Katherine, I have loved your referenes to Christ, to God, to your faith. I totally agree with you that unless we get back to God and humans as "created in his image" or imagers of him, we will not be able to defeat the Globalist Great Reset.

Thank you for the explanation of Poland and the Catholic Church. I am/was a hybrid, baptized Catholic, brought up Epsicopalian. I had an Aunt who would take us to many different churches on Sundays..Baptis, Presbyterian, Synagogue, etc. I'm afraid I too was terribly Pagan for a long time.

Now I would like to learn more about Revelation and the Mark of the Beast. I confess that when I heard that the jabs would alter our DNA..even to the extent of just turning it into a factory...one of the reasons I said no way was because I was afraid it was the Mark of the Beast. I don't think we have the right or the intelligence to meddle with our genome, given us by God.

Thank you again for all you do to educate us, and to spread the word how what we thought was a representative republic has been lost.

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PS and the paintng you post are breathtakingly beautiful.

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Thank you Katherine.

"I think the Christian teaching that man is made in the image and likeness of God is an essential condition for any human rights protections within any earthly government. Without recourse to that principle and the divine power at its’ Source, I don’t think the transhumanist heresy of Agenda 2030 can be defeated." 100%


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Except, The West gave up God.

Replaced it with idols in our image.

We let Baal back in. Along with the other evils.



Sexualizing everything

I’m reading a fascinating book called

Return of the gods. It makes a lot of sense…


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You could say it all comes down to that one commandment that tells us to have no false gods. We have created so many false gods and been worshipping them for so long how could it not boomerang on us at some point?

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Jonathan Cahn nailed it with 'Return of the gods' - Here is an interview he did with Eric Stackelbeck shortly after the book came out. https://youtu.be/_AqXHyHJ01M. He also just yesterday sent this address to the jackal regarding the (DIS)respect for Marriage Act. https://youtu.be/MqCdG-TEtvI. Speak Jesus! https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/whats-not-to-believe

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Just watched the linked interview!

Baal, Ashtoreth & Molech. He explains how these entities have captured America/ western culture in a very clear/concise manner with evidence. Lots of light bulb moments listening to him connect the dots. Thank you for the link Peter!

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Awesome. Thank you ! 🙏🏼💜

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Caveat. Commies keep saying human rights about everything.

Catholic Church always talks about rights in respect to fulfilling our duties towards God.

People saying We the people, and inalienable rights... Absolutely don't understand what's going on. Vast majority of people, ALL nations have turned back on God.

This is chastistement.

Our Lady's Triumph will follow.

That protestants are gritting teeth at this, shows how bad a shape we're in.

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Mark 12:30-31

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

There is no commandment greater than these.”

1 Corinthians 10:31

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

If God is your motivation, don’t exclude Him from your works.

Don’t see much of “maybe I’ll alienate people if I say something” in the Bible.

Instead I see a lot of, “depart from me” “he walked away sad” and “shake the dust of that town off your feet”.

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Somehow I never closed this browser session so I ended up revisiting this post and your comment caught my eye...

Here is a very intriguing case presented by Pastor Rob Morris (3/12) that Nicodemus was the rich man who "went away sad"... and that he eventually did follow through with Jesus' suggestion! https://youtu.be/c20k3wm_jkA?t=2082

Hallelujah and Shalom ~ Peter

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My beloved Father was a brilliant litigator and a devout Roman Catholic. I miss him dearly. Your compelling writing and dedication to the same not only fill the void in my life his passing left, but inspire me to return to my Catholic roots as well. I have been so angry and confused by the posture of the church (Vatican) in my lifetime (baptized in 1966 and adopted all sacraments including marriage in 1993), having lived the irreversible damage done to a then seven year old altar boy victim of sexual abuse at the hands of his trusted priest, and then been abandoned by the most devout family members and life long Catholic friends for not complying with the death shots or administering them to our children. The hypocrisies became to much to bear. So I threw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. And now, your historical perspective and gentle reminder of what is ultimately playing out in the realm of Spirit and Truth has felt like he extended hand of a loving parent guiding me back to the safety of Home. Thank you for your brilliance and your devotion to Faith. I now have footsteps to follow...

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All of what you said!! That and His repeated encouragement to not be afraid, and nothing can separate us from the love of God.

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do not be fearful, thinking fear is a bioweapon too.

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Loved this. Poland?!?!? Who knew??? Amazing.

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I call for Nuremberg trials all the time.

I think the world population will be 500 million and we'll be in deathcamps.

Ie, Nuremberg trials won't happen.

Please change my mind.

Or, what is another way for us to save ourselves?

They keep running their playbook, idiots say We're winning.

How so?!?

(I believe Heaven will intervene, but I'm taught we have to plan as if we will solve it)

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Truth is kindness. We're not here to make friends.

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God will save us, John. He will not allow these transhumanists to mess with His ultimate creation...mankind. I hope we're around to see it!

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God helps those who help themselves also is true so it is pertinent we do our part. We have prayer & the Rosary. These Luciferians do not have prayer.

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It’s one nation under God because of the Knights of Columbus. Without God, everything and anything is permitted.

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Now that was an excellent article. Well done. Thank you.

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We are sorry to hear people have criticized you for posting the small references to the Saints at the bottom of your posts.

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I deeply appreciate the inclusion of your faith and am glad you will continue.

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Fascinating, all of it Katherine. Thank you and I wish you a joyful Christmas season. We must be joyful because He came to earth for us that we might have life eternal and also His Glorious Mother has crushed satans head already in the final battle. Ave Maria!

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Thank you Ms. Watt. Humanity has been more or less blind to our warrior role in the battle between good and evil since abandoning Paradise for a false promise. We still prefer the false promise yet love remains the most powerful force known to man. With a bit of faith, persistent courage, and a ton of grace, GOOD always wins, even when so many of us refuse to see it or live it. Personally, I find your insights wrapped in history helpful. Thanks for sharing and I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Christmas.

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Katherine, thank you for the extensive history of my ancestors homeland, Poland.

This plague if "wokism" that is ridiculously on us with it's "trigger words", "safe spaces", " free speech zones" and on and on shows what destruction has been put on America thru a corrupt education system that has created a country of children in adult bodies!

And thank you for being you!

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I love all your writing, and that you are fearless in expressing your Catholic faith. ❤️

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Also, IMO, the deception of mankind to not have faith has been the greatest trick of the globalists. The globalists believe in the Creator and Lucifer. They worship the latter and show it in everything they support with idols and secret societies. The only way to win is faith in the Creator and love and peaceful resistance. I say that without fear or reservation regardless of what others think.

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Shire Herald

We must pray, pray, then pray some more!! The Luciferians do not have God or prayer. In this battle we must put on the full armor of God and pray and speak His Living Word! This globalist takeover is accelerating fast. I am 60 and the last 20 years have brought in changes very rapidly. I pray daily, with my whole heart, for people to wake up!!

Ephesians 5:14-16:

This is why it is said, "Wake up sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise,

making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."

Also Isaiah Chapter 60 is very relevant. It is crucial that we reach a critical mass of awakened people to stop these madmen and to take back our Constitution to the way it was intended.


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