Somehow I never closed this browser session so I ended up revisiting this post and your comment caught my eye... Here is a very intriguing case presented by Pastor Rob Morris (3/12) that Nicodemus was the rich man who "went away sad"... and that he eventually did follow through with Jesus' suggestion! Hallelujah and Shalom ~ Peter
Somehow I never closed this browser session so I ended up revisiting this post and your comment caught my eye...
Here is a very intriguing case presented by Pastor Rob Morris (3/12) that Nicodemus was the rich man who "went away sad"... and that he eventually did follow through with Jesus' suggestion!
Somehow I never closed this browser session so I ended up revisiting this post and your comment caught my eye...
Here is a very intriguing case presented by Pastor Rob Morris (3/12) that Nicodemus was the rich man who "went away sad"... and that he eventually did follow through with Jesus' suggestion!
Hallelujah and Shalom ~ Peter