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Here in the UK, the Leader of the Opposition (and likely next British Prime Minister) went from first becoming an MP in 2015 to Labour Leader in 5 years. That’s one parliamentary term. He happens to be a member of the Trilateral Commission. Out of 650 MPs, he is the only one. It's almost as if these people are put in these positions of power for a reason. https://labourheartlands.com/sir-keir-starmer-the-establishment-candidate-the-labour-leadership-race-and-the-trilateral-commission/

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Was that last sentence a quote from Quigley's 'Tragedy and Hope'?

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I am sorry, I don't know. I am not well educated on this topic! I should be, I know that much. But a link between education and democracy has no doubt been made by her and others. Now I think about it, a correlation between education and democracy is obvious as how can you make a choice if you are not informed? But also, on a basic level, the education system might 'program' people that it is the right thing to do to get involved in politics and in a certain way. So the education system could be manipulated to either brain wash people or stop them thinking critically. Luckily, we as humans, have a brain so we must start using it more to think outside the boxes the shadowy elite are trying to put us in to.

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The Whistleblower, Quigley (An Elitist Skull and Bones Member) book, 'Tragedy and Hope' outlines the last 120+ years of 'Behind the Scenes' maneuvering beginning with the UK's Oxford Aristocratic Elites to REGAIN the U.S. as ITS COLONY...Not by overtaking it militarily; but THROUGH ECONOMIC SLAVERY.

Names the people, places, agreements, back-room cigar smoke-filled creation of 'The Fed' on Jekyll Island and lots more. There is an abridged edition of the book lacking the endless 'Family Trees' of the Elites...Which allows readers to know the current Central Banking System to actually be a GLOBAL FIXTURE OF THE OLD BRITISH ARISTOCRACY...Thus, The City of London as a COUNTRY OF ITSELF (like the Vatican) within Greater London IS THE ACTUAL ECONOMIC CONTROL OF THE WHOLE WORLD.

The Abridged version is 'Tragedy and Hope 101' by Joseph Plummer. It reads fast even with cover to cover details. ITS REAL HISTORY not taught in our INDOCTRINATION FACILITIES that were supposed to teach us about our Constitutional Republic (Not a Democracy). While the U.S. does have DEMOCRATIC VOTING WHERE ALL VOTE...The Founding Fathers abhorred "MOB Rule" and thus created the U.S. a Republic.

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Here in Britain, we have a system that serves the self-appointed elites. Parliament, called into being to protect us from the state, has become the state — through the mechanism of the party system.

The Bill of Rights 1688 determined that elections of Members of Parliament ought to be free; they cannot be free with our post-1874 situation of whipped parties, like-it-or-lump-it manifesto packages, and controlled hustings.

The party system has become the boss, if not the blackmailer, of “our” representatives.

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NO JOKE...Of every western nation throughout the old British Empire...Including the U.S. The Monarchy with its Aristocracy IS the HIDDEN ENTITY behind the Central Bankers/Bank of International Settlements of the Rothschilds. The Ruling Elites really ARE going for broke and pulling-out all of the stops for ABSOLUTE CONTROL. Layers upon layers of smoke and mirrors to get through to get to the top. The people have arrived at the truth of their charades AND THEY KNOW IT.

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I don't know. The King reigns, but he does not rule. Ruling is done by his government, and as head of state in the UK the King is constitutionally obliged to follow the government’s advice. The Queen certainly let us down when she pushed the "vaccines". Not that that did her or Philip much good as they didn't last much longer after being jabbed.

Apparently, the King himself is above the law although In general, the English Bill of Rights (1689) limited the power of the monarchy, elevated the status of Parliament and outlined specific rights of individuals.

Some of the key liberties and concepts laid out in the articles included:

'Freedom to elect members of Parliament, without the king or queen’s interference

Freedom of speech in Parliament

Freedom from royal interference with the law

Freedom to petition the king

Freedom to bear arms for self-defence

Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail

Freedom from taxation by royal prerogative, without the agreement of Parliament

Freedom of fines and forfeitures without a trial

Freedom from armies being raised during peacetimes'.

But in the UK laws are now made by 3 parts of Parliament ie

The House of Commons, The House of Lords (This is Parliament's second chamber. Its main job is to 'double check' new laws to make sure they are fair and will work. People working here are not elected by the people) and The Monarchy.

The King has the final say on whether a bill becomes law. This is because the King is our head of state. What actually happens is that he accepts the advice of his government

The Commons is captured by the shadowy elites, the Lords has been made toothless and not independent and the Queen signed off the coronavirus acts and did not say 'no' on behalf of the British people.

