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Katherine, what do we do? IF they cannot be prosecuted...or held legally liable...

Seems to me like HHS needs to be disbanded at once? Along with anyone else they

passed the authority to?

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The short answer is, we need to dismantle the existing institutions, down to the bedrock of the US Constitution, and build new institutions on that foundation: legislatures, courts, executives, health care, schools, journalism, financial transaction systems, and many others.

And to do that, we need to build a critical mass of people who understand that that’s the scale of the problem, and are prepared to fight until their last breath to do the work: educate people, dismantle the corrupt institutions, protect the Constitutional bedrock, and build the new institutions.

In the meantime, do not comply. Withhold your individual explicit and implicit consent.

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Katherine, I feel stupid, but I wanted to know why they are decimating our military...and I think El Gato Malo just opened my eyes to what is being planned.:https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/where-we-stand-depends-upon-who-has?r=94r9t&s=r&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

My big fear I see conifirmed every day is that no one in Congress (Rino's especially) dare to push back. Not against Fauci, not against the miltiary decimation, not against anything.

It is so much later than I think.

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Best reporting I've seen on why they're destroying military is Elizabeth Lee Vliet, Tom McInerney and a few others.

She has a Truth for Health podcast series at America Outloud on the topic.

This is one place to start if you want to look into it more:


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Thank you. Knew it was not good. My thought was prepping for a peaceful invasion by China...but now I feel it is to be turned against us citizens. It all starts with health....or at least the excuse of....and when I look back at the last 20 years, it sticks out now like a sore thumb. How could we be so dumb (I am referring to myself and my generation who slept through it all)....Thank God for you and people like you who have been awake.

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You are not dumb. You have been manipulated into passivity through controlled, false information presented to you as true.

A crime has been committed against you.

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Mar 5, 2023
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Reading through the list of legislation, executive orders, etc., I remember back to about 1973 because I clearly remember Nixon being impeached. I was 8 years old at the time. What does an 8 yr old know about anything?

Going through the years, I graduated high school in '83. I was training martial arts in '85 through '94. Had a couple few girlfriends come and go during that time. You know, the typical things that a 20-something guy is thinking about.

What I was NOT thinking about is the establishment of absolutely unimaginable and horrific tyranny being put in place.

I remember Reagan's War on Drugs -- Nancy says "Just Say No". I remember the first Gulf War. Seems like a distraction, looking back at it now. Bush Sr., one term and then Clinton. All the hysterics and karaoke theater put on by congress and our "representatives" did not hint at the real evil being cemented into place.

By the time I paid attention, 9/11/2001, I was already 36 years old. Looking at this list, I had no idea. I remember walking into an airport with no TSA before that time. I always wondered when that "normal" was going to come back. It's not gonna happen.

I had a career to build. Moved across the country. The government ratchet kept clicking in that one direction. I didn't even know. Tighter and tighter.

And then in 2020 the government and the entire planet lost its mind. Now, at 57 years old (58 in April), I read this list going back -- never mind to being an 8 year old boy -- but back to before my mother was born. Back before the Guns of August aka WW1.

"There is no stopping condition." I'm horrified. It's gone too far. It won't be undone in my lifetime. And apparently all of our lifetimes may end up being a lot shorter than we'd probably been hoping.

This is unimaginable evil. Can people really undo this? Or is this the actual End Times?

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I heard someone put it very well this morning on RAV News. Republicans just want govt to stay out of their lives and there for aren’t and haven’t been involved for decades. NOW, it’s a matter of we, the people, ALL PEOPLE, but especially awaking Republicans need to not want them in OUR lives, but MUST get into the lives of the government- to the very core! We must be engaged- let them know we are in command!

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Don't know how these were missed before now. Every time this Platform is ventured into...There's always something more to fill-in the details to answer questions from other information acquired. It's no wonder education in the U.S. has deliberately NEGLECTED/LIED by both omission and commission to indoctrinate/brainwash society into believing a trough of 'Hogwash'.

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Excellent, indeed!

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Senator Ron Johnson has been having off-site and Congressional seminars/presentations about the forbidden therapeutics that could have saved so many lives & prevented loss of loved ones, & the suffering of the vax-injured. He allies sometimes with Rand Paul, but the real driver is Johnson.

He is a friend.

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It was the hospital protocol that was killing the patients not forbidden therapeutics. The NIH and CDC were and probably still are to use this death protocol that ended with Remdesivir. Follow Dr Yoho's substack


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I think you misunderstood me. I'm in complete agreement.

I brought a bunch of IVM back from Mexico, and sent it to friends, one whose life was saved because of it. Sadly, I knew of three people, one a neighbor, who were sick with Delta, hospitalized, vented, and given Remdisevir. I begged their families to get a certain highly-respected doctor here, to give them the FLCCC protocol, to no avail. They all died.

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Yes, but he needs total acknowledgment and funding. Acknowledgment via letters sent to him and others, esp others on the other side! The other side MUST be put on notice by the public! We cannot keep preaching to the choir. I read all of this, began a paid subscription, but now will let many know that I now know through these documents they have weaponized the government including the media and social media - I cannot thank Katherine Watts enough.

