Government-directed mass murder: legal issues for further research.
As I posted yesterday, I’m sorting through files where I jotted notes about legal topics that are relevant to the process of challenging, nullifying and repealing the kill box laws passed by Congress, signed by US presidents, used by American Cabinet secretaries and their delegates (and their counterparts in other countries worldwide), as laid out in timeline form in the American Domestic Bioterrorism Program post.
The list below is only a subset. Every time I’ve explored one legal subject, the path branches out into many related issues, and that continues to the present.
(For some of the entries, I've done some reporting; if so, I put a link labeled with date of publication. If there’s no link, it’s a topic I’ve written about a lot — and there is still much more to learn — or a topic that I haven’t written about publicly at all.)
There’s value in doing more legal research about how these laws and programs have developed over time, but only to the extent that there are private attorneys, public prosecutors, and federal and state lawmakers interested in using the material to challenge, nullify and repeal the kill box laws. If contacted by credible legal teams with requests for more legal research, I’ll do more research. If not, I probably won’t, so that I can devote time to studying and writing about different law-related things.
I encourage Bailiwick readers interested in understanding the issues listed in more detail to study them. Contact me if you want copies of the materials I’ve collected so far.
As a recap, the kill box law evidence supports the conclusion that injuries, diseases, sterilizations and deaths sustained by the world’s population in recent decades through public health programs are not accidental or inadvertent, or the result of incompetence.
The massive harms are the result of intentional, planned, criminal government acts, omissions and frauds, including but not limited to the injuries and deaths caused since 2020 by the EUA countermeasures known as “Covid-19 vaccines.”
The primary crime scene is Congress — the floors of the US House of Representatives and US Senate.
The core crime is treason: levying war against the United States, adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, while owing allegiance to the United States (18 USC 2381).
The enemies of the United States — and all other countries — are the individuals funding and operating the United Nations, World Health Organization and related supranational institutions.
The treasonous acts committed by members of Congress are their public votes to enact federal laws enabling homicide under ‘public health emergency’ conditions and shielding killers from criminal prosecution and civil liability.
The treasonous acts committed by US Presidents are their public signatures on those Congressional acts.
The evidence includes public records of roll call votes and laws, regulations, executive orders, contracts, treaties, court orders, and other legal instruments. They derive the force of law from their nature as instruments issued, published and cited as the source of authority, by a visible sovereign government and visible, individual officials publicly presenting themselves as authorized representatives of a sovereign government.
Destruction of the evidence is unlikely, and the attempt itself would shed cleansing light on the existing but difficult-to-see state of war, open the eyes of more people who don’t yet know they are under government military-public health attack, and go a long way toward bringing about a ceasefire.
The current, visible, public legal instruments serve as weapons in that war, enabling traitors to covertly attack, incapacitate and kill the people of the United States, operating through more or less knowing, visible 'public health' proxies (pharmacists, nurses and doctors) using legalized poisons (EUA countermeasures).
The legal instruments also serve as shields or blocks, protecting the traitors and the proxies from accountability and justice.
The traitors have vested interests in maintaining access to the legal weapons and the legal shields.
The best method available to the traitors to destroy the evidence of their crimes is for criminals serving in Congress to repeal kill box laws, and thereby void all derivative regulations; for criminals serving in the executive branch to revoke executive orders and withdraw from contracts and treaties; and for criminals serving as federal judges to overturn kill-ratifying court decisions.
Again, the attempt itself — to destroy evidence — would shed cleansing light on the existing but difficult-to-see state of war, open the eyes of more people who don’t yet know they are under government military-public health attack, and go a long way toward bringing about a ceasefire.
Update, Feb. 23, 2024
ExcessDeathsAU wrote:
They are destroying evidence in Western Australia and I caught them by anticipating they would do this. I downloaded and printed the original documents when they were issued (see article in comments). Unfortunately, the legal experts said it was a ‘conspiracy theory’ to think it was intentional because they are funded by the same state body that issued the Emergency and injection mandates. The media does not report on it, I am in a digital prison, and the populace thinks the ‘government keeps them safe.’ We had actual destruction of evidence and coverup and there was no ‘cleansing light’ because there is no one to prosecute the case, no one important enough to report on it, and no one cares. They’re all at Taylor Swift.
