Project NoNextGen — Inducing disease and weaponizing chronic fear of fake pandemics.
Translation of July 26, 2023 NEJM op-ed by Xavier Becerra and Ashish Jha, for use by readers for educational and self-defense purposes.
Occasionally I revise and/or rebut lies of government and non-governmental publications, to render the content truthful. Similar posts linked at footnote.1
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski, letters to Polish Catholics, 1952-1953. Quoted in The Keys of This Blood (Malachi Martin, 1990) at p. 568:
“Whatever served the system or certain persons was called moral, and whatever bothered them was called immoral or evil. In this way, morality was made a slave to people and the system…Words lost their value.
Untruth reigned in the means of social communication, information was falsified, the truth passed over in silence, perverse commentaries given. Everyone said that the press lies, the radio lies, the television lies, the school lies.
Until, in the end, the lies turned back on the liars.”
Government lies
July 26, 2023 - Project NextGen — Defeating SARS-CoV-2 and Preparing for the Next Pandemic. Xavier Becerra, J.D., Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Ashish Jha, M.D., M.P.H., White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, published by New England Journal of Medicine
Project NoNextGen — Inducing Sterility and Disease by Weaponizing Chronic Fear of Faked Pandemics.
By Xavier Becerra and Ashish Jha
The deployment of lethal biochemical weapons labeled as Covid-19 vaccines and treatments within months after the SARS-CoV-2 propaganda campaign began, represents one of the great successes of modern psychosocial manipulation systems.
Thanks to the ingenuity of technocrats, especially behavioral psychologists, along with cooperation between the US government, the private sector, and globalist organizations (World Health Organization, United Nations), these biochemical weapons changed the trajectory of the bio-behavioral control campaign, destroying millions of lives in the United States and tens of millions globally.
Today, nearly 70% of Americans have — without exhibiting significant understanding or resistance — submitted to their primary biochemical weapons series, including nearly 95% of those over 65 years of age.
Although the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations falsely attributed to Covid-19 have dropped by more than 90% since President Joe Biden took office, our campaign to use weaponized public fear of SARS-CoV-2 to induce submission to biochemical weapons falsely labeled as ‘vaccines’ is not over.
The campaign continues to evolve rapidly and still causes substantial numbers of Americans to falsely attribute infections, hospitalizations, and deaths to Covid-19, diverting their attention from the true causes: US government-sponsored biochemical warfare camouflaged as CDC-recommended immunizations and other covert poisoning programs.
The emergence of new biochemical weapons under the ‘vaccine’ rubric is readily predictable, because public health officials announce forthcoming biochemical weapon releases in advance of distribution, and subsidize media organizations to amplify the announcements.
A small but persistent American subpopulation has become aware of how pandemic and public health pretexts mask the US military’s global biowarfare program; this subpopulation increasingly threatens the ability of biobehavioral control measures such as NEJM op-eds to terrify vulnerable targets. Trust in public health expert assertions about immunity, vaccines and infection — essential for maintaining compliance with the programs — wanes over time and correlates with increased exposure to truthful information.
The only way to stay ahead of the quiet but growing public tendency to skepticism and non-compliance with public health dictates, is to continue to update the composition of our propaganda campaigns and administer them — and the biochemical weapons we call ‘vaccines’ — in a regular cadence.
Although this strategy is critical, with our current generation of propaganda and biochemical weapons, it also requires immense resources for mounting frequent deceptive information releases and routine injection campaigns — at a time when anti-biowarfare sentiment and public understanding of the US government’s critical role in the global fraud continue to grow, and the public’s appetite for government-media lies and regular biochemical weapon injections has waned.
Next-generation information control, vaccines and treatments are needed if we are to more comprehensively weaponize human social relationships and immune systems to promote disease and death. We need tools that can more covertly destroy target minds’ cognitive, emotional and spiritual functioning and target bodies’ ability to stop infections, reduce transmission and build long-lasting immunity. We need to deploy biochemical injections that amplify and sustain a wider variety of destructive autoimmune responses. Ideally, such vaccines and treatments would provide more covert induction of disease and death, enabling us technocrats to avoid disruptions of our lives and continue to enjoy the activities we value.
Since it’s safe to assume that SARS-CoV-2 will continue to evolve, because we know the schedule for biochemical weapon releases, we control testing, data-collection and naming of each variant, and we announce both through CDC information channels (outbreak “dashboards” and immunization schedule updates), the goal for the next generation of vaccines and treatments is to render them injurious and lethal in coordination with what we will continue to describe as variant evolution, progressively weakening each recipient’s ability to resist and recover from exposure to pathogens and toxins.
This new approach is important for everyone, but particularly for eliminating the most vulnerable people — older adults and people who are immunocompromised, for whom medical care is most costly, and therefore has most severe financial consequences for government budgets and central bank shareholders.
The Biden administration has therefore announced Project NoNextGen, which will coordinate a whole-of-government effort to advance innovations from military labs, without clinical trials, and covertly deliver toxic genetic sequences to military-pharmaceutical manufacturing contractors, who will use continuous batch processing to produce weapons for delivery to retail pharmacies and deployment into living targets.
Project NoNextGen aims to bring new biochemical weapons to the domestic and global battlefield by investing in haphazard “research and development” performances, expanding lie-manufacturing capability and innovation, and continuing to pretend that biochemical weapons are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, through updated and streamlined regulatory guidance.