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Correct. I have been sending this to many persuadable people


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Duchess I feel so ignorant and naïve to it all.

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Not any more!

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No more Santa Claus or the tooth fairy 😩

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Xingyi I can track everything you are saying. I experienced exactly what you have written here.

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A Convention of States is the only option I see at this point and it is making great progress with South Carolina, now the 19th of the needed 34 to pass...

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I understand why you and others think this is a good idea, but I don’t agree. I think the globalists will control the delegates and agendas for a new constitutional convention, and will use it to create a globalist governing document.

One of the reports that led me to that conclusion is this interview between Catherine Austin Fitts and Edwin Vieira. The PDF link to the transcript is now broken, but the audio works.


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Crap. we are outfoxed everywhere.

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Aug 17, 2022
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Oct 18, 2022
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Katherine, Thank your for the link and, as I volunteer for the Convention of States project, I am quite familiar with its premise and how it gets convoluted by the globalists (you’re correct there!) because they certainly do not want a “Convention of States” to be convened. This is very different from a Constitutional Convention, which only happens once and does not need to happen again because we have a pretty perfect one! This Convention of the States is clearly addressed in Article V in the U.S. Constitution for the very purpose of solving our current problems. The founders knew the tyrannical rule they escaped in England could happen again in the newly formed United States of America, as human nature is inclined to be corrupted by unchecked power, so they worked to do all they could to prevent it and in the event it did come to pass, the people, through their states, would still have a means by which to regain power. A Convention of States has a very clear directive and method of how it can proceed. Initially, any amendments to be discussed have to be agreed upon prior to a calling of a Convention of States. These, and only these amendments, are up for discussion at the convention once the 34 necessary states required have passed the resolution to call the convention. For it to take place, two thirds of the states, or 34 states, must pass a resolution in their respective legislatures, to agree to work on only the proposed agenda amendments in order to be admitted to the Convention of States. Each state, once they have passed the resolution, may then send as many delegates as they choose, but if, at the conclusion of the Convention of States, any of the proposed amendments are to be voted on, each state gets only one vote. And then, if an amendment or amendments are voted on and approved at the Convention of States, these approved amendments must then be presented to the remaining states and can only pass with three fourths, or 38 states, of all these United States to actually be ratified as amendments to the U. S. Constitution. I don’t believe, that first, 34 states would agree to any amendments not in the best interests of the states and their constituents, and for sure, I don’t believe 38 the states would vote to ratify any amendment, or amendments, contrary to the intent of We the People. We could have some blue states at the convention, but their legislatures would have had to pass the resolution on the exact proposed amendments - nothing else is up for discussion - and then again, it requires a positive vote of at least 38 states to ratify any amendment. It’s the best solution I know of for returning to the enforcement of the Constitution and the very reason it’s being fought so diligently by the globalists. Once a Convention of States is called - and Congress cannot stop it - because it works the same way Congressional amendments have been passed all these years, the current politicians know their days are numbered. Currently 19 states out of the required 34 have passed the legislative resolution and at least 5 more states are working it through their legislatures. The 3 proposed, and required to be agreed upon, amendments are; 1. term limits, 2. Limiting of federal government overreach (returning to adherence to the Constitution) and 3. fiscal accountability from the federal government (again, obeying by the Constitution). So basically, a Convention of States is the only legal vehicle We the People have, through our state legislatures, to bring back to heel our out of control federal government. Congress and their appointed, but legally unauthorized federal agencies have been allowed to actually break the “law of the land” - the Constitution - for too many years and this power was bestowed us by the founders, through Article V, as the most effective method of returning power to the states and the people as was intended in our Constitution. If you are truly interested, the website www.conventionofstates.com does an excellent job of breaking it down and dispelling the myths and untruths being told to discourage Americans from embracing their power and reclaiming their country. God bless you and God bless America!

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Nice that you explained the difference between Convention of States and a Constitutional Convention... except I still disagree on one point. Answer me this...

?... Do you think a convention of states would vote the same on issues today, as they would have just 4 years ago? (my answer is NO) How about 4 years FROM today? (again my own answer is NO)

It's why although I'm nearing 70 & wish I could see positive stuff happen before I die.. I would rather the country wait until it finally becomes mostly red-pilled, along with at least ONE term of contentment & togetherness. If the nation can't follow the Constitution today, what makes you think new amendments will magically "fix" the country? It won't.

Now after the death & destruction of the jabs finally comes out and trials completed against those that perpetrated the hoax pay for their sins... now THAT seems like an appropriate time to implement changes, when most of the entire country will be pulled together on common ground.

See that?

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I have heard similar arguments re: COS's. Sometimes the only solution is to leave, if physically possible. Safety in numbers is a consideration. Exits could be individual or regional. Participation by diverse locations would likely be most effective. PTB likely to resist.

