On using proposed mRNA bans, and opposition thereto from vaccination proponents, to deepen public understanding of vaccine non-regulation history and amplify vaccine hostility.
Plus views on 'wedge issues.'
Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law
Yet Another Tommy expanded his list of yes-no questions:
Jan. 9, 2025 - More Opinions on Wedge Issues (Yet Another Tommy)
My responses to the 24 questions:
1. Supports Trump - No, but prays for him.
2. Trump assassination attempt faked - Yes
3. Trump is a technocrat - Yes, and other things too.
4. mRNA is a bioweapon - Yes
5. All vaccines are bioweapons - Yes
6. Vaccines were always bioweapons - Yes
7. Covid was just poisoning - Yes
8. Covid was a military operation - Yes
9. Covid was dangerous - Yes. Deceit and poisoning are harmful.
10. Covid response was dangerous - Yes. Deceit and poisoning are harmful.
11. Covid was a pandemic - No
12. Covid was a bioweapon - Yes, and psychological deceit operation.
13. Viruses exist - Yes, if 'virus' defined as infinite variety of unstable/dynamic biologically-active substances produced by living organisms. [No if defined as stable, transmissible disease-causing agents.]
14. Viruses cause disease - No. See response to 13, above and my other writing on the subject.
15. Terrain theory is correct - No position. Awaiting further development of hypotheses and evidence. My distrust of available definitions, scientific papers and concern about intentionally-misleading information are high.
16. Germ theory is correct - No position. Awaiting further development of hypotheses and evidence. My distrust of available definitions, scientific papers and concern about intentionally-misleading information are high.
17. G3P [Global Public-Private Partnership] is in charge - Yes
18. G3P runs Putin too - Yes
19. Global warming caused by humans - No.
I don't think global warming is a real thing. Re: global warming and weather control theory, I don't think TPTB control the weather as much as I think they control public perception of weather, and management (long-planned exploitation) of mostly natural disasters that they can predict (broadly speaking) may — within margins of probability — hit each place on earth.
For example, I think they can start fires in dry areas, if the areas are dry, just as any arsonist can, but they probably have better equipment for starting more fires, faster, hotter and more selectively in more locations throughout a dry region simultaneously (i.e. Paradise, Lahaina, Palisades, directed-energy weapons etc.). And they can arrange the false attribution of the fires to drought, high winds, too much dried out vegetation, too much human population, global warming, etc.
I think they can arrange mass poisonings — vaccination campaigns and chemical sprays, chemical spills, chemical plant explosions (i.e. East Palestine, Atlanta...) —and they can arrange the false attribution of resulting biological effects (sickness) to illusory/false causes other than chemical poisonings (such as transmissible viruses).
They can arrange demolition of skyscrapers, bridges, planes, dams and levees.
They can send mercenaries into flood and fire ravaged areas after floods and fires happen and block people from mutual support and recovery and drive people off their land and seize land, homes and businesses.
I think they can and have identified (decades ago, long before any specific disaster strikes), what they will do in every inhabited place, during and after the disaster hits, to weaken and kill survivors, drive survivors away, snap up real property and prevent resettlement.
But I don't think they can conjure rainfall or hurricanes, or withhold rainfall that would otherwise happen (so as to conjure drought.) I think they want people to think they have those techniques. But I don't think they really have them. I think it's another example of projected illusions to deflect attention from traditional and DEW arson, demolition, chemical poisoning, looting and other forms of intentional destruction and exploitation of post-disaster chaos.
20. Supports Ukraine war - No
21. 5G is for depopulation - Undecided, leaning No.
I tend to think 5G, 4G, 3G and other (novel or renamed old) EMF sources are useful for 1) wasting human time and material resources (construction projects with no real benefit or improvement over existing tech); 2) frightening people/inducing sense of helplessness about potential sources of harm they cannot readily see or avoid; and 3) deflecting attention away from global theft (looting/hoarding of land and resources) and from biological and chemical poisoning (vaccination, drugs, low-altitude outdoor and indoor/interior-of-building sprays, derailments, explosions) as primary causes of sickness.
