My gut feeling is that this is an area of law so wrought with corruption, it's mind boggling. Mind boggling as to the where, when, why, how, what, and who can file a claim on behalf of somebody else (discreetly or not) for monetary compensation for death or damages committed by physicians and medical staff in hospitals and out patients s…
My gut feeling is that this is an area of law so wrought with corruption, it's mind boggling. Mind boggling as to the where, when, why, how, what, and who can file a claim on behalf of somebody else (discreetly or not) for monetary compensation for death or damages committed by physicians and medical staff in hospitals and out patients settings. I think this is like a gigantic bacterial infection inside our deathly sick legal system.
My gut feeling is that this is an area of law so wrought with corruption, it's mind boggling. Mind boggling as to the where, when, why, how, what, and who can file a claim on behalf of somebody else (discreetly or not) for monetary compensation for death or damages committed by physicians and medical staff in hospitals and out patients settings. I think this is like a gigantic bacterial infection inside our deathly sick legal system.