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COS is not about a “constitutional” convention; is totally against that! Please do your homework and then let’s have the discussion. The enemy is deliberately putting out this distraction to sabotage a COS, which would render them powerless.

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We're not the "enemy" CYN, & you're mixing semantics. If we're talking about getting together to add amendments to the constitution, then IMO that's lunacy to do anytime soon!!! The country is too divided, meaning it's too risky that the crazy left could somehow get a crazy new amendment added and THAT risk isn't worth it right now! Maybe in 6 yrs or so, but for now.. let's all focus on making our government follow our CURRENT Constitution, because if they can't do that, then more laws won't make any difference. And that's a fact.

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The Rockefeller/Ford foundation wrote it yrs ago,called the constitution for the new states of america.I think they're all infested with the Archon mind parasites myself.

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Totally agree! Heck, I realized that years ago without any extra feedback from Catherine or anyone else. Started to listen to a channel recently explaining how (guessing since I only listened to the beginning) they were starting to explain that a convention could only discuss what was laid out before it was assembled. Maybe there's some truth to what he was trying to explain why there's no down side, but off hand my thought is you do NOT have a convention when the country is so separated.. sounds like a recipe for disaster and I absolutely would not trust someone coming up with something to get around the good intentions. It's just way too risky right now, IMO. I mean really, at least the emotions are so high right now it's almost like war and what's the saying.. all is fair in love & war?

I think maybe what you said about "delegates" is what he mentioned and instantly I thought you probably can't FORCE a "delegate" to vote like they promise and probably without recourse if they didn't. That's maybe why listening to any more of it seemed like a waste. Thank you for all your work & knowledge on these topics! ;)

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Hello Katherine Watt: Correct. I've seen the suggestion of a Constitutional Convention on a number of web sites. Persons who suggest this Article V mechanism, seem totally unaware of the potentials for infiltration and controls over the process. The Article V process assigns modification of Constitutional powers into a very small arena of debate. It is a very dangerous proposition. >


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That's why working at state level is better. Nullification and secession are the things to advocate.

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I’ll look forward to your solutions as you seem to know best how to right the ever-sinking ship. I’ll be long gone of course, as this thinking merely kicks the can down the road in hopes someone else will invent the “perfect remedy”; one of these days when everything’s going our way. I’m glad some folks in America believe in action, of some sort, anything, to move a positive agenda forward, to bring like-minded people together to find workable solutions, vs the continuing, decades-long rhetoric of how bad things are and it’s never the right time to act because....Have a great day!

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That’s the entire purpose of a “convention of states”. To force the federal government, which has given itself unauthorized power, to return to following the Constitution as it is written; no revisions, no additions, no new amendments. It is a fairly perfect document and if followed would return power to the states and we the people. We all need to fully understand our Constitution as it’s sickening to see how far we’ve veered from following it.

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Here's a scary situation I just discovered yesterday, here in Florida, of all places. Bought a used Car from a young kid in lake Helen. Probably 18-19 years. When I pointed out where he had to sign the title, not print like the line below, he said " that's cursive. We aren't taught that." I said you don't sign your name? He said nope, just print it like I did. I was shocked. I'm 68, so I remember hearing about that being talked about a while ago, but obviously my younguns are adults as well, and my grand kids are home schooled. So they have succeeded in raising a generation of children that can't read their own rights, can't read the declaration, and now I go back to the legal way to straighten this shit out. By force of arms.

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My niece (now in her 30's) never learned to read an analog clock.

WTF is school for anyway?

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Thank you Cyn for your response here. I am also a volunteer in SC for COS and believe it is a good process.

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Count me in. And we need to avoid the mistakes we made this first time around. No, I will not comply. And if it means we have to move to states that will secede, that is what we will have to do. I love my state, but it is blue to the hilt. Time for a change.

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As researchers like yourself succeed in educating the general public, and as the educated segments of the public begin to understand they were actively deceived, civil suits stemming from allegations of negligence ("you should have known and any reasonable person would have known") may be pursued.

I would think organizations like universities are particularly vulnerable for the way they have acted in a gangster like fashion coercing their students - most of whom are either military age men (myocarditis) or women of child bearing age (as yet uncharacterized fertility/pregnancy issues).

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Aug 17, 2022
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Maybe not 100 years, but definitely decades. 1992 was a watershed year. I think that's when the globalists activated the final solution and world governments were told to fall in line. Shortly thereafter, media was consolidated for easy control of propaganda and the "fear factor."

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Jamis, you're right on several points... mostly that lots of things are purposeful & planned, but the tide of the public waking up has finally turned & people are pushing back like we haven't seen in I can't remember.

But the other point is all of this will take time and lots of it. Lots of people have been working against our country for most of the last century and it's not going to get turned around in a minute. Sad but true, I'll be dead before the country is finally healed & mostly on the same page again like after WWII.

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Hi - Perhaps I'm confused by what you've written. Are you saying that Martin doesn't realize the pandemic was/is a plandemic? -- That not possible given Martin's prominent role in Mikki Willis' documentary, Plandemic Indoctornation.

