Hi Katherine, and thank you again for your great work. Quick question I was wondering your thoughts about how these cases are affected by the CDC death protocol, particularly the one in Florida where DeSantis solidified that protocol in Florida hospitals until June 2023.

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I've started calling all of these things pseudo-laws. I think they're going to be invalidated at some point -- struck down or allowed to expire -- and am working to help bring that about as quickly as possible.

Part of how they're going to be invalidated is challenging all of them in court and backing the proponents of these pseudo-laws against the wall of the Constitution and independent judiciary as they both functioned in Dec. 2019 (pre-public-health-emergency adminstrative dictatorship), and even more as they functioned pre-PATRIOT Act of 2001.

This requires lots of people to bring lots of lots of cases, to make lots of opportunities for courts to push defendants (doctors, hospitals, etc.) to explicitly, openly try to defend themselves on grounds that individuals no longer possess any cognizable legal rights to not be trapped, incapacitated, attacked and killed by doctors and nurses in hospitals and nursing homes.

The courts can still function to make the killers have to try to defend their actions on those grounds.

Backstopping that process, if the Luciferian/Gatesian genociders get even a little bit worried about the avalanche of state court proceedings, they're more likely step out of the shadows (where they can stay because of widespread, quiet cooperation from the people) a bit more and explicitly, openly announce that the judicial branch, and the Constitutional republican form of sovereign federal government, have both been eliminated.

Getting those things into the open can help more people in more states firm up their intentions and plans to secede and prepare to defend their state populations and borders against federal/globalist military incursions.

Link to CMS waiver document:


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The backstopping part - Get the tyranny to get so blatant, that no one can sanely question the reality? I do agree this would be the best "hot" option as we would gain the moral high ground.

For the little people reading, I'm one of you, get your food and water stored away(better yet, food and water systems) so that you will have the ability to stand up and say "no more!" with everyone else - you won't fear their force as much if you can eat and drink. I do hope and wish for a peaceful, judicial end to all of this, but I'm willing to consider and plan for the worst.

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Very disappointed that Florida did this:

DeSantis signs a bill that extends COVID protections for health care providers to June 2023


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Yes...when this happened, I wrote a lengthy letter to Governor DeSantis urging him to veto/not sign this egregious bill. Here is the opening to that letter from Feb 2022:

"SUBJECT: Implicitly Criminal & Immoral Legislation – Senate Bill 7014/HB 7021

Dear Governor DeSantis:

The Subject bill will likely hit your desk in the next few days. I urge you to veto this deeply corrupt legislation. Its obliteration of the rights of patients, its inexcusable restrictions on the practice of medicine, and its utter lack of an ethical and moral basis should shock everyone.

This bill seeks to amend legislation passed last year, Title XLV, Chapter 768, § 381 – “COVID-19 related claims against healthcare providers”. This deeply flawed, wholly unbalanced, and ethically bereft legislation provided for complete liability immunity for healthcare providers in their treatment of one specific set of symptoms – those identified as stemming from SARS CoV-2, the virus alleged to cause severe respiratory (and in some cases, vascular) symptoms.

If this legislation becomes law, the liability shield will remain in place until Jun 2023. By definition, it also means that the rights of Florida residents remain stripped – if they have the misfortune of being diagnosed with “COVID”. It means the ability of Florida doctors and nurses to craft specific treatment protocols personalized to the individual will remain out of reach for all. This, of course, includes those very doctors and nurses who may find themselves on the receiving end of a treatment protocol dictated to them by federal, state, and local governmental “entities”."

I concluded:

"Governor DeSantis, you must rid Florida of this legislation. It is deeply corrupt and utterly bereft of any ethical and moral basis. At all. It’s bad enough that it got passed in the first place, but to extend the destruction of patients’ rights, to continue to tie the hands of doctors who know how to treat this respiratory infection, and to insidiously diminish the conscience of those charged with the proper care of others is to extend an egregious assault on ethical conduct, the practice of good medicine, and the fundamental rights of all Florida residents."

I called out and cc'd Danny Burgess, one of the co-sponsors of this "dreck", as I called it. To no avail, of course. DeSantis signed it, but the stake is in the ground. Those who would purposely undermine the basic human rights of their States' residents deserve to be thrown out on their ears -- and worse -- but this is a family newsletter, so I'll let it at that.

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Excellent letter! I'm not from FL, but watched with great interest. There was a lot of coverage and conversation about it in Jeff Childer's Substack, Coffee & Covid.

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Thank you!

I went into "Your death is near", too, in the letter. Burgess had said that we didn't need "doctors looking over their shoulders" while they "cared" for patients. The hell we don't want doctors looking over their shoulders! Every minute -- to do their best every minute, committing no harm by commission 𝒐𝒓 omission.

