Legal buckshot, legal birdshot, legal slugs, legal cannonballs...
Legal shoulder-mounted rocket launchers...
Reader comment:
The enormous complexities of what is legally ultimately a rather straightforward case of coporate criminal fraud make me wonder about the wisdom of a shotgun pro se strategy that Todd Calendar has in mind.
I can see some obvious benefit to it in that maybe some pro se litigants luck into an honest judge's courtroom, are competent enough therein, and that their discovery turns up damaging info or the case even results in a sound judgement for a pro se plaintiff but given how rigged the system is it raises a lot of questions.
Reader is referring to the Five Small Stones campaign.
Background posts at Bailiwick here and here.
Five Small Stones website Welcome, About Us, and entry-level legal templates.
Starter pack includes Affidavit of Noncompliance anyone can file at county courthouses, and Notice of War Crimes Complicity (editable Word version) anyone can serve on doctors, nurses, hospital and nursing home administrators, pharmacists, school administrators, employers, business owners, government officials and all other accomplices to the mass murder attack on the people of the world declared by then- HHS Secretary Alex Azar on behalf of the US Government effective Jan. 27, 2020 and ongoing today.
My reply to the reader comment:
As I understand it, Callender isn’t advocating that pro se litigants bring the complex fraud and mass murder cases.
He’s advocating that they bring tens of thousands of medical malpractice, negligent homicide, false imprisonment, employment discrimination and other personal civil and criminal cases.
As Dave Chappelle once put it, talking about his experience buying a shotgun for home security and the advice of the gun shop owner: birdshot and buckshot.
Legal birdshot, legal buckshot, legal slugs, legal cannonballs — all working together.
WARNING: Lots of cuss words in the Chappelle video. The buckshot/birdshot bit is the first three or four minutes of the clip.
You are so in front of the legal aspects of this psyops….. AND it’s ok to listen to Dave Chappell … he real and in front of the psyops like YOU…. Just in a different way!