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Sep 15, 2022
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Thanks...will do.

What do you think of the lawsuit which David Martin's group filed in March against Biden and other government agencies and directors? Here's a search link to a number of articles regarding the lawsuit:


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Be very beneficial to learn & act legal processes. vaxxchoice.com , 5smallstones.com & affidavits101.com To file against this worldwide mess. Local filings everywhere I believe can move prosecutors & law enforcement. If not file against thier bonds lobby against thier endorsements.

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Tall order, my friend. But yes, necessary and worth the effort in the doing. Because the totalitarianism has spread far beyond the USA it is going to involve the people of the world. Getting over it in this country alone will unfortunately not solve the problem.

But the more of us who fail to comply the more difficulty they will have. Women are going to really have to play major roles in this. Men too obviously.

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Hello - I just now learned of your substack via Dr Jane Ruby on a Stew Peters episode. Looks like I've at least a month or more of reading to educate myself regarding what you've been doing.

One question for you: What you suggest in your above post which I'm replying to sounds similar to what Dr Reiner Fuellmich is advocating globally. I'm curious whether you have spoken with him?

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I haven’t spoken with Fuellmich. I try to keep up with the Corona Investigating Committee generally, time-permitting. Like many people, Fuellmich and team realized a while ago that the international criminal courts and federal courts in most countries are also captured.

If I’m interpreting their strategies properly — they have been focusing for the last year or so on public education more than on preparing and filing cases.

We’re all trying to navigate an enormously complex, deliberately frustrating system, under very low-light conditions.

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Here's a great video watched today from NARM,Fuellmich is here,https://rumble.com/v3css71-narm-ban-the-jab-forum.html

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Aug 26, 2022
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Yes, if the federal courts weren’t also captured by/terrified of the globalists.

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If you want to help rebuild our legitimate government, here's a good place to start, because they're already on it, and have been for quite some time: https://tasa.americanstatenationals.org/

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Well this is gonna be an interesting read - thank you!

I do hope that they are also thinking about turning the tables on our government in terms of technology...we have the capability of seeing every dime they spend in detail, everyone invovled in anything and their vote, and a lot of the information they keep secret from us now.

I am all for e-transparency for our government as far as it can be done...and abolutely no information other than the census for us, its citizens. And that includes google, facebook and every other kind of AI, like facial recognition.

Thanks for this...I look forward to reading it with interest (and I'll bet my blue state has abolsutely no interest!)

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PS. Have any of these people been successful in court?

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Oct 20, 2022
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Could you specify, in a sentence or two, what concepts or principles you think the document presents, that are not already part of my analysis and advocacy?

I’ve skimmed several reports about the distinctions between the meanings of “United States” and “citizen” status within different jurisdictions, so I have a general understanding the issues.

However, I don’t think my work in the present would be meaningfully changed by spending time digging deeply into those issues, because the situation we have to deal with is the situation as it exists now and how living people today interact with existing legal systems and events.

If you disagree — if you think that my work would be meaningfully re-directed by spending the many hours it would probably take to read and unpack all of the historical materials — please tell me succinctly what the most important historical facts are, and how explicating them will help people act now.

Without that explication from you, I think it’s a distraction technique, whose main effect is to divert attention from the existing situation, to a debate about whether or not the existing situation can, in legal theory, exist.

Which is a waste of time.

The existing situation does exist, and must be dealt with in present tense.

In my view, the basic fundamental legal principles worked relatively well for most people, most of the time, and were gradually expanding and protecting most human rights better and for more people over time, from the founding to the mid-1940s.

From the late 1800s onward, the movement to expand corporate power at the expense of individual liberty has grown. From the 1940s to the present, the movement to expand state power at the expense of individual liberty has grown and merged more deeply with corporate power.

Up until the mid-1960s, there was a robust counter-force, culminating in the work of Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy, which was then abruptly stopped by the Deep/Corporate/State through their assassinations.

And then there was a rapid, intense change in the entire legal structure of the country in January 2020.

What I’m trying to do is figure out and share information about how the legal system was corrupted from the 1960s to the present, to help us work our way back to the founding principles and practices, by first restoring the US Constitution and federal laws to their operative status circa Dec. 2019 and then applying those laws to the actions of the criminals who planned and conducted the overthrow in January 2020.

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Hi Katherine,

You are on the right track IMO - the creation and expansion of the global institutions which started in 1946 with the UN, IMF, and World Bank, and has been a relentless building of the architecture of a global shadow government, which has been funded with both private and public money, and merged the public-private 'stakeholders' as Klaus Schwab calls it, and which he has been talking about since he started what became the World Economic Forum in 1971, and is the very definition of fascism, this has all been pushed by global capitalism. And if you dig behind almost all of the policies you find the fingerprints of the global banking and finance industry, the multinationals and the non-profit family foundations of the billionaires and trillionaires.

What we are fighting today I think of it as the British Empire 3.0.

The British Empire 1.0 was what we saw for hundreds of years under the British crown as they built their global empire.

