Notes on public education and litigation strategies based on characterization of Covid-19 vaccines as biological weapons, legal or illegal.
Orientation for new readers; American Domestic Bioterrorism Program; Tools for dismantling kill box anti-law
Bailiwick collections:
2022 Bailiwick News Volume 6 Jan. to Dec. (950 pages, 16.5 MB)
2023 Bailiwick News Volume 7 Jan. to Dec. (785 pages, 9.5 MB)
2024 Bailiwick News Volume 8 Jan. to Dec. (892 pages, 23 MB)
Questions received by email, paraphrased:
Does it matter whether vaccines are characterized, to the public or in litigation, as legal or illegal biological weapons?
Can any bioweapon be fairly promoted by a government officer as a safe and effective means of combating a (pretend) pandemic?
KW responses:
I think it’s important to understand the difference between legalized biological weapons, which includes all vaccines, and illegal biological weapons, under the terms of (and exemptions from) the main US domestic law criminalizing use of biological weapons (18 USC 175) and laws related to that one, including the Enhanced control of dangerous biological agents and toxins law or Biological Select Agents and Toxins/BSAT law (42 USC 262a).
The general public trying to understand what’s been revealed through Covid events, and courts handling cases, also need to assess the legitimacy of public officials, in the US and abroad, relying on the de facto HHS-PHS-FDA classification of Covid-19 vaccines as legal biological weapons, in making their public policy decisions to promote and use the products on the populations of their countries.
This point — whether Covid vaccines are legal biological weapons or illegal biological weapons — is a point on which my conclusions differ from the late Dr. Francis A. Boyle's conclusions and several other individuals' conclusions and public education and case strategies.
The issues relate to the inherent (unavoidable, intrinsic) toxicity, heterogeneity and instability of all biological material introduced into a living organism for whom the introduced biological material is foreign or non-self, and the intentionality of the legalized poisoning program known as vaccination campaigns, dating back to the early 20th century.
In other words, all vaccines are biological weapons, and they have all been legal biological weapons for as long as vaccination campaigns have been conducted...
There are no objective (able to be verified with valid tests, measurements, assays etc), applicable, or enforceable scientific or legal standards or definitions for the words or products (more properly understood as dynamic processes) virus and vaccine or for the descriptor words safe and effective.
There are no objective legal or scientific standards for the words, objects or events communicable disease, communicable disease pathogen, epidemic or pandemic.
As a result, any biological material can be classified as a communicable disease pathogen, virus or vaccine, and any biological material can be described as pathogenic, toxic, safe or effective, without violation of any laws about labeling, dosing, contamination, adulteration, or misbranding.
If a substance induces an immune response, it can accurately be described as toxic, pathogenic and effective, because the expected or anticipated effect of introducing foreign biological matter into a living organism is a process carried out by the body to respond to, dismantle, eliminate or excrete foreign matter: to detoxify.
That's the effect that has been induced by any poisoning act, whether the exposure has been dilute or concentrated in time and space; whether the effect is mild, moderate or severe; and whether the effect occurs at the subvisible, microscopic level, at the observable, symptomatic level (rash, coughing, fever, dizziness, paralysis, vomiting, diarrhea, organ failure) or at both subvisible and observable levels.
Biological products are exempt from evidentiary standards or criteria applied to other, non-biological drugs under drug manufacturing regulation systems.
The decisions about how to classify biological material are arbitrary, and political (i.e., the classifications are used to advance the goal of inducing public compliance with public policies).
Vaccination proponents, and proponents of communicable disease as caused by pathogenic viruses use probability-of-harm units derived from population-wide studies (for example, the amount of a product or series of product administration events that result in death to 50% of the test animals to whom the product or series is administered within a short time range), rather than mass, weight, volume, concentration or other objectively measurable physical units.
And they use surrogate endpoints such as antibody titres (another false measure) in animals (another layer of removal from human studies) as evidence of therapeutic benefit for humans, rather than objective clinical endpoints such as direct measures of how an individual human patient feels, functions or survives.
Because poisons and the proposed remedies or shields are the same basic substances — non-self biological materials that induce detoxification effects — the indicators for harm and benefit are the same, non-specific, probability-based units of measure.
The trick or crime is mostly in how the poisoners get the targeted victims to perceive the substances and confuse cause and effect relationships.
They get people to perceive a hypothetical substance, (an allegedly circulating, allegedly transmissible virus, observable only through the proxy of manipulated test kits) as a threat.
And they get people to perceive the alleged remedy, vaccines, which are actually threats, as a benefit, shield or treatment.
The Covid-19 pandemic, and all "vaccine-preventable disease" outbreak classifications were and are pretend, fabricated from manipulated diagnoses and disease classifications.
The products (vaccines) put forward as preventatives or remedies were and are not safe and not effective, from the point of view of common understanding of what safe and effective mean, which again, is not defined by objective scientific or legal criteria in biological product and communicable disease control law.
But the public presentation of the fake pandemic as real and as dangerous was legal, and the public presentation of vaccines/biological weapons as safe and effective was also legal, because there are no objective legal or scientific definitions or standards for those words, products and events.
Good targets for public education and litigation strategies are, in my view, the legal instruments and the lawmakers who legalize public policies executed through the holes made by intentional omission (from biological product and communicable disease control law) of legal provisions establishing objective, enforceable scientific and legal standards of evidence.
Some supporting evidence from US law, about the arbitrary dual legal classification of biological material/processes/bottled products as simultaneously biological weapons and licensed biological products:
SARS-CoV-2 is listed as a biological select agent or toxin subject to transportation and use restrictions, having been so classified by US-HHS as of November 2021, under the statute 42 USC 262a, which provides exemptions from 18 USC 175 (the biological weapons criminal law), through the implementing regulation for 42 USC 262a, which is 42 CFR 73.3. (86 FR 64075)
And it simultaneously is the biological material, the S-protein of which the mRNA vaccine product allegedly codes, for which US-FDA has provided a simulation of drug manufacturing regulation (relied upon by countries around the world through Mutual Recognition Agreements) in the form of legal EUA "authorizations" under 21 USC 360bbb (Dec. 11, 2020) and legal BLA license "approvals" under 42 USC 262 (Aug. 23, 2021), such that it can be legally introduced into interstate commerce and used on targets.
June 28, 2022 - “There are treaties that prevent the usage of chemical and biological weapons to maim and kill.” Unless the weapons are reclassified as public health measures, and human beings are reclassified as public health threats. (Katherine Watt)
April 10, 2023 - Design of a Weapon: Targeting the Human Microbiome "Biodefense in the Age of Synthetic Biology" (Sasha Latypova)
April 13, 2023 - Vaccine production facilities are indistinguishable from bioweapon production facilities, and vaccines are indistinguishable from bioweapons. (Katherine Watt)
April 24, 2023 - At-home gain-of-function kits. Biodefense is indistinguishable from biowarfare; the so-called biodefense industry is, in truth, the biochemical munitions industry. (Katherine Watt)
Sept. 14, 2024 - Scientifically unsupported and insupportable Presidential designation of quarantinable communicable diseases; habeas corpus petitions. (Katherine Watt) - “…Reader: What was unclear for me before was: what makes a "communicable disease" a "quarantinable communicable disease"? And I learned the answer, which is the disease's [arbitrary, without scientific or legal evidentiary standards or criteria] inclusion on the list of diseases in presidential executive orders...."
Sept. 24, 2024 - Biological select agents and toxins. (Katherine Watt)