Great stuff, not withstanding the torment of reading about such dastardly deeds. Another article has just popped up on my computer which seems related (quel surprise) so here is the link in case anybody wants even more background reading.


"The Bio-Security Cabal: A 20-Year Entrenchment


"Bill Frist was the 2003-2007 US Senate majority leader who championed the USA’s biodefence projects and promoted the concept of a ‘Manhattan Project’ against a pandemic. He was also the politician who sponsored the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP) Act of December 2005 as soon as the World Health Organisation’s International Health Regulations had been amended to include a provision enabling the WHO to declare Public Health Emergencies of International Concern (PHEIC). Critically it was this Act that established indemnity for the manufacturers of therapeutics, vaccines or diagnostics released during the course of a public health emergency against any and all harm caused".

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I didn't know that what they called the new Manhattan Project was renamed Operation WarpSpeed until reading the above referenced article. It's worth reading.

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Definitely an informative tidbit. Such awareness to their ability to RE-IMAGINE the sinister into a benign, or even WONDEROUS-sounding entity. 'Warp Speed' from Star Trek, no less.

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Thanks for sharing the brownstone article! Great stuff. Solid!!

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Thank you for this. the Frist connection is very intriguing and worthy of further investigation. It was always bizarre that a senate novice could rapidly ascend to the position of Majority Leader without paying decades of dues. As a cardiac transplant surgeon, his sponsorship of the Prep Act and the new Manhattan Project is also noteworthy. Not long after the passing of the Prep Act, he left the senate.

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Here in the UK, the Leader of the Opposition (and likely next British Prime Minister) went from first becoming an MP in 2015 to Labour Leader in 5 years. That’s one parliamentary term. He happens to be a member of the Trilateral Commission. Out of 650 MPs, he is the only one. It's almost as if these people are put in these positions of power for a reason. https://labourheartlands.com/sir-keir-starmer-the-establishment-candidate-the-labour-leadership-race-and-the-trilateral-commission/

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Was that last sentence a quote from Quigley's 'Tragedy and Hope'?

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I am sorry, I don't know. I am not well educated on this topic! I should be, I know that much. But a link between education and democracy has no doubt been made by her and others. Now I think about it, a correlation between education and democracy is obvious as how can you make a choice if you are not informed? But also, on a basic level, the education system might 'program' people that it is the right thing to do to get involved in politics and in a certain way. So the education system could be manipulated to either brain wash people or stop them thinking critically. Luckily, we as humans, have a brain so we must start using it more to think outside the boxes the shadowy elite are trying to put us in to.

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The Whistleblower, Quigley (An Elitist Skull and Bones Member) book, 'Tragedy and Hope' outlines the last 120+ years of 'Behind the Scenes' maneuvering beginning with the UK's Oxford Aristocratic Elites to REGAIN the U.S. as ITS COLONY...Not by overtaking it militarily; but THROUGH ECONOMIC SLAVERY.

Names the people, places, agreements, back-room cigar smoke-filled creation of 'The Fed' on Jekyll Island and lots more. There is an abridged edition of the book lacking the endless 'Family Trees' of the Elites...Which allows readers to know the current Central Banking System to actually be a GLOBAL FIXTURE OF THE OLD BRITISH ARISTOCRACY...Thus, The City of London as a COUNTRY OF ITSELF (like the Vatican) within Greater London IS THE ACTUAL ECONOMIC CONTROL OF THE WHOLE WORLD.

The Abridged version is 'Tragedy and Hope 101' by Joseph Plummer. It reads fast even with cover to cover details. ITS REAL HISTORY not taught in our INDOCTRINATION FACILITIES that were supposed to teach us about our Constitutional Republic (Not a Democracy). While the U.S. does have DEMOCRATIC VOTING WHERE ALL VOTE...The Founding Fathers abhorred "MOB Rule" and thus created the U.S. a Republic.

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Here in Britain, we have a system that serves the self-appointed elites. Parliament, called into being to protect us from the state, has become the state — through the mechanism of the party system.