My reply:
The laws themselves (for example, the Western Australia Emergency Management Act of 2005) are in a different category of evidence, than the application of the laws to specific events (for example, the “Proof of Vaccination Direction” signed and issued by Christopher Dawson on Jan. 26, 2022, citing the EMA Act of 2005, sections 56, 67, 70 and 72A as the source of his authority.)
I agree that the killers will destroy and/or corrupt event-specific evidence, including things like the Dawson “direction” and also data about ‘vaccine’ coverage rates, injuries and deaths and many other types of records.
But the killers intend to use the underlying laws to carry out similar attacks again and again in the future.
They can only destroy the enabling laws by repealing them, and if they repeal them, then they can’t use them anymore as the public, legal justification for issuing and enforcing new rounds of event-specific decrees.
Government-directed mass murder: legal issues for further research
1933 to present - Executive Orders and other forms of presidential decree; provisions blocking judicial review of EOs. For example, EO 12630 (1988) - "Judicial Review. This Order is intended only to improve the internal management of the Executive branch and is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agencies, its officers, or any person."
1944 to present - "Quarantinable disease," "quarantinable communicable disease," "qualifying stage," and "precommunicable stage" law (42 USC 264); Fourth Amendment; probable cause; warrantless searches and seizures; non-law enforcement related activity. Jan. 20, 2024
1944 to present - "Biological products" law, 42 USC 262. Dec. 19, 2023
1945 International Organizations Immunity Act, Dec. 29, 1945
1947 to present - Informed consent law and human clinical trials, regulatory changes, exceptions when "not ethical" and/or "not feasible;" 1947 Nuremberg Code; 1974 Belmont Report; 1991 Common Rule; 2017 Final Rule, Federal Policy for the Protection of Human Subjects.
1950 to present - Defense Production Act (50 USC Ch. 55) as related to contract law, voluntary agreements, plans of action, duress; criminal law; civil tort law. Oct. 23, 2023
1969 Jaffe memorandum on population control; restraint stress; immobilization stress; depression; anxiety.
1974 RICO - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (18 USC 1961). Jan. 16, 2023.
1976 National Emergencies Act (50 USC Ch. 34), laws and programs. April 11, 2023
1976 to present - Disparate standards of scientific evidence: National Swine Flu Immunization Program (1976); Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (1986); EUA biochemical weapons program (1997); Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (2005); and PACT Act military toxic exposure compensation program (2022). Feb. 20, 2024
1983 to present - Public health emergency (42 USC 247d), laws and programs
1986 to present - National Vaccine Program and Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (42 USC 300aa), laws and programs.
1988 to present - Department of State, Department of Health and Human Services, delegation of authority "to carry out international health activities;" treaty negotiation; personal services contracts; as related to World Health Organization. April 4, 2023
1988 to present - Property takings under public health laws, relating to "owners of property posing a threat of introduction, transmission or spread of infectious disease."
1995 to present - Law enforcement, military and judicial functions during health-related events, law and programs; Fourth Amendment; probable cause; warrantless searches and seizures; non-law enforcement related activity. July 23, 2022; Jan. 20, 2024
1996 to present - Military apprehension and detention of civilians, law and programs; 10 USC 382; 10 USC 282; Fourth Amendment; probable cause; warrantless searches and seizures; non-law enforcement related activity. May 21, 2022; Jan. 20, 2024
1997 to present - Emergency Use Authorization/EUA law (21 USC 360bbb), laws and programs. Feb. 9, 2023
1998 to present - FDA Guidance for Industry on gene therapy, cGMP, PREP Act amendments, EUA and related
2000 to present - Good Samaritan laws providing liability immunity to health care workers acting during an emergency, waiver of informed consent for individual patient (due to patient incapacity and/or immediate threat to life); waiver of informed consent population-wide during declared public health emergency with use of emergency use authorization (EUA) medical countermeasures; Model State Emergency Health Powers Act campaign
2000 to present - Biological agents, select agents and toxins lists, 42 CFR 73, law and programs. Feb. 7, 2024
2004 to 2014 - BARDA Project Bioshield reports
2005 to present - PREP Act (42 USC 247d-6d and related); preemption; development of HHS Office of General Counsel (OGC) legal guidance on PREP Act liability immunities, blanket preemption. July 1, 2023
2006 to present - Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise, (42 USC 300hh), law and activity; PHEMCE Strategic Implementation Plans. Dec. 20, 2022
2007 to present - FDA “legal preparedness,” law and programs. July 4, 2022
2008 to present - "Points of dispensing," law and training programs. July 1, 2023
2011 to present - FDA Medical Countermeasures Initiative (MCMi) reports
2012 Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, propaganda, Federal Trade Commission, false advertising.