The British Empire 2.0 emerged after WW2 was taking over America through the administrative state and the globalists and monarchists that have worked hand in hand with the British-European globalists - and after WW2 they created the Anglo-American British Empire - and everything America has done outside of the country since 1946 looks like what British did for hundreds of years.

And during this period they have been building the global architecture for their dream of world government, which Britain's elites dreamed of for hundreds of years - and a major part of this architecture is the offshore banking world, which the British started building about 1967, when everyone thought the sun was setting on the empire. Nope. It transformed and went offshore. And just as western elites in every nation have been betraying their citizens so too did the British. And now we have an entire offshore world-global institutions, global multinationals, global foundations - all unaccountable, untaxed, untransparent - and jerking our chains.

The British Empire 3.0 is taking the shadow world government out of the shadows and making it the world government-global communism working hand in hand with big capitalism.

And China is their partner. The charades they play publicly to try and pretend China is the enemy is just that - charades. They built China and the CCP in the same way that the western bankers created and funded the Bolshevik Revolution, the rise of the USSR with technology transfer, keeping the Cold War alive, creating numerous profit points, they funded Hitler and the rise of the Nazis, and they opened up China - Why not India the biggest democracy in this region??? - they funded the rise of the CCP and Xi Jinping. Obama let Xi build the islands in the South China sea and militarize them.

And now they are setting the stage for WW3 - and the worst part by attacking our health with Covid19, depleting our military strength, attacking our food, fuel and fertlizer, and ruining our economies with inflation, all the while Biden sells oil to China out of the SPR, Xi builds his army, and tells them to be ready for war at any moment.

My conclusion is Biden and the team of western traitors leading our nations today are preparing us for war with China so that we lose - and they can claim that it is necessary to have world government - multipolarity they are calling it today - and that would be global fascism.

Which is why the British wanted the United Nations set up.

A Trojan horse.


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The rothschilds used the UN to create the country of Israel.I don't think the real powers that be will allow nuclear war.http://educate-yourself.org/cn/unionjack1chap10jul05.shtml

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We go to war.

A civil war is the only thing that will sort this out.

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Or we balkinize. I think we are already there....secession or balkinization...I cannot see the future well now...

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Yes the present looks dark, with green lights on the fringes, and the future looks very uncertain.

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The banking cartel would like that.First one worked out great for them.As always funded both sides,both broke and so then the act of 1871.The UNITED STATES became the corporation and we the people became the corporate human resources

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Dear Katherine,

You are an amazing person who has revealed the biggest conspiracy of all. I imagine that you had help if not from other people, then from your intuition. Regardless of how you did it, you deserve much gratitude from every innocent person for revealing so much that has been hidden. Surely the EU, UK, Australia and many other governmental organizations have similar situations in their governments making this a global and unprecedented real conspiracy.

In a recent book that I wrote, in the last three chapters I provide an explanation for why civilization emerged, what it was meant to accomplish and a short overview of how it grew to accomplish its purpose. Now that the purpose of civilization is complete it's time for civilization to end and a new era to begin. Just as there have been global transitions in the past, like the 11,900 years ago catastrophic transition, we are in the midst of a new transition into a new era. According to the prophecies of all major religions as well as tribal prophecies, the people who have learned to open and follow their hearts (intuition and conscience) and open to love are the meek who shall inherit the Earth. For that to happen, all the people who have not learned to follow their inner divine guide nor opened to love must be relocated to the Heavens—the astral or spirit realm that constitutes an alternate reality—where we go when our physical body dies.

In other words, the global reset is part of God's plan and it can not be stopped. However, the result is going to be a world of abundant peace and prosperity that is conducive to exploring the full blossoming of love. Despite the WEF and their technocratic world domination goals, that plan is not going to be fulfilled. The trickster of the tricksters (a brilliant spirit who is the LORD of Earth) will outsmart the cabal who worship that LORD who will end this era differently than expected.

Regardless of where a particular person ends up, on Earth or in the Heavens (which includes Hell) everyone will be able to fulfill their deepest desires. Thus, everyone will be rewarded for playing their part in the divine play we call life.

For all sorts of details, my blue book can be downloaded free here:


Katherine. I know you want to fix it, but it isn't broken, it just appears totally messed up. Still, if you feel inspired to work on fixing it, then that is what you must do. However, no matter what you decided to do, thank you for being such a magnificent human being.

Many Blessings and Aloha, George

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Mar 14, 2023
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Thanks, but I am afraid I have lost my taste for escapism....

I am trying to figure out how and where I will die...I don't have many years left.

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We are so far past screwed, it would take the light from screwed 1,000 years to get here. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 --- God please save us from these sociopaths. In Jesus name I pray. 🙏

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In this case—in dealing with these maniacal psychopathic miscreants, God may send messengers and truth tellers to strengthen and fortify our resolve for liberty, freedom, and sovereignty. However He will not do the work for us, no more than if we prayed for food would He come down and fix lunch. We may be graced with some degree of divine providence, but our participation is, and will be paramount—eternal vigilance is every American’s responsibility.

