I've spoken privately with a few local religious leaders and expressed my concerns that such communities at large are getting the worst info possible re what's actually going on. Of course what I've learned over the last few years can't be conveyed to them in an hour or a week or 3 months time as they are so late to consider these things, but they're receptive. They're consuming materials I list. For starters I show them Arthur Koestler's NYT essay On Disbelieving Atrocities from '44. Also Howdie Mickoski's work on World's Fairs to open their minds to the scale of things. Otherwise I consider what they're into so I hopefully pique their interest and I think it's working. I've heard it recommended to talk to sheriff's but too many are untrustworthy. Religious leaders have considerable reach and ability to influence. This may be a good way to effect things positively if done carefully and respectfully; a way to awaken many with minimized time and effort. As usual you hit another one outta the park, Katherine!

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KW - Your translation is not very good, but excellent. Masterful and a real capolavoro.

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Aug 10, 2023·edited Aug 10, 2023

Thanks, Katherine!

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I have information related to the distributor of the CoVID-19 vaccines if still unknown.

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Hello Katherine. Thank you.

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