On the relationships between communications technology, illusory disease classification (diagnosis) and illusory disease outbreaks.
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Jan. 8, 2025 - Disney's Long History of Predictive Coding. A strategic partnership with the US government.... (Conspiracy Sarah)
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Apparently, flu, as we know it (as a seasonal illness) was unknown until the advent of telegraph lines.
KW reply:
Another way to interpret these historical co-incidences is that new forms of communications technology, centralized data collection and distribution (such as scientific journals and public health reports), and centralization of diagnostic criteria (coordinated through scientific journals aimed at physicians) are launched and used to better project the illusion of outbreaks of specific diseases and the illusion of treatments and preventatives.
In learning about the legal history around quarantine and vaccines, I've been struck by these repeated co-incidences.
Ocean-going ships approximate, more than any form of land transportation, a kind of "test tube" in which experiments in causing illness could be conducted, because the populations of humans and animals are temporarily contained in space and time without interacting with other populations.
The trans-Atlantic telegraph made it possible for officers at a departure port to transmit information about the alleged health and disease of passengers and animals on ocean-going ships, while the ships were still at sea, to the anticipated port of entry. The laws then authorized or required ports to handle incoming passengers, livestock and cargo from allegedly disease-carrying ships in specific ways, such as medical examinations and quarantine.
Widespread newspaper publishing, with advertisement sections, especially after photography was introduced, made it possible to widely and quickly distribute manipulated visual and text information about disease diagnosis, outbreaks and disease suppression or treatment methods.
Radio, television, the internet and web-enabled cell phones made possible even more rapid and comprehensive national and global distribution of false visual, audio and written information.