Pesticides and vaccines; microbiology and pathology nomenclature; scientific, medical and legal deceit and deceivers.
Where there is deception, it is performed by deceivers.
Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law
Bailiwick collections:
2022 Bailiwick News Volume 6 Jan. to Dec. (950 pages, 16.5 MB)
2023 Bailiwick News Volume 7 Jan. to Dec. (785 pages, 9.5 MB)
2024 Bailiwick News Volume 8 Jan. to Sept. (712 pages, 15.1 MB)
Note to readers: Thank you for another year of reading and sharing my work, and thank you to paid subscribers for financial support, and thank you to everyone who has prayed and sent encouraging emails and notes. I’m profoundly grateful to be doing this work. I’m grateful to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for every gift He gives to His creatures. I’m grateful to Our Lady, Mother of God and Undoer of Knots. I’m grateful for the angels and saints. I’m grateful for my co-workers Sasha and Lydia. I’m grateful to Substack for maintaining a publishing and distribution platform. I’m grateful for all readers.
Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum.
A recent KW note:
I think the attached paper is important, and may be useful for those responding to the polio vaccine defense being mounted currently, as public vaccine hostility grows.
It's a 1953 paper:
Nov. 1953 - Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides (Morton Biskind, American Journal of Digestive Diseases)
I found a reference to it in my files when I did a search on organophosphate, because I'm trying to untangle what was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s that made the Enders-Weller-Robbins-Peebles; Watson-Crick and Salk-Sabin mis-direction research need to be in the forms those mis-directions were.
For deconstruction of some of those scientific deceits and the pseudo-scientific methods used to perpetrate them, see the work of Stefan Lanka and Jamie Andrews, linked below, including Lanka’s 2015 paper (Dismantling the Virus Theory); Lanka’s 2020 4-part series (The Misconception Called Virus); Andrews’ 2021 report (The Lansing Strain of Polio); and Andrews’ November 2024 interview with Sasha Latypova (Virology Control Studies Project).
The reference in my files was a Feb. 8, 2003 report by Jim West published at Weston Price.
Feb. 8, 2003 - Pesticides and Polio: A critique of scientific literature (Jim West, Weston A. Price)
Jim West was writing in 2003 about Morton Biskind's 1953 paper.
Morton Biskind's work was suppressed and then allowed to partially surface with Rachel Carson's Silent Spring in June 1962, but Carson's work focused on organochlorine compounds, especially DDT, not organophosphates like parathion and cell debris from cells and tissues used in vaccine production.
Organophosphates include DNA, RNA and ATP.
Their main benefit for the killers, as far as I can tell currently, is that they are not persistent. They break down, especially within humans and animals, into constituent molecules that cannot be clearly traced back to the source of the poisoning.
So they can be sprayed on people and animals, coated on food, used as additives for food and drugs, and injected directly through vaccines.
And then the neuro-muscular and other damaging effects can be falsely attributed to viruses such as poliovirus, followed by vaccine production and vaccination programs built on the false foundation of the virology, using the false isolation and propagation methods described in the Enders papers.
Oct. 27, 2021 - The Lansing strain of polio (Jamie Andrews, ViroLIEgy)
"The Lansing strain of Polio is one of three strains used in the Polio vaccine.
It was created through the emulsified brain and spinal cord of an 18-year-old boy from Lansing, MI. The emulsified goo was injected into the brains of monkeys which then had their brains and spinal cords emulsified and transferred into other monkeys 15 times. This process was repeated into cotton rats and eventually into the white mouse.
This continually passaged goo was widely used for Polio research and was the one used by John Franklin Enders during his Polio tissue/cell culture experiments which lead to the discovery of the “cytopathogenic effect” still used today to indirectly state that a “virus” is present in the cell culture soup.
Below are two full studies from 1939 by Charles Armstrong which detail the grotesque Lansing strain transfer from boy to monkeys to rats to mice.