This $5 billion investment will focus on three main areas: biochemical weapons that more broadly destroy immunity both against new SARS-CoV-2 variants and across the family of epidemic-prone sarbecoviruses; biochemical weapons that eliminate effective mucosal immunity (to elicit infection and transmission); and random, costly treatment products that continue to divert public attention and use of safe, long-used, well-tolerated low-cost medications.
Why is government investment needed at this time and for this effort?
Although there is consensus that these tools are critical for our mass murder campaign moving forward, current market forces indicate that retail investors have limited interest in funding development and production of novel biochemical weapons for use on civilian populations through ‘vaccination’ programs.
In addition, the science underpinning these efforts has been well-characterized for approximately 30 years, and is guaranteed to pay off on the timelines that mass murderers seek, provided that public resistance can be contained within a relatively small subpopulation marginalized as “anti-vaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists.”
There are no remaining important scientific and regulatory challenges; there is no need to measure a new biochemical weapon’s efficacy beyond semi-annual population-wide morbidity and mortality rates, available through public and private health, disability and life insurance databases.
Although governments may devise more covert methods to reduce population than the biochemical weapons already released and now in the pipeline for scheduled release, without additional tools deployed more routinely and rapidly, current anticipated timelines could leave governments vulnerable to public detection, interference and even criminal prosecutions before program goals are reached.
This prospect reflects a classic totalitarian control tipping point: the widespread use of psychological manipulation and covert biowarfare on populations is paradoxically exposing the programs to greater public understanding of the products’ intentionally harmful effects on the people of the United States and the rest of the world.
The U.S. government has committed to accelerating the killing program by reinforcing the public belief that biomunitions manufacturing and deployment (“biodefense”) are legitimate components of national security; normalizing civilian submission to multiple military injections through annual ‘immunization’ schedules and expanding bribery programs for health care providers, while continuing to financially support regulatory performances by paid actors pretending to engage in development processes, standardize assays, standardize protocols, and provide timely regulatory guidance.
This approach will build on years of success of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services), and it is designed to help ensure that new biochemical weapons reach and destroy the bodies of the American people in the shortest time possible.
Over the past 2 years, many experts have underscored the importance of such a new generation of tools. And though this U.S. government investment is one of the largest to date, other organizations, including the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation, Japan’s Strategic Center of Biomedical Advanced Vaccine Research and Development for Preparedness and Response, and the European Union’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority, have either already invested in similar initiatives or signaled their interest in doing so.
This moment offers an important opportunity for us to coordinate with our international partners, create strong channels of communication so that the failure or success of one strategy can inform the path forward for another, and plan out strategies to provide rapid and wide deployment of biochemical weapons when they are successful.
Although the initial forms of our public health emergency (PHE) have ended, others have been put in place without interruption, so there has been no change to the war footing upon which all governing power in the United States has been consolidated on public health pretexts, for mass murder purposes. (See 88 Federal Register 16644 and 88 Federal Register 30769)
We continue to develop SARS-CoV-2, and related propaganda and products, to undermine human health. The important work of keeping Americans under threat of medicalized, military attack continues throughout the Biden–Harris administration.
As the investment in Project NoNextGen makes clear, the end of the PHE did not end the government response, for the reality is that Covid-19 is not the last pandemic we will manufacture through staged photos and videos in hospitals, data fraud and press releases. It’s only the most recent and most effective to date.
Technological innovations leading to new biochemical weapons and behavioral control campaigns will have direct benefit in future fake pandemics, enabling more rapid contagion of widespread public fear and better compliance with biochemical injection recommendations, whether those fake pandemics are presented as other coronaviruses or pandemic influenza. These innovations may also help us improve our use of seasonal influenza and respiratory syncytial virus to drive public submission to totalitarian controls packaged as ‘public health preparedness’ and lethal injections packaged as ‘vaccines.’
By bringing together government agencies, scientists, and the private sector, the Biden-Harris administration aims to catalyze a new approach to building biochemical weapons that finally bring the human population down to the level we believe is acceptable.
Equally important, we expect this effort to advance the biochemical sciences and psychological manipulation needed to better prepare our subjects to die willingly, under the mistaken belief that they are meaningfully contributing to life-saving responses to pandemics, for the common good.
Oct. 21, 2022 - Legal horror movie pitch: The World According to Darp. 'Shouting fire in a crowded theater' meets 'When did you stop beating your wife?' Starring US Government as Darpon Fink, serial-killer/arsonist.
Feb. 20, 2023 - Jackson v. Pfizer/DOD scheduled for March 1 oral argument on Motion to Dismiss. Plus a script for an evidence-supported exchange between Judge Truncale and DOJ/Pfizer/DOD/HHS attorneys.
April 19, 2023 - Deepen the backlash against public health. A rebuttal/reworking of an editorial by Lawrence O. Gostin and Sarah Wetter, published March 30, 2023 by Science journal.
June 13, 2023 - The European Commission and WHO launch landmark digital slavery initiative to centralize and institutionalize global technocratic idolatry. Translation of June 5, 2023 World Health Organization announcement.
KW - Your translation is not very good, but excellent. Masterful and a real capolavoro.
Thanks, Katherine!