On contracts: consortium agreement; base agreement; technical direction letter-statement of work; project agreement.
Re-post of April 28, 2023 post.
Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law
Responses to Robert Malone’s Dec. 8, 2024 report:
Dec. 10, 2024 - Coordinated, whole-of-government biological warmongering and war-profiteering, domestic and international. (Katherine Watt)
Dec. 11, 2024 - Robert Malone's limited-hangout confession. (Sasha Latypova)
Source documents that may be useful for readers considering Robert Malone’s recently-published characterization of the US Department of Defense role in Operation Warp Speed:
2016.04.08 DOD ATI Contract MCDC Consortium W15QKN1691002 P00085 20 years through 2036 (redacted)
2020.07.21 DOD ATI Pfizer Technical Direction Letter Statement of Work OTA-W15QKN-16-9-1002 35 p (redacted)
A third Pfizer-specific contract — the “Project Agreement” identified at p. 9 of the July 20, 2020 Base Agreement — has not (to my knowledge) been released to the public in redacted or unredacted form.
When Sasha Latypova and I prepared materials for Senator Ron Johnson in December 2022, we urged Johnson to obtain and publish unredacted copies of the Base Agreement, Technical Direction Letter-Statement of Work, and Project Agreement. Johnson has declined to take action to obtain and publish unredacted copies of the three Pfizer-specific contracts.
Note: Other Transactions Authority provisions were renumbered from 10 USC 2371 to 10 USC 4022 effective Jan. 1, 2022. Records drafted and signed before Jan. 1, 2022 cited 10 USC 2371. Records drafted and signed since Jan. 1, 2022, including records filed in Jackson v. Pfizer, usually cite to 10 USC 4022.
Original post:
April 28, 2023 - Draft discovery materials for civil and criminal cases. Useful for promoting understanding that the factual record of events since January 2020 supports the legal conclusion that products labeled 'vaccines' are presumptive injectable biochemical weapons. (Katherine Watt) PDF drafted April 2023, updated December 2024.
…Discovery is the legal process through which two or more parties to litigation exchange information after a civil complaint or criminal charges have been filed, but before trial.
It’s a formalized way for the parties to obtain or disclose documents and other evidence supporting each party’s legal arguments about how the law applies to the specific facts of the case…
I’ve put together some draft discovery materials that are built on the foundational whistleblowing and investigative work done by Brook Jackson, Sasha Latypova, Mike Yeadon, me and others…
These materials can also be used to deepen public understanding and resistance to the globalists’ control-and-kill programs…
Requests for Production of Documents
All signed, dated, unredacted contracts and related financial records pertaining to Department of Defense Other Transaction Authority project OTA W15QKN-16-9-1002, including but not limited to unredacted lists of ingredient names, biological and chemical composition, concentration, volume and purity.
Signed, dated, unredacted July 20, 2020 Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) Base Agreement No. 2020-532, signed between Advanced Technology International (ATI) and Pfizer, Inc.
Signed, dated, unredacted July 21, 2020 Technical Direction Letter [and Statement of Work] for Medical CRBN Defense Consortium (MCDC) Request for Prototype Proposals (RPP) 20-11, Objective PRE-20-11 for "COVID-19 Pandemic - Large Scale Vaccine Manufacturing Demonstration," signed between US Army Contracting Command-New Jersey, Advanced Technology International (ATI) and Pfizer, Inc.
Signed, dated, unredacted ATI-DOD-Pfizer Project Agreement 2011-003 under OTA W15QKN-16-9-1002, defined at p. 9 of July 20, 2020 Base Agreement, under which Pfizer is the Project Agreement Holder (“PAH”).
Signed, dated, unredacted FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) review memorandum issued Dec. 11, 2020 for Pfizer-labeled injectable biochemical weapons, including but not limited to "Chemistry, Manufacturing and Control (CMC) Information" ingredient names, biological and chemical composition, concentrations, volume and purity.
Signed, dated, unredacted Dec. 22, 2020 Contract No. W15QKN-21-C-0012, signed between Army Contracting Command - NJ, Picatinny Arsenal, and Pfizer Inc., including but not limited to unredacted ingredient names, biological and chemical composition, concentrations, volume and purity.