1939.09.22 PHS Public Health Reports Experimental transmission of poliomyelitis to the eastern cotton rat (Charles Armstrong)
1939.12.29 PHS Public Health Reports Successful transfer Lansing strain poliomyelitis virus from cotton rat to white mouse (Charles Armstrong)
No purified/isolated “virus” is ever presented in either paper nor is pathogenicity proven.
Beyond creating experimental disease in some animals through brain injections of ground up tissue goo, the only outcome from these studies was that they ultimately led to cheaper test animals being used for Polio experimentation..."
From my reading of the work by Lanka and Andrews, about the work of Armstrong, Enders and others — viewed in the light of how lawyers, legislators, military officers, public health officers, drug companies, physicians and university researchers have (since 1902) constructed a legalized system to covertly deceive, poison and kill lots of people — I don't think it's correct to say that "viruses don't exist."
I think virus is one of many terms used to denote cell products made and used by living cells, tissues, organs and organisms; and cell fragments of dying, disintegrating and dead cells and tissues.
Other terms include proteins, lipids, peptides, nucleic acids, amino acids, enzymes, neurotransmitters, hormones, organophosphates, organochlorines, alkaloids, toxins, antitoxins, toxoids, rickettsia, antigens, toxigens, antibodies, endotoxins, exotoxins, endosomes, exosomes, pathogens, immunogens, viroids, virions, prions, prodrugs, receptors, sugars, salts, terpenes, flavonoids, steroids, fatty acids, cytokines, phages, phagocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages, dendritic cells, acellular life, non-cellular life.
That list of terms is not exhaustive. The authors of scientific literature over the last few centuries have invented hundreds of words to describe things they've seen or speculated about during their investigations into microscopic life forms and how they live, use energy, reproduce, exchange information with each other, weaken and die.
I agree with Lanka's main point as I understand it. Viruses, understood as cell products and cell fragments, don't cause disease.
Cell products and cell fragments are caused by disease, understood as poisoning; viruses are the result of disease, the body’s response to disease.
Cell stress, cellular efforts to regain equilibrium or homeostasis, and cell fragmentation and death: all result from living organisms' responses to acts of poisoning.
Poisons can be produced in nature by non-self living cells and larger, more complex living plants, insects, fish, reptiles and mammals. Bee venom, for example).
Poisons can also be produced by men using methods of synthetic chemistry developed for manufacture of pigments, dyes, fertilizers and pesticides. The organochloride Paris green, for example, was first manufactured in 1814 for paints but widely used to kill insects and rodents by 1867.
Where poison is found, traces or signatures of cell fragments of living, dying and dead creatures are also found.
Where poison is used on more than one person at a time, for example, by spraying crops, animal herds and human settlements, or conducting vaccination campaigns, outbreaks of disease are found.
Virus is one among many names for the infinite diversity of cell products and cell fragments that result from defense mounted by a self against non-self organisms, cell products and cell fragments introduced into the self.
During the 20th century and up to the present, the two primary routes of administration to get natural and synthetic chemical poisons into humans and animals, are pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, biocides...) and vaccines in injectable, oral and spray forms.
Poliomyelitis is one among many names for diseases (individual cases and outbreaks within populations) of brain, spine and nerve disorders caused by mass poisoning.
In 1840, the symptom cluster was called Heine-Medin disease. In 1885, another form was called Strumpell's disease II. Polio has also been described using the terms infantile paralysis, flaccid paralysis, Theiler's encephalomyelitis, Guillaine-Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, meningitis, hepatitis, encephalitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, amyloidosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, and sudden infant death syndrome.
Polio has not been eradicated. It has been renamed. Many times.
Lanka and Andrews, as far as I know, do not attribute the "misinterpretation" of viruses to intentional, vicious, willed deceit.
My views differ from theirs on that point.
