Fighting against hospital homicide through the courts.
Excellent report by nymusicdaily at Sage Hana’s Substack, plus Five Small Stones self-help legal tools. Online Truth for Health event Nov. 1. UPDATED
Sage Hana posted an excellent report about two hospital homicide victims, written by nymusicdaily:
Five Small Stones has a template for pro se state civil complaints on these cases.
There aren’t enough lawyers to handle the load, so people need to file on their own behalf and on behalf of their loved ones.
The template available at Five Small Stones is for use by survivors of dead victims.
It’s based on a case filed in Tennessee over the summer, that recently got dismissed because in Tennessee, plaintiffs must first file a demand letter with the hospital or nursing home, which the plaintiffs hadn’t done.
But the judge specifically rebuked the doctors’ attorneys who wanted her to call the case “frivolous.” She dismissed on procedural, not substantive grounds.
And not every state requires a demand letter before filing.
We’re working to draft and add more to the Five Small Stones collection, including demand letters; complaints for people who have gone through the death protocol themselves but survived it; complaints for people injured by vaxxes; complaints for people who are surviving relatives of people killed by vaxxes; complaints for people who have lost jobs for refusing vaxxes, etc.
Here’s the section of the draft hospital homicide complaint where victims or survivor enter their own narrative — the basic features of the stories are the same all over the country.
14. [This is the place to chronologically list events including positive or negative COVID-19 tests, hospital admission, verbal communications from hospital staff to patient and patient advocates that the only possible treatment protocols they were allowed to administer were the NIH protocols recommended by Anthony Fauci. Expressions of contempt, hostility and bullying by hospital staff to patient and patient family. Information about hospital provision or withholding of water, food, nutrition. Efforts of family members to communicate with patient and whether facility employees blocked communications. Observations about health status of patient (weight loss, mobility loss, respiratory function, blood pressure, kidney function, blood test results, cognitive function). Use of Remdesivir/Veklury, date of initiation, how long administration continued. Use of sedatives or paralytics to immobilize patient. Pressure to start the patient on ventilation, oxygen level information. Use of dialysis. Patient isolation, patient attempts to decline proposed treatments, efforts of family members to advocate for or remove the patient from the facility. Patient and patient advocate requests for alternative treatments (vitamin supplementation, Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine). Verbal and physical responses of facility employees. Hospital efforts to block the patient from leaving or refuse permission for transfer. Whether patient had or did not have a "Do Not Resuscitate" order in place. End-of-life communications to patient and family, including pressure to remove patient from life support to free up hospital beds.]
Truth for Health is organizing a Stop White Coat Killers Zoom event for Tuesday, November 1 at 12:00 p.m. EST. Press Release with Zoom link.
…Truth for Health Foundation is providing video and written guides to legal tools families can use to take action without having to hire an attorney. These include directions on specific regulatory complaints, pro se litigation, and other grassroots action steps to empower citizens who have lost loved ones.
Families can generate pressure to hold hospitals accountable for these wrongful deaths without having to wait for lengthy and costly lawsuits to go forward.
Whistleblowers have provided documentation that hospitals have widespread policies for administration of euthanizing doses of deadly combinations of sedatives, narcotics such as morphine and fentanyl, with benzodiazepines. Hospitals are also coercing use of toxic drugs like Remdesivir as well as intentionally administering these drugs without patient consent or even over written objections from patients and families…
Reader comment:
I was wondering your thoughts about how these cases are affected by the CDC death protocol, particularly the one in Florida where DeSantis solidified that protocol in Florida hospitals until June 2023.
My reply re: CMS COVID-19 Emergency Declaration Blanket Waivers for Health Care Providers and related state versions like the Florida version signed by DeSantis in Feb. 2022.
I've started calling all of these things pseudo-laws. I think they're going to be invalidated at some point — struck down or allowed to expire — and am working to help bring that about as quickly as possible.
Part of how they're going to be invalidated is challenging all of them in court and backing the proponents of these pseudo-laws against the wall of the Constitution and independent judiciary as they both functioned in Dec. 2019 (pre-public-health-emergency administrative dictatorship), and even more as they functioned pre-PATRIOT Act of 2001.
This requires lots of people to bring lots of lots of cases, to make lots of opportunities for courts to push defendants (doctors, hospitals, etc.) to explicitly, openly try to defend themselves on grounds that individuals no longer possess any cognizable legal rights to not be trapped, incapacitated, attacked and killed by doctors and nurses in hospitals and nursing homes.
The courts can still function to make the killers have to try to defend their actions on those grounds.
Backstopping that process, if the Luciferian/Gatesian genociders get even a little bit worried about the avalanche of state court proceedings, they're more likely step out of the shadows (where they can stay because of widespread, quiet cooperation from the people) a bit more and explicitly, openly announce that the judicial branch, and the Constitutional republican form of sovereign federal government, have both been eliminated.
Getting those things into the open can help more people in more states firm up their intentions and plans to secede and prepare to defend their state populations and borders (land, air, water and electro-magnetic) against federal/globalist military incursions.

Hi Katherine, and thank you again for your great work. Quick question I was wondering your thoughts about how these cases are affected by the CDC death protocol, particularly the one in Florida where DeSantis solidified that protocol in Florida hospitals until June 2023.
Thanks, Katherine for this article. It is painful to read because my dear mom (79) passed from these same hospital dictates in Jan 2021. My brother & I weren't allowed to visit & they refused to give her any other treatments for her symptoms other than Remdesivir & ventilator. I asked for monoclonal antibodies and IV Vit C & was refused. I said, you have to try everything, it's not her time to die...
Hers was death by hospital protocol.