Signed, dated, unredacted July 30, 2021 Contract No. W58P0521C0002, signed between Army Contracting Command - APG, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and Pfizer Inc., including but not limited to unredacted ingredient names, biological and chemical composition, concentrations, volume and purity.
Signed, dated, unredacted federal employment contracts between Department of Defense, CDC, ATI and site-level "vaccinators," conscripting "vaccinators" into US military subject to DOD chain-of-command to carry out military orders to use injectable biochemical weapons during federal government response to Covid-19.
Signed, dated, unredacted contracts between Department of Defense, CDC, ATI and site-level "vaccinators," ("CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Program Provider Agreement") containing terms and conditions for receipt, storage and use of injectable biochemical weapons delivered by Department of Defense and/or CDC to "vaccination" premises, including unredacted ingredient names, concentrations, volumes and purity…
Signed, dated, unredacted chain-of-custody documents for the Covid-19 prototype countermeasure injectable biochemical weapons, including but not limited to date, location, shipping carrier and contents of raw material shipments delivered to each manufacturing facility; date, location and contents of transferred, unfinished products; date, location and contents of finished products to Department of Defense storage facilities; and date, location and contents of products as delivered to “vaccination centers.”
Signed, dated, unredacted Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) and current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) purity and potency test records for each of the raw materials incorporated into vials of Covid-19 biochemical weapons distributed and used, including records produced by manufacturers and/or FDA regulators.
Signed, dated, unredacted purity and potency test records for each of the intermediate products incorporated into vials of Covid-19 biochemical weapons distributed and used, including records produced by manufacturers and/or FDA regulators.
Signed, dated, unredacted purity and potency test records for each of the final products vials of Covid-19 biochemical weapons including records produced by manufacturers and/or FDA regulators.
Signed, dated, unredacted copies of reports to Congress, prepared and submitted by DOD and/or HHS officials, under 50 USC 1512, 50 USC 1513, 50 USC 1518, 50 USC 1523, and 50 USC 1528, and/or any other applicable Congressional notice and/or reporting law, quantifying the mortality and morbidity data collected from any and all government databases (VAERS, V-Safe, VA, DMED, Medicare, Medicaid, etc), contract manufacturer and subcontractor databases (ATI, Pfizer, Moderna, Ventavia, ICON, etc.), and private health insurance databases (Kaiser, Blue Cross, etc.), assessing the efficacy of the mRNA/LNP and DNA/LNP classes of Covid-19 injectable biochemical weapons for incapacitating, sterilizing and killing adults, children and infants, from January 2020 to the present.
Signed, dated, unredacted Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs) deemed by the Defense Secretary to be in force at any time from Jan. 1, 2020 to the present.
Signed, dated, unredacted Continuity of Government (COG) documents deemed by the Defense Secretary to be in force at any time from Jan. 1, 2020 to the present.
Signed, dated, unredacted documents recording the dates on which President Trump and/or President Biden invoked or extended suspension, under 50 USC 1515, of all prohibitions on DOD testing, production, transport, stockpiling and use of chemical and biological weapons and delivery systems, and/or suspended all Congressional, international, state, local and other notice and reporting provisions under 50 USC 1512, 50 USC 1512a, 50 USC 1513, 50 USC 1518; 50 USC 1520a, 50 USC 1523, and 50 USC 1528.
Signed, dated documents recording dates on which President Trump and/or President Biden waived, and/or extended waiver of, informed consent for military personnel under 10 USC 1107a(a).
Requests for Admission
Pertaining to US military procurement contracts, public executive orders, proclamations, declarations, determinations and/or notices promulgated under the Public Health Service Act [42 USC 247d], Stafford Act [42 USC 5121], National Emergencies Act [50 USC 1601], Defense Production Act [50 USC 4501] and/or other federal statutes; and/or confidential Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADs); and/or confidential Continuity of Government documents.
Admit or deny:
Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) "Project Agreement" 2011-003 for OTA Wl5QKN-16-9-1002 and related contract documents established terms and conditions for the development and production of biological and/or chemical weapons by contractors, for delivery to the US military.
Under Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) contract terms and conditions and federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) status, "Covid-19 vaccines" are military countermeasure prototypes.