I think that the deceit surrounding the term virus, the field of virology, and the derivative field of vaccine manufacturing, is intentional. Private and public research funding organizations and university, corporate and government scientists, physicians and publishers who have published papers purporting to describe methods to isolate viruses, methods for using isolated viruses to produce vaccines, and methods to demonstrate the induction of immunity by vaccines, did not "forget how to science," to borrow a phrase from Sage Hana.
They didn't fund, conduct or report on negative or positive control studies, because their goal was not scientific knowledge.
Their goal was to deceive the public, to facilitate public poisoning for as long as possible.
Lawyers, legislators, military officers and civil administrators built communicable disease control and biological product law and vaccination policy and programs on those false scientific foundations.
They didn't forget how to law.
They intentionally built law to legalize deception and poisoning, to enable scientific and medical fraud to be reproduced and deepened over many decades; to block attempts to expose the scientific misconduct and fraud as such; and to block attempts to stop all vaccination programs.
In 1937, Congress appropriated funds for the Public Health Service "for investigations to determine the possibly harmful effects on human beings of spray insecticides on fruits and vegetables."
Pesticide spraying and chemical weapons had already been used for many decades and some of the harms were already understood. With this budget item, Congress brought pesticide application and the study of the harmful effects officially into US government law and programs. Source: 1937 Congressional act.
In July 1939, the Journal of Experimental Medicine published a paper by Rockefeller Institute investigator Leslie T. Webster. Webster assumed that "rabiesvirus" caused disease symptoms; purported to demonstrate the "immunizing potency" of antirabies vaccine by injecting poisonous substances into inbred W-Swiss white mice; and used measurement of "antibodies" as a surrogate endpoint or proxy assumed to indicate immunity. Source: 1939 Webster paper.
As Sasha Latypova has reported, no later than 1913, Charles Richet and others investigating induction of anaphylaxis by parenteral (outside the digestive system) injection of complex non-self biological materials (bacteria, plant and animal proteins and lipids, for example) knew that "white mice and some breeds of rats do not experience anaphylaxis." Source: Sept. 6, 2024 interview of Sasha Latypova by Jane Ruby.
The scientific misconduct methods described in the 1939 Webster paper formed the foundation for all subsequent demonstrations of the alleged potency of vaccines, including procedures vaccine company executives claimed had been performed by in-house scientists, and procedures US government officials claimed had been performed by scientists working in the National Institutes of Health Division of Biologics Standards.
The forms of scientific misconduct in virology and in vaccine manufacturing and regulation, and the forms of cover-up mechanisms adopted to shield the misconduct from public view, have changed during the past 85 years.
The substance has not.
In September and December 1939, Charles Armstrong published two papers in the US Public Health Service journal Public Health Reports.
Introductory paragraph, Sept. 22, 1939 Armstrong paper:
"Through the courtesy of Dr. Max Peet, of the Department of Surgery, University of Michigan, we received on August 28, 1937, a sample of brain and cord from an 18-year old boy, one of several bulbar cases of poliomyelitis which occurred at Lansing, Mich., during that summer. A strain of virus was recovered from the material which has now been through 15 monkey passages and which clinically, and pathologically as reported by Surgeon R. D. Lillie, is apparently a strain of poliomyelitis. Neutralization tests with this virus have not been done."
Armstrong stated, without evidence, "a strain of virus was recovered," and attributed the presence of what he called poliovirus to transmission of disease from person-to-person.
In truth, Armstrong was describing cells, cell products and cell fragments produced by the 18-year-old boy's human body in response to poisoning from pesticides, from vaccines (vaccines bearing smallpox, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and influenza labels were in use by 1937) or from the combined effects of pesticide exposure and vaccination.
These three 1939 papers — one by Webster and two by Armstrong — set the frame for the next 85 years of scientific, medical and legal misconduct and deception of the public to believe false premises.
The public was led to believe the false premise that viruses cause disease, when in truth, poisons cause disease, and sub-visible substances found in sick organisms (variously termed viruses, toxins, antitoxins, antibodies, proteins, enzymes etc.) result from poisoning. They are part of the healing process.