2016 to present - Development and deployment of "real world evidence" models, law and programs (21 USC 355g); defined (21st Century CURES Act, Dec. 16, 2016, as "data regarding the usage, or the potential benefits or risks, of a drug derived from sources other than randomized clinical trials;" biomarker models, defined (21st Century CURES Act, Dec. 16, 2016) as "(A) a characteristic (such as a physiologic, pathologic, or anatomic characteristic or measurement) that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biologic processes, pathologic processes, or biological responses to a therapeutic intervention; and (B) includes a surrogate endpoint;" animal testing alternatives, nonclinical tests and related, defined (Consolidated Appropriations Act, Dec. 29, 2022) as "a test conducted in vitro, in silico, or in chemico, or a nonhuman in vivo test, that occurs before or during the clinical trial phase of the investigation of the safety and effectiveness of a drug. Such test may include the following: (1) Cell-based assays. (2) Organ chips and microphysiological systems. (3) Computer modeling. (4) Other nonhuman or human biology-based test methods, such as bioprinting. (5) Animal tests." May 4, 2022.
2017 (Dec. 12) - NDAA FY 2018 (PL 115-91) and Act to amend FDCA EUA "to authorize additional emergency uses for medical products” (PL 115-92); 21 USC 360bbb-3c, provisions for Defense Secretary requests for expedited EUA countermeasures review; 10 USC 1107a; 10 USC 1107a(d). May 25, 2022; Nov. 8, 2023
2021 to present - Federal Retail Pharmacy Program. July 1, 2023
2021 (July 6) - Deputy Attorney General Dawn Johnsen July 6, 2021 opinion, "Whether Section 564 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act Prohibits Entities from Requiring the Use of a Vaccine Subject to an Emergency Use Authorization."
2022 (Aug. 10) - PACT Act, Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act, (38 USC 1710 and related), law and programs; presumptions of toxic exposure for military and veterans; Veterans Administration. Feb. 20, 2024
2022 (Dec. 23) - Global Health Security and International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act (22 USC 2151b, Population planning and health programs, note), enacted through NDAA FY23, law and programs. Aug. 1, 2022.
2022 (Dec. 29) - Food and Drug Omnibus Reform Act of 2022 (21 USC 360bbb-5a and related) and Prepare for and Respond to Existing Viruses, Emerging New Threats, and Pandemics (PREVENT) Act, (42 USC 242c and related), enacted through Consolidated Appropriations Act, law and programs. Dec. 18, 2023
Civil and criminal case analysis:
USA v. Moore et al (DOJ criminal prosecution). Aug. 8, 2023
Ealy v. Redfield (Attorney Stephen Joncus). May 11, 2022
Smith v. US Health Resources and Services Administrator (Attorney Aaron Siri)
Estate of Watts v. Lloyd Austin (Attorney Ray Flores). Sept. 19, 2023
Texas, Oklahoma v. US Department of Health and Human Services. Oct. 17, 2023
Texas v. Pfizer (Texas AG Ken Paxton)
Jackson v. Ventavia, Pfizer et al (Attorneys Robert Barnes, Warner Mendenhall). April 10, 2023
In re: Abbott I-IV.
South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom
Bridges v. Houston Methodist Hospital. Aug. 18, 2023
Butler v. Wolf. Feb. 4, 2022
Griner v. Biden
Robert v. Austin (Attorney Todd Callender)
Roberts v. Shriners Hospital