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Can you be more specific about what you hope secession will ultimately do? Especially a land-locked state?

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I hope secession will create a path to reunification under a legitimate Constitution and legitimate federal laws, or a path toward creation of smaller, region-based confederations operating under legitimate Constitutions and legitimate laws.

I don't pretend it's an easy path.

It requires state populations to take very seriously the imperative to prepare to protect ourselves from the federal military's attacks across our borders and to develop self-supporting economic, legal, educational, financial and other systems within our borders.

So long as states stay tethered to the federal government's bribery schemes (federal funding for programs perceived as essential), they will not stand up to federal government tyranny.

I was reading Peter Robinson's 2021 book Not Dark Yet yesterday -- he's one of my favorite fiction writers, and writes in one of my favorite genres (police procedurals).

And I'm sad that he showed up on MCM's obituary list a few weeks ago.


There was an on-point passage, about why evil-doers frighten people into complicity and *also pay them money.*

A victim of sex-trafficking (Zelda) has located the orphanage director who told the traffickers when she and other teenage girls would each be leaving the orphanage to strike out on their own, so the traffickers could kidnap them from the street in front of the orphanage and take them to the "breaking houses."

The director tells her that he did it because the traffickers threatened his own wife and two daughters, and then says that later, the traffickers made him accept payouts.

Zelda asks: "Why would they do that if they could force you to do what they wanted for nothing?"

"To make me complicit," Lupescu said..."Don't you understand? There was always a chance I might go to the police and tell them everything in exchange for protection for me and my family...If they paid me, I couldn't tell the authorities without implicating myself...

It was their insurance, their way of making certain I did what they wanted, that I was no different from them..."

That's what federal funding to states is for: to make state governments complicit in federal government crimes. It's effective. And I see secession as a useful tool for breaking that link of complicity and creating other paths forward for the people living in the seceding states.

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