The public was led to believe the false premise that vaccines cause immunity to disease, when in truth, vaccines are poisons, and cause disease.
In 1953, Connecticut physician Morton Biskind published a paper, Public Health Aspects of the New Insecticides, in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases.
Biskind wrote:
"In 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT (chlorophenothane, dichlordiphenyl-trichloroethane) was released in the US and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide...
Soon after the introduction of DDT for widespread use as a household, public health and agricultural insecticide, it became evident that virtually all forms of insects were propagating strains completely resistant to this compound...
One after another new compounds were introduced...
In addition to numerous variants of DDT itself, in widespread use appeared chlordane, toxaphene...benzene hexachloride,...lindane...heptachlor, and finally...the incredibly deadly aldrin and dieldrin, both chlorinate naphthalenes....
In addition, the organic phosphorous compounds, closely related to the "nerve gases" of chemical warfare and lethal for man in minute doses, have also been widely used in agriculture — parathion, tetraethylpyrophosphate,... hexaethyltetraphosphate...malathion and others...
In man, the incidence of poliomyelitis has risen sharply; there has been a striking increase in cardiovascular diseases, in cancer, in atypical pneumonias and especially interstitial pneumonitis in babies and children, in retrolental fibroplasia among premature infants, in conditions involving excessive fatigability and muscular weakness, in hepatitis and in obscure gastrointestinal and neuropsychiatric disorders often attributed to a new "virus" (or "virus X")."
Source: 1953 Biskind paper.
In 1949 and 1954, medical scientists led by John F. Enders published a series of three papers, purporting to build on the virus isolation and propagation work of Charles Armstrong, using the so-called "Lansing strain" of the alleged polio virus and alleged strains of measles virus.
1949.01.28 - Cultivation of the Lansing Strain of Poliomyelitis Virus in Cultures of Various Human Embryonic Tissue (John F. Enders, Thomas H. Weller and Frederick C. Robbins, Science, paywalled by AAAS)
1949.08.24 - Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus in Cultures of Human Foreskin and Embryonic Tissues (Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins and John F. Enders, Proceedings of Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, paywalled by SagePub)
1954.06.01 - Propagation in Tissue Cultures of Cytopathogenic Agents from Patients with Measles (John F. Enders and Thomas C. Peebles, Nature, paywalled by SagePub)
In 2002, Maurice Hilleman cited Enders' January 1949 paper as "the breakthrough technology...of cell culture propagation of viruses that led to the development of poliovirus and a large number of other vaccines."
Hilleman's career included work at the company now known as Bristol-Myers Squibb developing a vaccine purportedly against the disease named "Japanese B encephalitis," service at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research as chief of the Department of Respiratory Diseases (1948-1957) followed by work at Merck as head of the virus and cell biology department at West Point, PA, where he developed "most of the forty experimental and licensed animal and human vaccines for which he is credited." Sources: 2002 NIH-NIAID Jordan Report, Vaccines and the Vaccine Enterprise: Historic and Contemporary View of a Scientific Initiative of Complex Dimensions (Hilleman); Wikipedia.
In 1931, Joseph Smadel graduated from Washington University School of Medicine. In 1933, he was a member of a team that claimed to recognize an outbreak of St. Louis encephalitis, attributing the outbreak to mosquito-borne encephalitis virus. Smadel then worked at the Rockefeller Institute in New York City.
In 1940, Smadel joined the US Naval Reserve and went on active duty with the US Army Medical Department Professional Service School (MDPSS) in August 1942. By 1953, The MDPSS had been renamed the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR). Smadel was assigned to the European theater as Chief Virologist in May 1943. After the war, Smadel served as director of the WRAIR Department of Virus and Rickettsial Diseases.
In early 1954, Smadel was tasked with writing the production protocols for the polio vaccine.
