Intentional infliction of harm is not a legitimate government purpose; enabling it is not a permissible legislative object.
Orientation for new readers - American Domestic Bioterrorism Program - Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law
New court decisions, new case filings, and other law-related records have come across my path in the last couple of weeks, and readers have requested my analysis of some of them. There are also many filings, decisions and other law-related documents that are not-so-recent, but that I haven’t managed to write about in detail yet.
I have a lot of notes about a lot of cases, and will write more about them when I can. I’ve been writing shorter posts lately, on some of the dozens of subtopics of the worldwide, intentional, US-government-led mass murder campaigns.
Generally, I think most of the recently-filed cases are still misfires, because they continue to avoid acknowledging the intentionality of the harms caused by government-directed pandemic preparedness, pandemic response and vaccination programs, and they still include factual history and legal argument sections that reinforce the discernible lies government officials continue to tell.
Nov. 14, 2022 - Thought-stopping stage sets in legal pleadings.
Government officials — from presidents, presidential candidates, cabinet secretaries, Congress members and federal lawyers and judges, down through state and county officials — are lying about pandemic pathogens, pandemics, pandemic-preparedness-and-response, and the purpose and effect of public health emergency laws. They’re lying about diagnostic testing as predicates for medical isolation and treatment programs. They’re lying about biological product and vaccine laws, regulations, development, manufacturing, safety and efficacy.
Among public officials, Congress members are best positioned to start cleaning up the corruption of law and public morals. The evil laws were born in the federal legislature, and then used as models for state and international laws and contracts. So Congress is the primary governing institution in which those enabling laws must be eliminated.
Instead, Congress members are conducting misleading investigative hearings and issuing misleading reports in a bid to cover up and evade earthly accountability for their personal participation in evil lawmaking acts, and the resulting ruination of human lives, bodies and souls.
When they’re ready to turn things around, they’ll introduce bills to repeal the PREP Act and all the other enabling acts, and they’ll fight loud and hard for the enactment of those repeals.
Among private lawyers, some of the most prominent knew, long before I knew, about the complete non-validity of biological product and vaccination law. I’m therefore past the point of being able to attribute most of these lawyers’ omissions, fact errors and legal argument errors as benign oversights motivated by good-faith efforts to work within a rigged judicial system, retain their law licenses and get some financial compensation for the injured and bereaved, although I understand why the assessments of others may differ from my own.
Whether by public officials or private lawyers, deliberate omissions of knowable and known truths, and deliberate repetition and reinforcement of factual and legal errors lead people astray. They mislead people. They lead individuals and societies into temporal occasions of sin, into commission of criminal acts of self-harm, harm of others, and murder. They lead people away from piety, charity, holiness and eternal salvation.
For Bailiwick readers who want to read legal cases and identify some of the corrupting precedents and recent misfires for themselves, I’ve uploaded a collection of pre-Covid and post-Covid case law, including some cases purporting to challenge or weaken the preemption and immunity shields Congress provided through the 2005 PREP Act and the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) sections of it.
These cases address legal and moral principles concerning legitimate government interests; compelling governmental interests; permissible legislative objects; rational, real or substantial relation to legitimate government interests; constitutional rights; sovereign immunity; derivative sovereign immunity; separation of powers; federalism; public heath; public welfare; public morals; common good; compulsory vaccination; compulsory medical treatment; compulsory sterilization; compulsory drug and alcohol testing; compulsory isolation (quarantine); contraception; abortion; euthanasia and assisted suicide.
1927.05.02 Buck v. Bell SCOTUS forced compulsory sterilization compulsory vaccination Jacobson
1938.04.25 US v Carolene SCOTUS strict scrutiny constitution tier factors rational basis
1942.06.01 Skinner v. Oklahoma SCOTUS compulsory sterilization applying strict scrutiny
1984.06.25 Chevron v. NRDC SCOTUS judicial deference to federal executive agency rule
1990.06.25 Cruzan v. Missouri SCOTUS right to refuse medical treatment
1997.06.26 Washington v. Glucksberg SCOTUS assisted suicide unenumerated rights fundamental Jacobson
2011.02.22 Bruesewitz v. Wyeth SCOTUS vaccination unavoidably unsafe product
Post-Covid, SCOTUS and Circuit Courts
Estate of Watts v. DoD
Smith v. HRSA
2023.12.21 Smith v. HRSA, Second Amended COMPLAINT, vaccine injury PREP Act CICP constitution
2024.04.28 Smith v HRSA, Defendant HHS MEMO in support of MOTION TO DISMISS 3AC
2024.05.06 Smith v. HRSA Plaintiff MEMO in opposition to MOTION TO DISMISS
2024.05.24 Smith v. HRSA Defendant REPLY in further support MOTION TO DISMISS
Texas/AG Paxton v. Pfizer
2024.05.09 Texas AG v. Pfizer, Defendant Pfizer, REPLY BRIEF in further support of MOTION TO DISMISS
Kansas/AG Kobach v. Pfizer
Health Freedom Defense Fund v. LAUSD
Moms v. HHS, HRSA, Becerra, Biden