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Yes...when this happened, I wrote a lengthy letter to Governor DeSantis urging him to veto/not sign this egregious bill. Here is the opening to that letter from Feb 2022:

"SUBJECT: Implicitly Criminal & Immoral Legislation – Senate Bill 7014/HB 7021

Dear Governor DeSantis:

The Subject bill will likely hit your desk in the next few days. I urge you to veto this deeply corrupt legislation. Its obliteration of the rights of patients, its inexcusable restrictions on the practice of medicine, and its utter lack of an ethical and moral basis should shock everyone.

This bill seeks to amend legislation passed last year, Title XLV, Chapter 768, § 381 – “COVID-19 related claims against healthcare providers”. This deeply flawed, wholly unbalanced, and ethically bereft legislation provided for complete liability immunity for healthcare providers in their treatment of one specific set of symptoms – those identified as stemming from SARS CoV-2, the virus alleged to cause severe respiratory (and in some cases, vascular) symptoms.

If this legislation becomes law, the liability shield will remain in place until Jun 2023. By definition, it also means that the rights of Florida residents remain stripped – if they have the misfortune of being diagnosed with “COVID”. It means the ability of Florida doctors and nurses to craft specific treatment protocols personalized to the individual will remain out of reach for all. This, of course, includes those very doctors and nurses who may find themselves on the receiving end of a treatment protocol dictated to them by federal, state, and local governmental “entities”."

I concluded:

"Governor DeSantis, you must rid Florida of this legislation. It is deeply corrupt and utterly bereft of any ethical and moral basis. At all. It’s bad enough that it got passed in the first place, but to extend the destruction of patients’ rights, to continue to tie the hands of doctors who know how to treat this respiratory infection, and to insidiously diminish the conscience of those charged with the proper care of others is to extend an egregious assault on ethical conduct, the practice of good medicine, and the fundamental rights of all Florida residents."

I called out and cc'd Danny Burgess, one of the co-sponsors of this "dreck", as I called it. To no avail, of course. DeSantis signed it, but the stake is in the ground. Those who would purposely undermine the basic human rights of their States' residents deserve to be thrown out on their ears -- and worse -- but this is a family newsletter, so I'll let it at that.

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Excellent letter! I'm not from FL, but watched with great interest. There was a lot of coverage and conversation about it in Jeff Childer's Substack, Coffee & Covid.

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Thank you!

I went into "Your death is near", too, in the letter. Burgess had said that we didn't need "doctors looking over their shoulders" while they "cared" for patients. The hell we don't want doctors looking over their shoulders! Every minute -- to do their best every minute, committing no harm by commission 𝒐𝒓 omission.

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Given more recent stances by Ladapo/DeSantis on immunization and "gender-affirming care" for minors, there should be hope that the law will be allowed to expire in ignominy on 6-01-23.

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Yes, let's hope.

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