The Bill of Rights 1688 determined that elections of Members of Parliament ought to be free; they cannot be free with our post-1874 situation of whipped parties, like-it-or-lump-it manifesto packages, and controlled hustings.

The party system has become the boss, if not the blackmailer, of “our” representatives.

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For anybody who is interested, there is a series of podcasts on the Constitution on youtube. The podcasts might be of interest to overseas listeners too but primarily explores the English and Scots Constitutions, the common law, and the British constitutional legacy.


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Always Found it interesting about other countries arising out of the British Prototype to NOT include constitutional documentation of 'Human Rights' or grant rights to weapons providing ability for self-defense. Of course, our 10th Amendment granting State's Rights defining our system as Federalist is proving to be a VERY NECESSARY PROTECTION.

Find it eminently more interesting now in the middle of obvious

5th GENERATION SOFT WARFARE with endless 'FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS'. It's amazing in how constitutional documentation defining 'Human Rights' granted by God as opposed to a potentate, (Love that word) and the right to bear arms as THE THREAT to Globalist Feudal Fascists out of Europe in league with U.S. Coastal Ruling Elites as well as other U.S. enemies, continue to maintain at least a minimum of Constitutional Freedom EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF UNCONSTITUTIONAL TYRANNY, CENSORSHIP and the current 'DOUBLE STANDARD INJUSTICE SYSTEM' we live under now perpetrating 'Political Imprisonment'. VERY INTERESTING TO OBSERVE HOW THE AMERICANS CONTINUE TO BE A THREAT TO THE WORLD'S PREDATORY ELITES DUE TO THE WISDOM OF OUR FOUNDING GENERATION.

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If only!

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In Argentina they had the Mothers of the Disappeared.

Where are the Mothers of the Injected?

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I suspect, but do not have evidence other than the FEMA funeral costs program,


that the Mothers and Fathers of the Injected have almost all been paid to keep silent.

The ones like Ernest Ramirez, who turn down the bribe and speak out about the murder of their children, are few and far between.


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Families of police officers that died from CV and its protocol were offered monies in the $10,000 range to console their grief.

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Perhaps dead or maimed themselves?

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Genocide needs to carry stiff penalties - so does treason.

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It’s to go nationwide and it needs to be retroactive.

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What an incredible body of work!

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Thank you so much Katherine- your work is astounding. My puny brain gleans over it but recognizes the significance and implications. You are a treasure.

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I noticed the broad "Chips and Science Act" passed last August, with not much alt media attention. Upon quick perusal, it seems it could be more than a subsidy for manufacturing microchips fulfilling the ID2020 agenda and digital ID's, carbon scheme, or "mark of the beast" systems even.

Sec. 10221. Engineering biology and biometrology.

Sec. 10222. Greenhouse gas measurement research.

Sec. 10223. NIST authority for cybersecurity and privacy activities.

Sec. 10224. Software security and authentication.

Sec. 10225. Digital identity management research.

Sec. 10226. Biometrics research and testing.


The proponents are all over it... https://www.biometricupdate.com/?posttype=all&s=chips+act

There's a comment period open until March 16 https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2023/02/14/2023-03022/request-for-information-on-implementation-of-the-regional-technology-and-innovation-hub-program

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I wouldn't be surprised if some leftist democrat states will try banning all bans of mRNA injections. Meaning that the mRNA injection parade will be banned from ever stopping.

Is anyone hearing about Putin destroying all covid related vaccines in Russia? Also that he is putting 130 scientists to death for being criminals? I saw this on Principia Scientific.

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No. He has been very supportive of them. He is also pushing digital ID on the Russian populace. The ties to the WEF seem very credible to me in light of his failure to wrap up the SMO in a timely fashion. Remember Cui Bono?

