Excellent letter! I'm not from FL, but watched with great interest. There was a lot of coverage and conversation about it in Jeff Childer's Substack, Coffee & Covid.
Excellent letter! I'm not from FL, but watched with great interest. There was a lot of coverage and conversation about it in Jeff Childer's Substack, Coffee & Covid.
I went into "Your death is near", too, in the letter. Burgess had said that we didn't need "doctors looking over their shoulders" while they "cared" for patients. The hell we don't want doctors looking over their shoulders! Every minute -- to do their best every minute, committing no harm by commission 𝒐𝒓 omission.
Given more recent stances by Ladapo/DeSantis on immunization and "gender-affirming care" for minors, there should be hope that the law will be allowed to expire in ignominy on 6-01-23.
Excellent letter! I'm not from FL, but watched with great interest. There was a lot of coverage and conversation about it in Jeff Childer's Substack, Coffee & Covid.
Thank you!
I went into "Your death is near", too, in the letter. Burgess had said that we didn't need "doctors looking over their shoulders" while they "cared" for patients. The hell we don't want doctors looking over their shoulders! Every minute -- to do their best every minute, committing no harm by commission 𝒐𝒓 omission.
Given more recent stances by Ladapo/DeSantis on immunization and "gender-affirming care" for minors, there should be hope that the law will be allowed to expire in ignominy on 6-01-23.
Yes, let's hope.