Whether this is because she was never political during her reign and/or because she was part of the shadowy elite is hard to say. It could be that if she or her son Charles were to stand up and say 'no' to the Rothschilds etc they would be replaced or even the Monarchy itself would be at risk. The public could easily be turned against it by the media.

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For anybody who is interested, there is a series of podcasts on the Constitution on youtube. The podcasts might be of interest to overseas listeners too but primarily explores the English and Scots Constitutions, the common law, and the British constitutional legacy.


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Always Found it interesting about other countries arising out of the British Prototype to NOT include constitutional documentation of 'Human Rights' or grant rights to weapons providing ability for self-defense. Of course, our 10th Amendment granting State's Rights defining our system as Federalist is proving to be a VERY NECESSARY PROTECTION.

Find it eminently more interesting now in the middle of obvious

5th GENERATION SOFT WARFARE with endless 'FALSE FLAG OPERATIONS'. It's amazing in how constitutional documentation defining 'Human Rights' granted by God as opposed to a potentate, (Love that word) and the right to bear arms as THE THREAT to Globalist Feudal Fascists out of Europe in league with U.S. Coastal Ruling Elites as well as other U.S. enemies, continue to maintain at least a minimum of Constitutional Freedom EVEN IN THE MIDDLE OF UNCONSTITUTIONAL TYRANNY, CENSORSHIP and the current 'DOUBLE STANDARD INJUSTICE SYSTEM' we live under now perpetrating 'Political Imprisonment'. VERY INTERESTING TO OBSERVE HOW THE AMERICANS CONTINUE TO BE A THREAT TO THE WORLD'S PREDATORY ELITES DUE TO THE WISDOM OF OUR FOUNDING GENERATION.

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The right to bear arms may not be the thing that frightens the shadowy elites that some seem to think. This is a battle of hearts and minds, surely? The population do as they are told, they do not need to be forced at gun point. They are coerced or cajoled.

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Indeed Munchy, you're so correct. I've personally rose to recognize the 'Right to Bear Arms' to BE A SECURITY BLANKET OF THE U.S. POPULATION. It's as though having the arms has created the delusion that we can relax and behave as the proverbial 'SHEEPLE' and act as the Jews walking with docile acceptance to the Gas Showers of the Concentration Camps the ELITES NOW WISH TO REMAKE THE CITIES INTO...That they call "15 Minute Cities or Smart Cities".

Truth is...Out here in 'Fly-Over Country' where the Patriots are in force...And continue to instill TERROR IN THE ELITES on the Coasts...Not much more manure is going to be swallowed whole.

Part of the history of the U.S. is its SLOWNESS TO ACT UPON TYRANNY even though it does eventually do what's right. The 'Wars for Profit' of the 20th Century ran by the Globalist Death Cult will be nothing if the Elites CONTINUE TO P-SS-OFF the Patriots of all the Old Commonwealth originating with 'Merry Old England'...Including the English people, themselves.

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I hope you're right. Digital IDs and CBDCs are the end game. If they come in it will be hard to get any freedoms we have left, back. People will be controlled and some will like that. The rest of us will have to be outside the system I guess and maybe in time, others will join us.

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There's no doubt about them trying; and they really weren't ready to spring the game onto western society as they did. They allowed their rage at an ACCIDENTAL VICTORY OF TRUMP over their Mafia Crime Family represented by the Clinton Clan to control them. Their HATRED and VENGEANCE to ACT-OUT on America would be delayed or completely squashed as Trump would reverse all the OBidens had INSTALLED TO FURTHER CORRUPT TOWARDS WORLD COUPE which delayed their plan. They jumped too early to stop another Trump from happening and ALLOWED US, THE PEOPLE, to finally see them in all their putrid brutality and TERROR. THEY ARE TERRIFIED and have been since the American Revolution and every Revolution killing Monarchs and Aristocracy since that time. Their WEAKNESS AND TERROR IS BEHIND THIS HEINOUSNESS.

USE CASH TO PURCHASE AND DON'T ORDER ONLINE. Purchase whole foods and don't get prepared food. MUST RESIST THEIR CRAP...And, in places they're trying to FORCE IMOBILITY...REFUSE TO STAY INSIDE THE BOUNDARIES. I'm willing to go to jail and will fight to the death for this cause of THE VALUE OF HUMANITY. We must all be willing to do the same for our descendants.

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