “benefit of discussion” that gives a court jurisdiction as soon as a defendant answers a question or demands any response or action of a military court, such as Motion practice or Petitions for writ…
One who hires an attorney-at-law cannot bring lawful process against an emergency powers court. Remember that attorneys are agents of the court and use only process allowed by the court that admitted the attorney to practice. All bar members are agents of emergency power courts, and most don’t even know it.
One must therefore never hire an attorney to appear on a case in an emergency powers court because doing so makes one “non compos mentis” – i.e., not mentally competent – and automatically gives the court jurisdiction over ones’ self…
What about the Constitution of the united States of America in all this? Without lawful process or authority, the Constitution is a dead letter, a façade manipulated at the Federal government’s whim, because lawful process itself is based on the Constitution and they are, thus, inter-dependent. In short, if one is gone, so must be the other. The government permits a defendant to raise constitutional defenses only when it suits their purposes and will not permit the defense when it is not in their best interest. For all intents and purposes, the Constitution is an illusion, kept by the government only as a pacifier for we the people, nothing more.
Lincoln set precedence for the subversion of the Constitution in the War Between the States in 1860 when he had printed non-interest money to support his declaration of war. His was the first “War Powers,” resurrected in 1917 and then again in 1933, and it has never been repealed since.
The Federal government’s use of the Constitution comes down to this: if Constitutional cites fit a Federal need, they are used; if the Constitution or precedent does not fit, it is ignored. In other words, the Constitution is optional to the Federal government, because after all, you answer to the “Juristic Personality” name, spelled in all capital letters, placing you in Equity jurisdiction without the protection of the Constitution…
Emergency powers are terminated in only three ways:
1. A Commander-in-Chief can terminate emergencies by Executive Orders. The emergency then ends on a specific date and time. But a lawful civil authority must exist (UN?) to which he may cede authority. The past ten Presidents have not seen the need to return the country back to the people, and I don’t hold out much hope of there ever being a President of that caliber who would do his duty.
2. If conquered by another, the conquering power can terminate emergency powers by its own Executive Order or decree. This point deserves some expanded discussion for reasons that will become clear below. Remember, the U.S. is, by International Law and Supreme Court decisions, a “foreign principal” with respect to the States. Further, Title II of the United States Code, the Congress, is not positive law, only Resolution. This means that a Title (USC) stands only until it is successfully challenged in the courts. Why is this? Did not the Congress abandon without proper recess the first Session during Lincoln’s administration in 1860? Does this not tell us why the U.S. flag flies over all state flags since F.D.R.’s Executive Orders on September 9, 1933? And is this not a sign of conquest over the states and the people when taken in conjunction with the changes in the “Trading with the Enemy Act” (1917) as amended 1933, language supplied him by the Federal Reserve Inc.?
3. The people, if they restore lawful civil courts, processes, and procedures under authority of “inherent political powers” and re-establish proper, civil and “de jure” government, can terminate the emergency.
Abatements are a primary tool in achieving a peaceful and lawful restoration of godly authority to this nation. You can see why abatements are one of the most important tools the people have. If the people lawfully resist any submission to emergency power courts, process and procedure, and respond to unlawful paperwork with lawful process, emergency powers are nullified, and become null and void, ab initio.
A question that may occur is: if the people restore lawful process and procedure, how do they restore lawful authority in the courts?
The answer is, by re-forming lawful jural societies, using remedies provided in the Bible, Christianity, common law, and assizing courts/juries in conjunction with the grand jury where necessary…
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Wonderful work!
Finally, starting to hit the nail on the head.
This is the premise for the return of the state assemblies. It is absolutely necessary for the public to change their political status to that of an American State National (or American State Citizen) and re-setup the county Jural assemblies. https://states.americanstatenationals.org/. This is the peaceful approach that automatically changes their monopoly board from you being one of the tokens on the game board to actually playing the token on the game board. Jurisdiction is the key. We keep playing their game without realizing we can step away from their game all together and hold them to acocunt.
It is a ton to learn. To learn how to be lawful in "their" federal maritime and admiralty courts, visit https://thesovereignsway.com/ and sign up for the Law for Mankind course (requires a donation - but well worth the expense) to learn how to get correct jurisdiction. NEVER answer "yes" in their courts. NEVER accept the all caps name or any way they address you. You are a man or a woman with a name John Doe. That is it. You are the man or woman who owns (your property), the estate they try to gain jurisdiction on.
If anyone wants to learn more, please reach out. I have developed a whole series of presentations to explain this in detail including the biblical scripture (not limited to the catholic canon). It is an education first. Being a federal citizen places you in their jurisdiction.
In order to further gain jurisdiction, the active attempt for pronouns and redefining words is how they create confusion and power: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/12/cambridge-dictionary-joins-merriam-webster-woke-definitions-man-woman/
If you cannot be a true biological man or woman, you become an entity. As an entity (all contract law) they can attempt to gain jurisdiction. Do not be fooled. All tricks are strictly about gaining jurisdiction to put you into their courts.