22. Chemtrails are for depopulation - Undecided, leaning No.
I tend to think high-altitude chemtrails are possibly spraying seawater in most cases and useful for 1) wasting human time and material resources (aviation planes, drones, fuels); 2) scaring people/inducing sense of helplessness about potential sources of harm they can readily see but cannot readily avoid; 3) making the act of looking up into the sky become psychologically distressing rather than joyful, reassuring, calming and/or reverent; and 4) deflecting attention from global theft (looting/hoarding of land and resources) and from biological and chemical poisoning (vaccination, drugs, low-altitude or surface outdoor and indoor/interior-of-building sprays, derailments, explosions) as primary causes of sickness.
23. Malthus was correct - No.
24. The Earth is overpopulated - No, and population and land/resource use/carrying-capacity data are just as false as all other centrally-controlled data.
Some discussion of “shedding” in the comment thread at Sage Hana’s post:
Jan. 11, 2025 - Not a Movement, 2025 update. The Not a Movement is (still) not a movement… (Sage Hana)
Agent Roger W.:
This week in Not-A-Movement: vaccine shedding. I think that's false. Most people believe it's true…
Sage Hana:
Vaccine shedding = Successful synthetic "virus"
Threat matrix remains intact.
I don't know about the Science on any of this. But I do know from an Op standpoint, it is useful.
That utility-for-the-op is one of the main metrics I try to track too. A version of "cui bono?"
The would-be world controllers are projecting illusions all over the place.
Some things help them project the illusions, and some things make the illusions go out of focus a little bit or become more semi-permeable so that reality and the controllers themselves become temporarily visible behind the screen.
I've tried to use that metric to slowly try to come to some conclusions about viruses, shedding, nanotech, cyborgs, global warming, weather control, and a few other things.
And agree that vaccine "shedding" = successful synthetic "virus," which is useful to the op, and therefore a projected illusion, not real.
Sasha Latypova:
Shedding exists, but it's not any synthetic virus. Unless "virus" is used in the original meaning as just "poison, toxin." People that get the large exposure of original poisoning, e.g. injections, can expel toxins into their environment, because their bodies are desperately trying to get rid of the poison, and those in close proximity can pick them up. However no second-hand "vaccination" or "gene mutation" or "nanotechnology transfer" happens that way. People may experience symptoms (happened to me and to my husband, with different symptoms on 2 separate occasions), but this is not what the fear mongering propaganda of shedding wants you to believe. It's yet another "Bill Gates releases mosquitoes that will vaccinate you!" National Enquirer type headline.
My views on nanotechnology:
I find Sasha Latypova’s analysis persuasive: junk is not technology; micro is not nano; and damage is not control. Microscopic metal fragments (junk) are harmful to living organisms.
But injection of microscopic metal fragments into living organisms (or spraying of inhalable fragments) to cause damage is not technologically sophisticated or new, and doesn’t result in mind control or control of the free will of the target.
I base that position on my review (over the last couple of years) of the promotional literature published for several decades by the US Department of Defense and other federal agencies in the US and other countries, alongside my study of how DoD and other government agencies deceive people through thousands of written publications including statutes, regulations, executive orders, contracts, treaties and scientific papers and protocols.
The literature is intended to give the public impression of scientific rigor and technical feasibility where neither actually is present, and neither can be developed.
Living organisms are not machines, and never will be.
On using opposition to public efforts to block use of mRNA vaccines specifically, to help more people understand history of intentional heterogenicity, instability and toxicity of all vaccines generally.
Any effort to ban use of so-called mRNA, DNA or gene-based vaccines will, I think, elicit opposition from proponents of traditional or pre-2020 vaccines, which are also denoted by many other terms such as live attenuated, subunit, viral vector, acellular, inactivated, killed and recombinant vaccines.
Campaigns to ban mRNA vaccines will be very, very useful for eliciting that opposition and so drawing the truth about all vaccines further into public understanding.
My view is that vaccines have all always been DNA/RNA platforms — developed, distributed and used under many different terms — going back to the very beginning of legalized, militarized, systematic mass poisoning under the medicalized cover of vaccination campaigns.