In 1956, Smadel transferred to the NIH as associate director, and in 1963, just before his death, was appointed as chief of the NIH Division of Biologics Standards, Laboratory of Virology and Rickettsiology (LVR).
Sources: Wikipedia, citing Jane S. Smith, Patenting the Sun: Polio and the Salk Vaccine, The Dramatic Story Behind One of the Greatest Achievements of Modern Science and a short biography of Smadel published by WRAIR.
Smadel's production protocols for polio vaccines were based on the scientific misconduct protocols for isolating viruses and measuring vaccine potency published in 1939 by Armstrong and Webster, and on the scientific misconduct protocols for isolating viruses published in 1949 and 1954 by Enders et al.
Smadel’s production protocols were used, or asserted to have been used, by the manufacturers of polio vaccines during mass vaccination campaigns that began in April 1955.
Smadel's production protocols for the polio vaccines were then published as pseudo-regulations for biological product manufacturing, in the Dec. 12, 1956 Federal Register (21 FR 9890).
The new pseudo-regulations, Additional Standards for Polio Vaccines, were codified at 42 CFR 73.100 to 73.105, including 73.105, Equivalent methods, authorizing the US Surgeon General to permit "modification of any particular manufacturing method or process or the conditions under which it is conducted" and providing "that compliance with any test, method or procedure otherwise required...shall be waived as to such material to the extent the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service determines that the production or processing of such material has proceeded to a stage at which it is impossible to comply with any such requirement..."
In 1957, Eleanor McBean published The Poisoned Needle, compiling evidence of the scientific misconduct historically underpinning virology and vaccination programs, with particular emphasis on the poliovirus and polio vaccine campaigns conducted by the US Public Health Service and
McBean's work was suppressed.
In 1959, J. Anthony Morris was hired as a virology and vaccine researcher at the NIH Division of Biologics Standards (DBS). He worked there from 1959 until 1972, serving as the "influenza control officer" under Joseph Smadel, director of DBS Laboratory of Virology and Rickettsia (LVR) and Roderick Murray, DBS Director.
Roderick Murray served as DBS Director from the division's establishment in 1955 (as an upgraded version of the precursor Laboratory of Biologics Control during the polio vaccination campaign) until DBS functions, authorities and employees were transferred to FDA and renamed Bureau of Biologics in 1972.
In 1971, Morris filed an employment grievance against NIH leaders, alleging harassment and scientific misconduct: "that he had been harassed and pressured to leave the DBS because of his doubts about the potency and efficacy of commercial influenza vaccine."
Morris's complaints led to a GAO investigation commissioned by Sen. Abraham Ribicoff (who had served as HEW Secretary in 1961 and 1962), NIH internal investigations, and a series of reports in Science magazine written by Nicholas Wade.
Morris later transferred to the FDA Bureau of Biologics when the DBS authority to oversee biologics non-regulation was "concurrently redelegated" to FDA by memorandum dated Feb. 18, 1972 and published Feb. 25, 1972 (37 FR 4004).
Morris was fired in 1976. His firing was attributed, by the officials who fired him, primarily to insubordination: he raised objections about the impotency and harmfulness of influenza vaccines within government departments and publicly, based on his clinical investigations.
In Wade's Feb. 25, 1972 report in Science, he described an order issued by Joseph Smadel, to Morris, instructing Morris to pass vaccines during lot release procedures, based solely on the test results manufacturers submitted to DBS, without conducing independent testing to validate the procedures or confirm the results.
"Morris was recalled to the witness stand and related how when he had first taken over the duties of influenza control in 1960 he had frequently opposed the release of subpotent vaccines but was overruled by his then supervisor, LVR chief Joseph Smadel.
For a time, Morris refused to sign the [manufacturer-submitted potency test] protocols of the bad vaccines [to authorize "lot release"], and Smadel signed them instead.