Under Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) contract terms and conditions and federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) status, "Covid-19 vaccines" are injectable biochemical weapons.
Under Medical CBRN Defense Consortium (MCDC) contract terms and conditions and federal Public Health Emergency (PHE) status, subcontractor corporations have no legal obligation to conduct clinical investigations in compliance with FDA regulations.
Under the 1950 Defense Production Act, as invoked by President Trump through Executive Orders 13909, 13910, 13911 and related acts, military contractors producing and distributing weapons under “voluntary agreements” are exempt from contract law and anti-trust law, and can cite the DPA in their own defense during any civil or criminal proceeding [50 USC 4558]…
Feb. 16, 2023 - Written artifacts of informational warfare. Truth, lies, war crimes and objective, observable realities. (Katherine Watt) - “Reader comment: Robert Barnes says you did not read the contracts…So... still we need to know if you read the contract and did Pfizer commit fraud?….My reply: Yes, I’ve read the two publicly available Pfizer-ATI-MCDC-DOD-FDA-HHS bioweapons manufacturing contracts that have been disclosed to the public through Jackson v. Ventavia, Pfizer and ICON…I also drafted a FOIA request, submitted a few weeks ago by Judicial Watch, seeking, among other items, a third, related contract that has not yet been disclosed to the public, called the “Project Agreement.” And yes, I believe all of the parties to the contracts — including but not limited to the Pfizer signatories — have been and continue to jointly, collaboratively, cooperatively, intentionally and maliciously commit fraud, mass murder, and war crimes. They have been and continue to commit those crimes against non-parties to the contracts…”
March 2, 2023 - Key quotes from Pfizer's April 22, 2022 Motion to Dismiss and US Government's Oct. 4, 2022 Statement of Interest in Support of MtD. (Katherine Watt) - “…from the US Government's Oct. 4, 2022 statement of interest in support of Pfizer's Motion to Dismiss at p. 10: “…[Brook Jackson’s] complaint does not identify any provision in the [Statement of Work] for the Project Agreement between Pfizer and the Army that conditioned Government payment for the vaccine on Pfizer’s compliance with the clinical trial protocol or regulations. The SOW, which is attached to the complaint, further specifies that the Army did not regulate the conduct of the clinical trial, which is “out-of-scope” for the purchase agreement between the Army and Pfizer. In short, the complaint does not plead factual content to support a conclusion that compliance with the clinical trial protocol or regulations was necessary under the contract between Pfizer and the Army such that clinical trial violations would give rise to a claim for express or implied certification liability…”
Aug. 8, 2023 - USA v. Dr. Kirk Moore et al. (Katherine Watt) - “…Using Kirk Moore’s case as an example, a useful defense strategy would be for Moore to ask the DOJ to prove two things: 1) That the US government ever produced and delivered any regulated pharmaceutical products or ‘vaccines’ to his business premises and; 2) That the contents of any vials that may have passed through Moore’s office included any ingredients complying with any alleged ‘vaccine’ labels, information sheets or product specifications listed in applications submitted to FDA and other regulators. DOJ can’t provide that proof, because it doesn’t exist. The proof doesn’t exist, because the products allegedly delivered to Moore’s office, which he and his staff allegedly improperly disposed of, were and are prohibited biological and chemical weapons, manufactured and adulterated with a wide variety of known and unknown ingredients. These biochemical weapons are exempt from, and therefore non-compliant with, all pharmaceutical regulation. As such, DoD, CDC and FDA took great care to not produce any pharmaceutical chain-of-custody paper trail between suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, ‘vaccinators’ and targets. If they can produce any chain of custody records at all, those records will demonstrate that the products are military-grade biological and chemical weapons passed through the Strategic National Stockpile — not handled by regulated pharmaceutical distributors — under direct military control from the point at which raw materials entered production facilities to delivery of finished vials to retail pharmacies, medical offices, drive-through vaccination centers and other ‘points of dispensing’…”
May 7, 2024 - Bits and pieces about 10 USC 1107a(a) consent waivers, EUA products, BLA products, legalized FDA non-regulation of pharmaceutical manufacturing, and related things. (Katherine Watt)
June 19, 2024 - Hospital homicides, draft discovery questions. (Katherine Watt)