katherine, are you in touch with bobbie anne cox here in ny? very outside-the-box thinker. was able to achieve standing to derail hochul's concentration camp edict: https://attorneycox.substack.com/p/tyranny-denied

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I'm in contact with Todd Callender almost every day, and he is in direct, regular contact with Cox. So, I'm not directly, but I'm in the same group of legal-issue-focused people.

Her quarantine camp case is related to the MSEHPA post from a couple of weeks ago. Gov. Hochul's order was struck down, but many state legislatures have already adopted similar provisions, and many are considering more now, predicated on lessons-learned from Covid.


A table of each state's on-the-books provisions as of June 2012:


Isolation and quarantine provisions are third column from the right.

The links may not work, but the citations should be close to accurate even after 10 years.

For example, this one is from Alaska - AS 18.15.385.


All of them are related to the federal version, which is 42 CFR 70.6, Apprehension and detention of persons with quarantinable communicable diseases.


Authorized by Congress and President George W. Bush through June 2002 amendment to Public Health Service Act, 42 USC 264





And from multiple Presidential executive orders of the last couple of decades, diagnosis of actual or suspected, asymptomatic SARS, influenza and now measles (Sept. 2021), authorizes HHS to use DOD to forcibly apprehend and detail people.

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thanks! especially for the mini-me list

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"can a government lawfully kill off its own people?"

Words fail.

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"The only questions are the moral and legal questions: can a government lawfully kill off its own people?"

Of course they can, it is called "National Security."

I thought former President Barack Hussein Obama cleared that one up with the drone thing?


IMPRESSIVE, Katherine.

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Agree, I know, but Katherine’s in depth research has shown that it may be possible after all, as staggering and horrific as that is to read in black and white. It seems that Congress has drawn up all the laws needed under whatever pretext necessary ! Ethics never even considered.

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Doesn't that create an oxymoron?

Ethical Congress OR

Ethical Government

I think I like the second one better, because I feel it's more correct when viewed as an oxymoron.

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I wasn't criticizing Katherine, anyway I'm not a lawyer. I am sometimes just struck by the monstrosity of this whole thing.

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Oh, I didn't think for a moment that you were criticizing Katherine....and I wholeheartedly agree with your comment.

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Yes, "monstrosity" is one of the best single word descriptions possible!

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Any law/group of laws that seemingly allows our government to kill us would be blatantly unconstitutional and should therefore be negated by the courts.

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Makes you almost question, "what is law?", doesn't it?

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Laws were/are codified for the primary (sole?) purpose of arbitrating the settlements between, and procurement activities of (aristocrat) proprietors.

The imagined rights, let alone justice for the proletariat were/are not even peripheral concerns.

It is high time we disabuse ourselves of the delusions that the institutions are or ever were for the benefit of the common.

(egad! How's this for necroposting? You posted your comment in October of last year - I've only just seen it and responded!)

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Thanks for the response (I do the same thing with the belated posting, no judgement here).

I had never really considered law from that perspective before, having been raised on the American Dream (tm). OUCH!, but it's a painful perspective!

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I'm humbly grateful to you for engaging!

"... having been raised on the American Dream (tm). OUCH!, but it's a painful perspective! "

We - that is you in the U.S., but me as well as all the common people in the entire Anglophone world, and those in NATO-aligned nations, and dare I say it, anyone anywhere that thought we saw a flicker of the light of freedom and heard the peal of the bell of liberty (as opposed to the Liberty Bell) - we all believed in the American Dream, and we wanted, so desperately for it to be(come) real.

We have all been either deceived, or we have been robbed.

I would still like to believe that the Founding Fathers were sincere and that they toiled in earnest for the benefit of their new nation that it might truly be a beacon of light to the world, but I can't help suspecting they, too, were made instruments of the deception precisely by perfidious Albion (or better still, the banker/financiers that made England their instrument of perfidy) against whom the Founding Fathers fought.

But it goes back further still, much further. For as long as society, its resources, and power have been vertically distributed, concentrating at the top, the top has been paranoid that the chicanery that propelled them up there might one day be exposed and they might be brought down - violently perforce. From this principal deception all others have emerged or sprouted off.

I simply cannot and will not ever trust any institution that was either born from, has submitted to, or has been subsumed into Establishment power. Not any thing and nothing, neither secular nor sacred. On the contrary, I am committed to the utter annihilation of all of them and the hidden and more conspicuous scoundrels behind their façades.