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There are 3 articles I know of that make these claims. All were written by the same person (Michael Baxter) who did not indicate where he obtained the information. If true, it is earthshattering, but it must be independently verified. There were no internal links in the articles and no references sighted. These claims do not comport with other information available in the public domain with respect to Putin's stance on this issue. Here's another piece: https://realrawnews.com/2023/03/putin-exterminates-mad-covid-19-vaccine-scientist/ and


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You raise a very important item in this article, which is the mechanics of the globalist model. I think it's critical for the masses to understand how the globalists are trying to enslave us. When you get your head around it, it's quite a brilliant model:

1. Create the policies that lead to de-population & enslavement of the world's population

2. Create & exaggerate fear of a global threat, which transcends national boarders (such as climate change and pandemics)

3. Use the wholly own MSM to propagate this fear around the world, thereby undermining the power and decision making of individual nations to either question the veracity of the threat or deal with it in a localised manner,

4. Dress up the the de-population and enslavement policies as measures to address the the world-wide threats

5. Pressure recalcitrant national leaders through financial penalties if they don't participate in a 'coordinated global response' to the threat and highlight that their own people want them to participate in a global response (thanks to the MS propaganda)

6. Then eventually, nations acquiesce, and start implementing these policies

And the brilliance of this is that (as you write) the globalist have 'plausible deniability'. The globalist intentions are easily hidden behind the facade of helping the world and making it better. "How can we be trying to enslave you, we are tying to help deal with the threats?" they will claim. "We have no guns and troops" they will say.....

It would be great if you could apply your talents to build out this story, also looking at the intelligence & defense agencies (CIA/DOD), and the CCP's roles with these globalists tyrants.

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Apologies for going off topic. I am wondering if the Project Veritas documents pertaining to Major Murphy have been investigated.

It’s been well over a year since their release. The DRASTIC team reports seem to suggest legitimacy. If verifiable the contents are explosive.


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Mar 9, 2023
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Do you have a source for verification of this? What I have seen from them has been accurate.

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10 minutes - March 6 - BREAKING: Swiss President Berset named in lawsuit filed by British Swiss Banker Pascal Najadi vs Pfizer Inc. & FDA with Supreme Court NY, USA - https://rumble.com/v2c2ut4-breaking-swiss-president-berset-named-in-us-supreme-court-law-suit-along-wi.html

From badgerbrigante - 14 hours ago - "Pascal. Incredible news you bloody wonderful fellow!! Well done and thank you for taking up the charge on this SO IMPORTANT issue. You are an inspiration. Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Man! I sincerely hope both of your cases pass to the next stage and the accused are charged - then we will know the justice system is truly willing to engage."

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And now Collier County has passed the resolution. I am pushing it in Manatee, but fear our local president is a do nothing Rhino!

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Any billboards up yet or any planned anywhere in Florida?

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How many millions of AR15s are owned by patriots along with millions of rounds of ammunition 🤔 This is the exact reason nothing will happen in America until they are successful in removing 2nd Amendment and I don’t see that happening without a civil war.

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Be careful, the central bank digital currency will bring many gun owners in line if they can't access the financial system. The CBDC must be stopped! Use cash for all possible transactions.

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That and the next "pandemic" when the WHO controls what happens in every US county because sovereignty has been signed away.

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They will not even worry about trying to disarm us. You heard Joey, f22's and nukes. What they don't realize is what we will be fighting for versus what they will. I'm almost looking forward to it.

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Maybe TPTB think Americans will be culled and starved too much to put up a fight.

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Hope they don’t want to find out

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All hands on deck!

The interview supercedes everything!

If humanity does act on these revelations,nothing else matters. Share in every possible way to every possible person.


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Pascal Najadi & Astrid Stueckelberger - https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

Pascal Najadi, the Swiss Investment banker who filed a criminal complaint against Pfizer, against the Swiss President and Minister of Health, has submitted a new case in the USA that has been accepted by the Supreme Court in NY against Pfizer Inc. The case is based on Pfizer’s violation of US law for selling products for profit into the Swiss market in a way that violates the Swiss National Constitution. In his dedication to justice, Pascal Najadi who was injured by the Pfizer shot, has filed the lawsuit against Pfizer in the United States in a private case. Pfizer now faces litigation on multiple fronts in multiple countries. So far no MSM outlet has reported on this bombshell. Help us get the word out! https://m.youtube.com/live/H_PJkBV4GiU?feature=share#dialog

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