Military/WRAIR-PBF/US-AMRIID/DARPA, HHS/PHS/NIH/FDA and drug companies change the terms, to hide the consistent underlying facts about biological materials taken from many different living creatures, including human embryos, mixed together with each other and with synthetic chemicals, and then inserted into a recipient living organism for which they are foreign materials and therefore toxic.
This topic, and the way that FDA sometimes pretends vaccines are subject to biological product law and sometimes pretends they are subject to "investigational drug" law and generally slides them in and out of several different product classifications, none of which require identification, standardization, purity or stability of contents, is also related to the mid-1990s introduction of the classification for "well-characterized biotechnology products" — a classification sometimes claimed to include vaccines and sometimes claimed to exclude vaccines.
In all cases, vaccines cannot be "well-characterized" because they are mixtures of unstable, dynamic, living and decomposing material that enters the recipient organism, damages the organism’s cells, tissues and organs, and then decomposes further in the recipient organism.
All so-called "traditional" vaccines have always and still do contain a variety of unstable, biologically-active genetic material foreign to the recipients and therefore toxic, and they have all been unregulated, with no real standards for product identity (stable molecular structures and quantities for all ingredients), purity (non-contamination/non-adulteration), safety (non-toxicity), labeling or any other standard set by FDA or its preceding pseudo-regulatory agencies (primarily NIH Division of Biologics Standards from 1955 polio campaign through 1972 transfer to FDA Bureau of Biologics.)
There is a form of drug non-regulation apart from the FDCA New Drug Application (NDA) and Investigational New Drug (IND) system, called the BLA or Biologics License Application, which is used for products that are classified as biological products, which includes all vaccines, and which is distinct from other drug classifications.
A form of this sequence or process has been in use since 1902 with slight changes in form over time:
faked outbreak of communicable disease — faked by false testing, false diagnosis, false epidemiological data collection and distribution — illnesses that are actually caused primarily by pesticide application and prior vaccinations →
false attribution of cause-of-disease to transmissible, stable pathogen (=false definition of virus) →
fake R&D and investigations (jointly by military, PHS/HHS, drug companies, universities and NGOs such as National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis; BMGF, GAVI) allegedly to develop vaccines designed to prevent virus infection: so-called non-clinical trials, preclinical trials, in vitro studies, in vivo animal studies, field trials (human), clinical trials (human), investigational use (human) →
BLA application forms submitted by manufacturer to FDA →
fake product review by FDA →
marketing approval by FDA (known as "licensing" although no license numbers are issued to correspond with any specific product; my current understanding is that license numbers are issued to manufacturing companies to provide indiscriminate, blanket authorization for all products they manufacture regardless of contents. See 2002 NIAID Jordan Report at Appendix D and Aug. 23, 2021 FDA letter issuing BLA license no. 2229 to BioNTech Manufacturing GmbH) →
manufacturing and labeling →
marketing (mass media) and distribution →
general use by physicians, uptake by public
Vaccines, as BLA products, fall under the Public Health Service Act, PHSA Section 351 (42 USC 262) which is distinct from the New Drug Application NDA and Investigational New Drug IND pathways that fall under the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act, FDCA sections (mostly FDCA Section 505/21 USC 355).
For many, many decades, the BLA systems (previously known by other titles) and more recently the Emergency Use Authorization systems have been used to smuggle intentionally unregulated, intentionally toxic poisons into interstate commerce disguised as regulated medicinal products called both traditional vaccines and mRNA/gene-based vaccines.
Jan. 3, 2024 - On the continuing effort to fit a square peg (legalized manufacturing and use of biological weapons) into a round hole (FDA drug, device and biological product regulation) (Katherine Watt)
March 15, 2024 - Part 3: Deregulation of biological product manufacturing, mid-1990s to present (Katherine Watt)
May 21, 2024 - Part 8: There is no legal limit to the amount of so-called contamination that can legally be included in vaccines or any other biological products. (Katherine Watt)
Jan. 8, 2025 - Germ theory, contagion theory, virology, antibodies and anaphylaxis: Northern Tracey's work. (Katherine Watt)