Then, in a memorandum dated 18 September 1962, Smadel ordered Morris to pass vaccines on the basis of the manufacturers' tests alone:
"The manufacturer will provide full data on the potency assay of his lots which are submitted for release.
Furthermore, release by the DBS will be on the basis of data submitted by the manufacturer and not on the basis of results obtained in this institution."
Three days later Smadel wrote to Morris concerning specific vaccine lots:
"In view of the fact that these lots are to be released, there is no purpose testing these two in the LVR. Therefore, discard your mice which were vaccinated with lots X and Y."
Morris was obliged to destroy all his animals, about 2000 mice.
Over the years Morris had continued to protest with DBS leadership the release of subpotent vaccines.
But, as [Roderick] Murray [DBS director] himself testified, the operating instructions laid down in Smadel's 18 September memo were continued in force after Smadel's death in 1963.
Under the terms of Smadel's directive...Morris's job as influenza control officer was simply to check that the vaccine lots were potent according to test results provided by the manufacturers. All vaccine testing subsequently carried out by Morris was done for the purposes of his own experiments."
By the mid-1960s, two tests were presented to the public as demonstrations of vaccine potency: the mouse test, built on Webster's 1939 scientific misconduct, and the chicken cell agglutination (CCA) test.
March 28, 1972 - GAO report, Problems Involving the Effectiveness of Vaccines:
"Tests to determine potency
To determine whether individual lots of manufacturers' vaccines meet the established potency standards, DBS requires manufacturers to perform certain laboratory tests on the lots. DBS performs similar tests in its laboratories for selected lots.
During 1966, 1967 and 1968, DBS required the manufacturers to determine the potency of their vaccines by means of mouse potency tests, which involved inoculating one group of mice with the manufacturers vaccines and another group with the DBS reference vaccine. After inoculation, each group of mice was injected with the influenza virus and the protective ability afforded by each vaccine was compared.
Late in 1968 DBS changed the required test to the chicken cell agglutination (CCA) test, which determined virus concentration by measuring the ability of the virus to clump red blood cells. This ability is proportional to the number of virus particles. The test is performed on both the manufacturers' vaccines and the DBS reference vaccine, and the results are compared to determine whether the manufacturers' vaccines achieve the potency standard established by DBS."
The Smadel memo, however, had ordered DBS employees to release vaccine lots based solely on manufacturer claims in submitted protocols, and remained in force after Smadel’s death.
Manufacturer claims themselves are based on the pseudo-regulations first published in December 1956, which were based on the production protocols written by Joseph Smadel in early 1955 during the preparation for the polio vaccination campaign.
Smadel's production protocols were based on the scientific misconduct protocols published by Armstrong in 1939 and Enders et al in 1949 and 1954.
By 1980, GAO had written another report on regulation of biological product manufacturing, which had been housed in the FDA Bureau of Biologics since 1972, titled Answers to Questions on Selected FDA Bureau of Biologics Regulation Activities:
“Upgrading test methodologies.
BoB officials believe that the test methods they use are the best currently available. BoB also recognizes that results from certain tests are more variable than others; however, they are continually working to improve or develop tests for better ensuring that vaccine are safe, pure and potent. While we did not attempt to determine if better tests were available, BoB told us about several tests they were improving or developing.
One test generally recognized by FDA and others as having certain deficiencies was the chicken cell agglutination (CCA) test. Manufacturers and BoB used this test between 1968 and 1977 to measure influenza vaccine potency. The test assessed virus concentration by measuring the ability of the virus to clump chicken red blood cells. The test measures vaccine potency in terms of CCA units; the higher the CCA value, the greater the vaccine's potency. Clinical studies on a specific influenza vaccine, however, showed that increases in the vaccine's CCA content did not necessarily result in an increase in antibody response (associated with increased effectiveness) in humans.”
Viruses do not cause disease for individual people (cases) or across populations (epidemics, pandemics).
Vaccine products are heterogeneous, unstable mixtures of cells from human, animal, plant, bacteria and other living creatures, cell products and fragments of dead or dying cells, mixed with synthetic chemicals and metals.