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Given more recent stances by Ladapo/DeSantis on immunization and "gender-affirming care" for minors, there should be hope that the law will be allowed to expire in ignominy on 6-01-23.

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Yes, let's hope.

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Substack is really growing! 😹

HI, Dr. Jane.

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Love you, Dr. Ruby! ❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks, Katherine for this article. It is painful to read because my dear mom (79) passed from these same hospital dictates in Jan 2021. My brother & I weren't allowed to visit & they refused to give her any other treatments for her symptoms other than Remdesivir & ventilator. I asked for monoclonal antibodies and IV Vit C & was refused. I said, you have to try everything, it's not her time to die...

Hers was death by hospital protocol.

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I'm so sorry that she was taken from you by these monsters.

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So very, very sorry.

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Very sorry for your loss. Exact same story with my brother, and they pushed us to pull the plug saying "since he's such a great man, Heaven will welcome him, you should let him go." We did not! His blood is on their hands, not ours.

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So many hearts ache for your story and you are not alone in your feelings of anger and grief. I know that doesn't seem to ease the pain but sometimes it can help ease feelings of sadness. God bless you, your family and your brother.

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thank you so much.

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Thank you for not only alerting us to the hydra of laws killing us, and that the police will not get invovled in getting your relative out of these kill places (they now work for HHS) ...but a huge thank you for giving us something to go against these monsters.

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People were calling attention to “death is near “ early in 2020. Let’s assume just for arguments sake that ivermectin is completely useless. It’s still infinitely better than remdesivir, which is extremely harmful and kills people!

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🙏💗 Bless you!

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Hi Katherine - Betsy McDonel Herr mentioned your outstanding work in my substack Inside Pharma. I've known things were bad in pharma for many years, but discovering the depth of corruption that has gone on leaves me speechless. It seems just about impossible to get over the legislation put in place to circumvent measures intended to keep people safe.. I've been quoting FDA portion of the CFRs, Title 21, andcGMP, not realising that they have just been swept away by the legislation and other stuff you are turning up. If it helps, here is an interview I have just done in the UK: https://rumble.com/v1qe9nk-freeman-interviews-hedley.html which talks to the manufacturing issues, which are less understood by yhe public. If I can help in any way, please do let me know. Kind regards, Hedley

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My gut feeling is that this is an area of law so wrought with corruption, it's mind boggling. Mind boggling as to the where, when, why, how, what, and who can file a claim on behalf of somebody else (discreetly or not) for monetary compensation for death or damages committed by physicians and medical staff in hospitals and out patients settings. I think this is like a gigantic bacterial infection inside our deathly sick legal system.

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Can you be more specific about what you hope secession will ultimately do? Especially a land-locked state?

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I hope secession will create a path to reunification under a legitimate Constitution and legitimate federal laws, or a path toward creation of smaller, region-based confederations operating under legitimate Constitutions and legitimate laws.

I don't pretend it's an easy path.

It requires state populations to take very seriously the imperative to prepare to protect ourselves from the federal military's attacks across our borders and to develop self-supporting economic, legal, educational, financial and other systems within our borders.

So long as states stay tethered to the federal government's bribery schemes (federal funding for programs perceived as essential), they will not stand up to federal government tyranny.

I was reading Peter Robinson's 2021 book Not Dark Yet yesterday -- he's one of my favorite fiction writers, and writes in one of my favorite genres (police procedurals).

And I'm sad that he showed up on MCM's obituary list a few weeks ago.


There was an on-point passage, about why evil-doers frighten people into complicity and *also pay them money.*

A victim of sex-trafficking (Zelda) has located the orphanage director who told the traffickers when she and other teenage girls would each be leaving the orphanage to strike out on their own, so the traffickers could kidnap them from the street in front of the orphanage and take them to the "breaking houses."

The director tells her that he did it because the traffickers threatened his own wife and two daughters, and then says that later, the traffickers made him accept payouts.

Zelda asks: "Why would they do that if they could force you to do what they wanted for nothing?"

"To make me complicit," Lupescu said..."Don't you understand? There was always a chance I might go to the police and tell them everything in exchange for protection for me and my family...If they paid me, I couldn't tell the authorities without implicating myself...

It was their insurance, their way of making certain I did what they wanted, that I was no different from them..."

That's what federal funding to states is for: to make state governments complicit in federal government crimes. It's effective. And I see secession as a useful tool for breaking that link of complicity and creating other paths forward for the people living in the seceding states.

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Thirty years of artificial intelligence and law: the third decade

09 August 2022


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Oct 30, 2022
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For routine maintenance for sure. There’s enough information for most people to take care of themselves. After all that mess I have less respect for doctors than for car mechanics.

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