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Just because I'm praying for help doesn't mean I do nothing.

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I agree and will add this... I believe it to be a sin against God to sit and ponder all the deeds of the miscreants and watch others do the same without speaking a word or lifting a finger to stand for Truth. Yes, vigilance is our responsibility and duty to mankind, hence we cannot do nothing at all. Keep praying anyway.

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Agreed! A friend said to me, "Myriam, this is not the time to be a hero."

I wasn't trying to be a hero in 2020-2021. I did not want my family and friends to die from lethal injections aka the gene therapy injections.

I don't think it's a time to be a coward or stay silent. That's not my way!

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That's why he created the fourth box. It's way past time to use it.

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I think I have misspoke. It's the third box. He never mentioned the soap box. I apparently made that up. So jury box, ballot box, cartridge box. Doh!

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Thanks for the history lesson. I still like the idea of the soap box.. one that I exercised in my causehead years for better or worse. I personally approach self-defense in a broader sense.. self-reliance.. food security, voluntary relationships and mutual aid network outside the confines of centralized govt.. otherwise erratic retaliation has been effective in learning who and why and setting redlines and boundaries.. works for low level stalkers and informants.. Cointelpro 2.0 is how they weed out good leaders and neutralize grassroots efforts...for people w/o 2A for legal reasons archery and setting up food security network locally is good way to stay in the fight. Coops and land trusts in the form of legal campgrounds and religious retreat centers with infrastructure may be work arounds for people who lose their lives for non-compliance.

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What is the fourth box?

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The cartridge box. Our liberties lie in four boxes.the soap box, totally corrupted by the censorship industrial complex, the jury box, ruined by soros money and crooked judges, the ballot box, we've seen how well that works in the last four elections, and the cartridge box. And they are doing their damndest to prevent any more citizens from exercising that right. They are losing that fight to the tune of 1000 a day. Frederick Douglass said words to this effect.

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Thanks for linking to this at C & C. On paper, They've got it down. However, we do not live and breathe on paper. It is amusing to think of the extent to which god predates paper. The pen may be mightier than the sword (lawyers and writers like to think so) but never is human law mightier than natural law. Don't forget! <3<3<3

I don't mean to underplay these facts, as laid out above. Couldn't agree more with commenter Shamus, below. Awareness, participation, vigilance, all necessary. Also, fighting. We NEVER get to choose what happens, only how we respond.

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Indeed. Thank you!

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Believe in miracles, Bandit! Sorry but your post made me laugh aloud!

I do not believe that death is the end of life, only this earthly manifestation. Beam me up!

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I watch for ■ Revelation chapters 19, 20, 21, and 22; we might be the Remainers at the End, the Great Day

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Agreed ■ Amen, so be it

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Feb 12, 2023
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In Jesus name. 🙏

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Beautifully said Katherine, thank you and God bless you. 💕

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Using EUA, they literally broke every single rule of a Clinical Trial. This drug has always been experimental as has never been approved. Seriously, all who supported this from the beginning are treasonous.

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Very impressive work and all this happened while we (collectively) slept and sleep. I know so many people (US/NH) that simply dismiss me when I try and bring any of this up (disinterested blank stare).

Thomas Sowell I think would be proud of this work!

Thomas Sowell from dismantling America: "If eternal vigilance is the price of freedom, incessant distractions are the way that politicians take away our freedoms, in order to enhance their own power and longevity in office."

We have failed ourselves by letting this happen!

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Yes, part of this is to see our own (and others) human nature for what it is. The saying - “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me” - comes to mind. Understanding, forgiving ourselves & each other, is the spiritual and psychological message. There is a higher law.

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Thank you for breaking down the law changes that prepared the ground for fascism. I think that's true in several areas; corporate media control and monopolies, the banking industry, and mass surveillance after 9/11.

We never know when the tide can turn towards justice. Chris Hedges reported on how the tides can change in a country by one event that is the straw that broke the camel's back. No one would be able to anticipate that event or its effect. I'm hoping that will happen at some point in regards to the "pandemic". 👍🏽💕

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Yes, so true. Take heart.

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Please know that the considerable efforts you have made are very much appreciated. I share your posts far and wide force multiplying your work in the hope that our small enlightened community can make a difference.

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And did I also mention the government cannot tell you what to do. There is no clause in the Constitution that allows the government to deprive citizens of their Constitutional rights because of a (contrived) medical emergency. There is no clause in the Constitution allowing the government to have any control over individual health. Why are the first three words of the Constitution so big?

This is the reason for the Pandemic.

For now the government has their foot in the door to systematically eliminate our rights under the pretense of taking care of us. As Katherine has skillfully documented they have been systematically adding laws for decades pertaining to health and since the start of this COVID 19 fiasco they have stepped up the pace. I view this as unconstitutional and a fraud on the American people. The Pandemic was no more than a false pretense to break the United States...the one country standing in the way of a One World Government. Many Blessings on you Katherine.