The forms of scientific misconduct and deceit in virology and in vaccine manufacturing and regulation, and the forms of cover-up mechanisms adopted to shield the misconduct and deceit from public view, have changed during the past 85 years.
The substance has not.
Sept. 12, 2024 - On vaccination as intentional induction of chronic and acute anaphylaxis. Sept. 6, 2024 discussion by Jane Ruby and Sasha Latypova, condensed transcript (Katherine Watt)
Sept. 29, 2024 - Antibodies and surrogate endpoints: more pieces of the scientific and regulatory fraud puzzle. Translation of July 12, 2020 German report: Misinterpretation of Antibodies, republished November 2020 by Northern Tracey (Katherine Watt)
Nov. 2, 2024 - The Spanish Flu Hoax & The Rosenau Contagion Study (Jamie Andrews)
1939.07.01 A mouse test for measuring the immunizing potency of antirabies vaccine (Leslie Webster, Rockefeller Institute)
1939.09.22 PHS Public Health Reports Armstrong Experimental transmission of poliomyelitis to the eastern cotton rat Armstrong paper (Charles Armstrong, Public Health Service)
1939.12.29 PHS Public Health Reports Armstrong Successful transfer Lansing strain poliomyelitis virus from cotton rat to white mouse (Charles Armstrong)
1949.01.28 - Cultivation of the Lansing Strain of Poliomyelitis Virus in Cultures of Various Human Embryonic Tissue (John F. Enders, Thomas H. Weller and Frederick C. Robbins, Science, paywalled by AAAS)
1949.08.24 - Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus in Cultures of Human Foreskin and Embryonic Tissues (Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins and John F. Enders, Proceedings of Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, paywalled by SagePub)
1954.06.01 - Propagation in Tissue Cultures of Cytopathogenic Agents from Patients with Measles (John F. Enders and Thomas C. Peebles, Nature, paywalled by SagePub)
1955.03 paper Effects Routine Immunization Children Triple Vaccine Diphtheria Tetanus Pertussis serological epidemiology American Journal Public Health (Johannes Ipsen and Harry E. Bowen)
1956.12.12 21 FR 9890 Notice 42 CFR 73 Biologics additional standards polio based on Enders papers
1957 The Poisoned Needle - McBean scanned version with Ch. 10 polio definition virus
1972.02.25 - Division of Biologics Standards: In the Matter of J. Anthony Morris (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.03.03 - Division of Biologics Standards: Scientific Management Questioned (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.03.10 - DBS: Officials Confused over Powers (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.03.17 - Division of Biologics Standards: The Boat That Never Rocked (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.04.07 - DBS: Agency Contravenes Its Own Regulations (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.06.30 - DBS Scientist to Head New [FDA] Vaccine Bureau (Nicholas Wade, Science, paywalled by JSTOR)
1972.03 - GAO report: Problems Involving the Effectiveness of Vaccines
1980.06.06 - GAO report: Answers to Questions on Selected FDA Bureau of Biologics Regulation Activities
2015.06 Dismantling the Virus Theory Stefan Lanka WissenschaftPlus (English translation)
2020.01 The Misconception Called Virus Part 1 Stefan Lanka WissenschaftPlus (English translation)
2020.02 The Virus Misconception Part 2 Stefan Lanka WissenschaftPlus (English translation)
2020.03 The Virus Misconception Part 3 Stefan Lanka WissenschaftPlus (English translation)
2020.04 Initiators of Corona Crisis Virologists Who Claim the Existence of Disease-Causing Viruses are Committing Scientific Fraud and Must Be Prosecuted Stefan Lanka WissenschaftPlus (English translation)
2021.10.27 The Lansing Strain of Polio Jamie Andrews ViroLIEgy; PDF: 2021.10.27 The Lansing Strain of Polio Jamie Andrews ViroLIEgy