I recently fielded an email invitation to participate in a discussion about “who’s behind it all.” The invitation suggested that the email writer and I are “on the same side” as dissidents from “the Establishment.”
I replied to clarify my position, which is that the writer and I are not necessarily on the same side, largely because we have non-overlapping definitions of what “it all” is; the goals of its designers and operators; and whether the public health system itself, and the men and women who craft public health legal structures and run public health programs, are integral components of the “it” that confronts the world’s people.
The promulgation of misleading and false definitions of the crises, through private conversations and also in public written and spoken discussions and debates, is a demonstrably good way to confuse people, delay public understanding and thwart effective public response.
This is why one of the main things I suggest when asked for my views on what to do is say true things. Don’t say false things, also known as lies.
I declined the invitation and counter-offered my help, if needed, for the writer to better understand the legal history I’ve assembled, which is the factual basis for why I define the interlocking crises in the ways that I do.
My reply to the email:
One of your goals appears to be protection and strengthening of the national and international ‘public health’ system, with some minor course corrections to better protect a few individual rights and better respond in future to what you perceive and portray as genuine pandemic and epidemic threats to national security.
One of my goals is the dismantling of the public health system in its entirety, because I think it’s a camouflaged warfare program actively engaged in controlling and killing civilians under emergency pretexts and lies.
I think that there are no genuine, self-sustaining, global pandemic and epidemic threats. There are only localized, self-limiting CBRN attacks conducted (in the US) by the DoD-HHS-DHS-NSC-DOJ-et al, and conducted by DoD and other national militaries in other countries, under the direction of the World Health Organization and the Bank for International Settlements to reinforce the illusion of pandemics, to drive the camouflaged warfare programs (especially ‘vaccinations’) forward, to control and kill more civilians.
In my view, the true national security of the US should be construed as the security of American people against CBRN attacks by an illegitimate, imposter government/military, and requires:
the dismantling of the public health-martial law State and
establishment of a legitimate government that’s not covertly controlling and killing its own people.
Related Bailiwick reporting and analysis of the imposter government that has completed a covert coup/overthrow of the US government:
Nov. 16, 2022 - Some thinking about tampering with evidence and spoliation [Dual-use government officials of concern/impersonation of federal officials, initial thoughts]
Jan. 16, 2023 - Dual-use government officials of concern [Dual-use government officials of concern/impersonation of federal officials, Part 1]
Feb. 7, 2023 - On the impalement of embedded, treasonous, DOD-HHS bioterrorists on the horns of their dilemmas. [Dual-use government officials of concern, Part 2]
March 17, 2023 - Contracting for facilitation of crimes: contract killing and biomunitions hitmen. [Dual-use government officials of concern, Part 3]
Other related Bailiwick reporting and analysis
April 22, 2022 - Administrative Procedures Act v. Public Health Service Act
May 13, 2022 - Shifting the frame
May 21, 2022 - On America First Legal litigation plan re WHO International Health Regulations amendments and new pandemic treaty
Aug. 4, 2022 - Law of War, War of Law
Sept. 14, 2022 - Biotech idolatry: DOD-Pfizer contracts have replaced federal constitutions and laws
Nov. 14, 2022 - Thought-stopping stage sets in legal pleadings.
Jan. 2, 2023 - Bioweapon prototype deployments, informed consent, targeted enemies, state of war, doctrine of necessity.
Jan. 23, 2023 - On Trump’s role and secret military-led continuity of government for purposes of swamp-draining.
Jan. 26, 2023 - War criminals.
Jan. 30, 2023 - Some thoughts about J6 and razor-tipped chain link fence perimeters, literal and metaphorical
March 15, 2023 - Duress, State-sponsored, State-protected contract crimes, and the Bank for International Settlements
March 21, 2023 - Smashing the Overton window.
April 19, 2023 - Deepen the backlash against public health.

Note re: paid subscriptions on pause.
Paid subscriptions are on “pause” until mid-July because I’m focusing on some personal issues and don’t have time to produce new written work at my target rate of one or two new posts per week. Paying subscribers are not being billed during the pause, and the button for signing up for new paid subscriptions doesn’t work. Readers can still sign up for free subscriptions, and all content is free for all readers anyway.
When the pause ends on July 15, subscription payment processing will resume. Thank you to all readers!
Note re: comment section.
The comment section is closed, because I don’t have time or interest to moderate it.
July 27, 2023 update
Comment section now open.