Pay-to-play and play-to-get-paid
Some KW contributions to an email discussion thread this week.
Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law
Expanding on Jan. 13, 2025 - On using proposed mRNA bans, and opposition thereto from vaccination proponents, to deepen public understanding of vaccine non-regulation history and amplify vaccine hostility. (Katherine Watt)
…My view is that vaccines have all always been DNA/RNA platforms — developed, distributed and used under many different terms — going back to the very beginning of legalized, militarized, systematic mass poisoning under the medicalized cover of vaccination campaigns.
Military/WRAIR-PBF/US-AMRIID/DARPA, HHS/PHS/NIH/FDA and drug companies change the terms, to hide the consistent underlying facts about biological materials taken from many different living creatures, including human embryos, mixed together with each other and with synthetic chemicals, and then inserted into a recipient living organism for which they are foreign materials and therefore toxic…
Some KW contributions to an email discussion thread this week.
...I think the actual process for vaccines, going back to the polio-labeled vaccines in 1954, is that military-public health DoD-WRAIR-PHS-NIH officers (Joseph Smadel and others) coordinated with Jonas Salk, John Enders and others to write fake production protocols based on the fake science of the Charles Armstrong, Leslie Webster and John Enders papers.
Those production protocols were distributed, with cell lines, tissue cultures and other starter materials, from US military laboratories (WRAIR Department of Biologics Research then, currently named Pilot Bioproduction Facility) to the selected six polio-labeled vaccine manufacturers (drug, pesticide and chemical companies) who were to supply product for the "field trials" organized by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis (now called March of Dimes.)
The manufacturers assembled and bottled unstable, unidentifiable junk, slapped labels on the bottles and shipped them to Salk and the field trial locations.
After the NFIP/Salk trials — data manipulated, subjects dropped from results, etc. — the same production protocols were provided to the manufacturers by federal military-public health officers, with instructions to resubmit those protocols back to Public Health Service, National Institute of Health, Division of Biologics Standards (DBS) regulators as part of packages meant to provide the illusion of manufacturing standards and controls to the public.
Then in December 1956, the fake production standards and fake manufacturing compliance controls for polio-labeled vaccines were put into the Code of Federal Regulations at 21 CFR 73.100 to 105.
The same illusion has been carried out for all subsequent vaccines, including Covid-labeled vaccines.
Federal agents instruct the drug, pesticide and chemical companies what to pretend to do, supply them with raw and finished materials, and instruct them how to pretend that they've complied with the pretend standards, by submitting fake documents such as nonclinical, preclinical and clinical trial records and applications for product approval and establishment licenses.
The drug companies do it; they play their parts.
Federal agents then pretend to receive and review the submitted data as if it's substantive and valid rather than performative and false, and pretend to ensure compliance by issuing marketing approvals and establishment licenses.
The new FDA Bureau of Biologics set up in 1972 was comprised of the people who had previously worked in NIH-DBS, and it was directed by Harry M. Meyer, the former second-in-command at DBS.
By 1972 when the transfer happened, DBS had driven out almost all of the microbiologists who understood or objected to the scam. They had quietly gone to academia or out of scientific profession entirely.
One exception was J. Anthony Morris, who held on until 1976 and was fired just after the rollout of the swine flu vaccines. (See Nicholas Wade 1972 series in Science.)
The only remaining FDA Bureau of Biologics employees were willing participants in the deception and poisoning project, didn't understand what they were doing, or, as the virtual-mailbox hypothesis holds, there just weren't any real employees in BoB at all.
It was a dead-drop for false research records and application forms.
And still is.
The loopholes had already always been in place, going back to the 1902 virus-toxin law to make loopholes ahead of the 1906 food and drug law, and developed further in the 1944 PHSA law to maintain loopholes from the 1938 FDCA.
Since 1972, the loophole system complexity has increased, but not the basic structure.
...I think of it as a combined pay-to-play and play-to-get-paid system.
Through the consortia, interested companies and universities pay to get a shot at the government contracts.
Once they have the contracts, they have to play along with the pretense of scientific validity and regulatory review, in order to get paid.
...For all vaccines (pre- and post-2020) I think there's no way (equipment or method) to identify all of the natural/biological components (proteins, enzymes, cell wall fragments, and on and on) and no way to know the original living source of those substances, but they probably include combinations of human, cow, mouse, rabbit, chicken, pig, monkey, plant (i.e. peanut, wheat), bacterial and fungal cells, tissues and organs.
This relates to the debunking of contagion theory and genetics theory; the reality of changes over time (instability, dynamism) of living organisms and the molecular products they produce; and the inability of USP-NF to develop any workable reference materials or processing equipment or draft any workable assays or testing methods for vaccines.
For example, researchers like Antonietta Gatti and Stefano Montinari were only able to report that samples of vaccines contained organic matter, but could not specify its identity, source or quantity. The only "contaminants" they could identify, measure and report on were inorganic compounds: salts and metals.
From 2017 Gatti-Montinari paper, New quality-control investigations on vaccines: micro- and nanocontamination (International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination)
"So, organic entities are visible and easy to distinguish from inorganic ones. The method cannot distinguish between proteins and organic adjuvants (e.g. squalene, glutamate, proteins, etc.) or viruses, bacteria, bacteria’s DNA, endo-toxins and bacteria’s waste, but their comparatively low atomic density allows us to identify these entities as organic matter."