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Well, it all has been in the "works" for longer than any of us thought.

Superb work. Subscribed, thanks.

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Yes, that is now sinking in. For most of my adult life and career.

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Well, thirty eight years plus five and a half years education for me as a pharmacist and it is not just sinking in, but what a wasted life! Not wasted because I did tons of great work for elderly, sick, diseased, handicapped, injured, infected, poisoned, sacrificed, and wounded fellow human beings with the absolute best intentions for each and every one I served. I had a shit load of "little victories" but the "big victory," the one I thought me and the industry and whole damn medical community were working on was a sham from day one!

And I am pissed the hell off and at this point, I see no solutions that do not involve ballistic projectiles traveling at or better than 2750 feet per second!

There is a whole bunch of us out here that thought we were, in some manner, making a better world for our grands, our friend's grands, those folks over there's grands, them other folks over the ocean's grands, the grands over in Europe, Japan, China, yes, CHINA, Viet Nam, and you name it! EVERYfuckingWHERE.

And what of that "BIG VICTORY?"

Well, a STORM is a commin'.


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"...I see no solutions that do not involve ballistic projectiles..." I know I should not laugh, Edwin, but that is funny!

I understand your feelings/thoughts completely. From the time I was a young adult through to today, I have considered that cesspool on the Potomac an organized crime syndicate. I have considered "media" its co-conspirators on this litany of crimes so well-documented by Katherine and so many others. (Can you say "the attacks of Sep 11", anyone??? I knew that if the "American" people fell for and tolerated that utterly absurd, preposterous "official story", then the "American" people could be told 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈.)

To my way of thinking, one of the outcomes of that storm (that I pray you're right is coming) is that we "clear the deck" of all of these executive "orders", regulations, laws, etc. Just clear the freakin' deck of all this BS that gives the color of lawfulness to the absolute destruction of natural rights and basic human freedom.

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Very well said STL.

That "Storm" is coming, and yes, there is a golden opportunity to make it "Our Storm" and I consider the second most important thing we can do is seize that moment.

The most important? Expressing Gratitude to not only our Father, God, but to other folks of Faith as well.

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Thank you, Edwin. I agree re the expression of gratitude to the Father...I also agree that this is our moment -- and perhaps this is what this most horrific crime is all about. We must seize it this time.

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STL, I apologize for being so late with this reply, but here is a fitting quote from another writer.

“I believe we are living here now at this crossroads for a reason. I believe we are meant to be here; that we are being given a chance to be the right people in the right place at the right time. I believe that we can end this evil, but only if we dare to try. It begins with one simple step: Telling the world “We Will Not Comply!”

--Brandon Smith

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Yes, I still can't believe most Americans still believe the official story on 9/11. I've been commenting for years at conservativetreehouse to try to wake those people up to 9/11 and all of the other psyops, and it feels like an impossible task. It absolutely blows me away that after 20+ years they refuse to wake up and still believe that absurd narrative.

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I think it will happen -- that more Americans will come around to the truth of that terrible day and its horrendous aftermath. I thought of you as I read this piece over at lewrockwell.com: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/04/no_author/9-11-and-the-covid-19-hoax-in-the-transition-to-governance-by-emergency-measures/

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Thanks!! I'll check it out--it helps to know there are others who are awake.

I was just over at the conservativetreehouse and one of their articles started with "A few days after the terror attack of 9-11-01' and I just felt like OMG, no wonder we are on the verge of losing our nation--you people can't wake up to an absurd story 20 years later! Unbelievable !! Though we outnumber the ruling elite psychopaths, the problem we have is that so many on our side are completely brainwashed. You would think that after all that happened during operation covid hoax, the lies, deliberate protocols to kill, etc that maybe, just maybe some of these brainwashed people would start to question what really happened on 9/11. I just don't get it. I think one of the biggest enemies we have is the mainstream media.,

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Join the People's Health Alliance https://the-pha.org/ and https://t.me/ThePeoplesHealthAlliance.

They started in the UK and are rapidly moving into Aust, Europe and the USA. Grass roots, based around community centers with education and first aid, (called health hubs) and local directories of (pay cash) naturopaths and independent Doctors.

This group is growing rapidly. Don't worry, nurses are angry too. 🔥

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Bravo! I love your attitude. I imagine there are thousands of others in the medical field who are equally outraged.

I understand your feelings of betrayal.

I'm extremely piss... off as a mother/grandmother who until a few years ago, trusted the medical industry. I still trust our family physician and my main cancer surgeon, and possibly a few others who brought me through some extremely difficult treatment, and fallout. However, I no longer trust big pharma and many others.

I worked in the Court system/Criminal Justice for many years. I have strong values of right versus wrong and justice according to the law. The end around measures used here should not be legal or Constitutional. Criminal intentions and fraud should negate much of their actions. How we do this requires a lot we do not have now.

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It requires enough of us willing to die for that cause, take up arms, and say enough. It's right there in the declaration!