Public legislative hearings — at which state or county legislators present blinded samples of any vaccines (pre- or post-2020) to vaccination supporters, and ask those witnesses to state whether they have the scientific knowledge, techniques or equipment to correctly and fully identify and quantify the inorganic and organic contents and then match the results for a blinded vial to the product name, indication (purpose, i.e. preventing transmission of a named disease) and manufacturer on the original (removed for blinding) label — would be an effective method to demonstrate the scientific, medical, legal, political and moral bankruptcy of vaccination.
There are no available scientific equipment and testing procedures that would enable anyone to identify the contents of blinded vials or match blinded vials to label claims, because vaccine product contents are not fully identifiable or characterizable and are not stable.
The best anyone can do is use primers or reference sequences to identify some short fragment sequences that existed at the moment of testing; speculate about the longer sequences they might have come from; speculate about what might still be in any other vials filled from the same lot and batch, but might not be there, because other vials had different starting mixtures and have undergone different decomposition processes; and speculate about which living creatures might have been the source of the fragments, without any guarantee of accuracy, because many short sequences are shared across species, kingdom, phyla, etc.
Scientists can collect products (cells, tissues and organs) produced by living biological organisms out of the organisms' bodies, culture them, mix them, put them in different nutrient mixes, coat them in temporary, partial stabilizers (i.e. lipids), bottle the mixtures, refrigerate or freeze them for temporary, partial stability and ship them.
Physicians, nurses and pharmacists can pull the bottles from refrigeration, return them to room temperature, inject them — untraceably, because of shared sequences and fragility — into subjects at body temperature, and allow the metabolic processes in the recipient organism to take up, act upon, decompose and excrete the complex molecules until the last remnants leave the body.
That’s vaccination: injecting people and animals with toxic biological slurries.
Laws and regulations and guidance-for-industry documents are intentionally written to hide/cover up historic and ongoing, systematic criminal malfeasance in vaccine development, manufacturing, distribution, promotion and use.
They are staging instructions for laboratory acts in government, academic and corporate laboratories and dialog scripts (for written exchanges and for public oral statements) transmitted by theatrical performance directors to theatrical performers.
Stefan Lanka, Northern Tracey, Jamie Andrews, Sasha Latypova and others are demonstrating the invalidity of foundational scientific methods underlying contagion theory and genetic theory, because of the inherent time-dependent, not-controlled-by-humans changes in form for products of biological processes in living organisms.
Cells and tissues can only be artificially sustained outside a living body temporarily with nutrient feeding, and their decay can only be temporarily suspended by encapsulation, refrigeration and freezing; when restored to room or body temperature, infinitely-variable transformation and decay processes continue.
The invalidity of those scientific methods was known to the military-public health scientist-actors, theatrical scientific-medical script publishers and lawyers at the time that they published scientific papers; wrote, exchanged and pretended to use vaccine production protocols; and wrote deceit-enabling laws and regulations.
There was evil intent — intent to deceive and intent to poison — from the start.
Immunogenicity is toxicity.
The intentional induction of a living organisms' capacity to identify, isolate and expel poison and the intentional insertion of poison into a living organism are two aspects of the same single, evil act: the act of vaccination.
Jan. 9, 2024 - Biologic Markers in Immunotoxicology. (Katherine Watt)
May 21, 2024 - There is no legal limit to the amount of so-called contamination that can legally be included in vaccines or any other biological products. (Katherine Watt)
May 25, 2024 - On FDA buildings as virtual mailboxes to project the public illusion of biological product manufacturing regulation. Part 9 of series. (Katherine Watt)
Sept. 12, 2024 - On vaccination as intentional induction of chronic and acute anaphylaxis. Sept. 6, 2024 discussion by Jane Ruby and Sasha Latypova, condensed transcript
Dec. 24, 2024 - Pesticides and vaccines; microbiology and pathology nomenclature; scientific, medical and legal deceit and deceivers. (Katherine Watt)
Jan. 8, 2025 - Germ theory, contagion theory, virology, antibodies and anaphylaxis: Northern Tracey's work. (Katherine Watt)
Some source documents:
1939.07.01 A mouse test for measuring the immunizing potency of antirabies vaccine (Leslie Webster, Rockefeller Institute)
1939.09.22 PHS Public Health Reports Armstrong Experimental transmission of poliomyelitis to the eastern cotton rat Armstrong paper (Charles Armstrong, Public Health Service)
1939.12.29 PHS Public Health Reports Armstrong Successful transfer Lansing strain poliomyelitis virus from cotton rat to white mouse (Charles Armstrong)
1949.01.28 - Cultivation of the Lansing Strain of Poliomyelitis Virus in Cultures of Various Human Embryonic Tissue (John F. Enders, Thomas H. Weller and Frederick C. Robbins, Science, paywalled by AAAS)
1949.08.24 - Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus in Cultures of Human Foreskin and Embryonic Tissues (Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins and John F. Enders, Proceedings of Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, paywalled by SagePub)
1954.06.01 - Propagation in Tissue Cultures of Cytopathogenic Agents from Patients with Measles (John F. Enders and Thomas C. Peebles, Nature, paywalled by SagePub)
1955.03 paper Effects Routine Immunization Children Triple Vaccine Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis serological epidemiology American Journal Public Health (Johannes Ipsen and Harry E. Bowen)
1956.12.12 21 FR 9890 Notice 42 CFR 73 Biologics additional standards polio based on Enders papers
1972.02.25 - Division of Biologics Standards: In the Matter of J. Anthony Morris (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.03.03 - Division of Biologics Standards: Scientific Management Questioned (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.03.10 - DBS: Officials Confused over Powers (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.03.17 - Division of Biologics Standards: The Boat That Never Rocked (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.04.07 - DBS: Agency Contravenes Its Own Regulations (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.06.30 - DBS Scientist to Head New [FDA] Vaccine Bureau (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)