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I agree with you 💯. Unfortunately I also fear those that would gladly take up that fight have gone to see their Lord or too old. I don't put blame on younger generations, all of us have been 'asleep at the wheel' for so long. Our founding fathers warned us!

I find myself wishing I was younger but glad I am old, hopeless, yet hopeful at the same time.

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Great investigative reporting. The recursive loop can be infinite...At the base of this gigantic loop is the war on drugs that started 50 years ago on June 18, 1971. Fifty years later, the president of the United States and all the political leaders around the world are pushing drugs on all their citizens, going as far as trying to force people to take this drug, or vaccine, or whatever they want to call it, or lose their job. And the government and the pharmaceutical companies have an insatiable appetite for more drugs, to get more drugs, discover more drugs. That is one big loop, one big revolution. Science is so smart it makes no common sense anymore. Now would be a wise time to put science to bed and give our collective mind a day of rest, (for awhile). We must get back to the reason why we are here...to love one another and practice good will towards each other.

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Prayers for you. God sends us warriors against evil.

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Agree strongly! & prayers for hedge of protection for truth teller warriors.

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Katherine Watt- what do you know about FEMA camps? It’s my understanding that the government has many scattered across United States and by executive orders anyone can be apprehended and thrown into these camps for any reason. Such plans are in place for those that might refuse a vaccine and government claims it’s about safety or emergency. Thank you so much for your extensive work. We need to be aware of how the devil is operating. Fighting for truth = fighting for God.

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As for the federal power to do the apprehension and detentions, that’s on the books and ready to be deployed as soon as HHS Secretary gives the green light:


That’s one of the things they strengthened during the Obama lame duck period, through the Federal Register Notice of Final Rule published Jan. 19, 2017.


On FEMA camps as such, I don’t know much, but they’re definitely on my radar.

Some of what I’ve heard is that they were authorized and/or acknowledged around 1987, through a program called Rex 1984, which Oliver North apparently mentioned during the Iran-Contra hearings.

Other search terms I’ve heard, but haven’t pursued yet, include Operation Garden Plot and Operation Cable Splicer, the latter related to federal plans to take over state and local governments during civil unrest as defined by federal government. {Update 6/29/22 - See also Operation Mountain Guardian, Denver Colorado, 9/23/2011 - http://www.coemergency.com/2011/09/exercise-operation-mountain-guard.html}

I’ve also heard that shopping mall owners may have contracts with feds to serve as holding centers, especially malls that are largely vacant or have low occupancy.

The main thing that caught my attention on this issue was when Attorney Todd Callender pointed out that hospitals and nursing homes are already serving as de facto death camps, hidden in plain sight, into which people walk voluntarily, because they don’t know what’s happening inside or why.

Through the HHS-CMS waivers of patient rights protections,


hospital homicide protocols (ICD-10 codes, dehydration, starvation, restraints, Remdesivir, ventilators) and the legal agreements in place, police officers and sheriffs who are called to disputes between patients, patient family members, and hospital staff over medical battery, unlawful restraint, etc., have been arresting and removing the worried family members, while protecting the homicidal hospital staff, instead of helping the families get the patients to safety, and arresting the homicidal hospital staff.

That’s the front line of the FEMA-camp fight right now, and has been since the beginning of 2020, ramping up in Sept. 2021 as more people figured it out.

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"Attorney Todd Callender pointed out that hospitals and nursing homes are already serving as de facto death camps, hidden in plain sight, into which people walk voluntarily, because they don’t know what’s happening inside or why."


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They definitely have been, from what I had read!

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Thank you!

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Walmarts will be used as detention centers. They are subsidized by our Federal Government.

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Special times ahead. My GOD!

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I am ready and willing to die before I go into death camp.....

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I don’t like thinking through the scenario in which it plays out that way though.

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They will take a suicide just as happily as a genocide, they don't care either way.

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Katherine thank you for this brilliant accounting. It is thorough and succinct and you are offering a tremendous service in this stunning and revealing piece. Also, I thank you so much for calling a spade a spade. We must not be blinded by congressional statues and regulatory proclamations , outcome data from the malefactors themselves, dressed up as beneficent—all of which we have learned is far from beneficent. You have documented the chronology, and historical development of their diabolical rouse. I am now much greater informed and educated.

There is a solid place for souls like you in this New Earth.

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That is a deliciously rich source of information. Thanks! I like the St. Eustace image. May he find a happy hunting ground among those foxes who did this to the world.

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The last Act with its extensive clauses could be renamed “1+1=whatever we say it is”.

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Thank you. I am grateful for you . God has given you this gift of a mind that understands what is happening and why. I have studied history and current events and it’s an amazing time to be on planet earth❤️🥰💪

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Very, very great article. Full of information we can use & apply. Although many of us smelled a rat early on & worked with what we had, knowledge of this full scientific, governmental, judicial & economic structure was piecemeal & insufficient. Hopefully we can advance on foundations such as this.

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And I need to add - the spiritual & moral connections and deeper intents which help inspire and motivate us. This is the true foundation.

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