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I wouldn't be too humbly grateful, I'm not the most learned person!

The "founders" appear to have been truly attempting to right a lot of wrongs, but sadly there always seem to be compromises in order to get anything done. Whether freedom rings or the bell is ultimately discarded as a cracked relic, depends on which direction our actions (or inactions) run -- toward an honest attempt to gradually improve the lot of all society, or apathy, or downright vice and corruption.

My perspective is that we had a good chance at an equitable and free society, but we were too childish, lazy, and corrupt once things because too easy for us. Those with good intentions have simply not been as energetic as those without. Our faults have been exacerbated rather than abated.

The only course I can see for folks of good will at this point is to not entirely fall asleep at the wheel, and to always do the BEST thing -- go in the BEST direction, even though we are far from assured of reaching a good conclusion to our struggles.

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Have you reached out to Jeff Childers? He’s got a group of attorneys so inclined.

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He’s a Bailiwick subscriber, since April 18, 2022.

So far, he’s shown no interest in the legal approaches I write about.

Maybe he’ll get interested at some point.

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I'll send prayers up. Hopefully, it will help.

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How about Thomas Renz?

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I’m on several email threads that he’s also on. And Fuellmich, David Martin, and several other men in that upper tier.

They haven’t yet expressed any interest in pursuing these types of cases. My guess is that they don’t quite understand the double-bind predicament set up by the globalists yet, because it’s a lot to take in and they have their own ways of understanding the situation and their own legal strategies to pursue, and like everyone else, they’ve been running flat out doing everything they can think of for hundreds of clients since the legal chaos began.

Or maybe they don’t want to face it as head-on as seems to me to be needed.

I’m terrible at marketing. I know this. I’m deeply uncomfortable trying to force people to look at what I’m trying to show them, if they don’t want to look at it.

So I stick to researching and writing and getting the information out there as clearly as I can, and I practice trusting that God will help it find its way to the people who He wants to get it and take it further, if that’s part of His plan.

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I was also wondering about these other legal approaches by these other individuals with legal credentials. I applaud all of you for your expertise in this field. Katherine, your approach has been so very clear to me, and I am so grateful for your efforts.

I also have faith that God is finding a way to get this legal info to us non-legal-credentialed people who have an intuitive "knowing" of justice. Part of my morning prayer includes "With God, all things are possible" and "May God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"...and whatever I might do as a humble and faithful servant of God. Thank you for shining light on the evil that powerful humans can do, and for understanding the ways in which these humans have perpetrated their machinations. I pray for your continued strength and courage also, since you've shared that this is not your only gig. Thank you.

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Just keep doing you, Katherine. And trust that. Your work will continue to ripple out. I trust that. Bless you.

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Also here on Telegram Bobby Rajesh Malhotra You will be disappointed.

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I've got a pic of Martin with a lovely one eye tattoo on his left arm. Have a look on Seeking the Truth Telegram, lots of info there.

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Aaron Siri

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Yes, I’m on lists with him and his associates too. First contacted his firm in April:



To be clear, I believe all of these attorneys are doing what they think is best and doing extraordinarily good work.

Siri, for example, has focused on Freedom of Information Act cases. In Sept. 2021, he filed Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. FDA, which was the major FOIA case that got FDA to release the Pfizer trial data starting last fall.


And then Siri worked with Del Bigtree of ICAN to file a FOIA case against CDC for the adverse effects data from V-Safe that was released in the last couple of weeks.


There is a tiny handful of attorneys in this country trying to do anything at all — Callender, Mendenhall, Wentz, Childers, Renz, Dundas, Siri, Fuellmich, Kennedy among the most prominent.

The vast majority are still sitting on their hands.

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Opinion only question: Why do you think they're sitting on their hands? Don't want to rock the governmental boat? Afraid they'll lose? Lazy? --- My personal opinion about Kennedy is fear. He's got cajones, but doesn't want to suffer his father's fate.

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All those things are part of it I’m sure.

But my best guess for the main reason, at this point, is that they’re stuck in a cognitive and ethical limbo.

If/when they allow themselves to think through the implications of the already-completed, silent overthrow of the country and the Constitution/rule of law, they can hold onto it briefly.

But the more you think it through, the more overwhelming it becomes to think about how to respond to the predicament.

And the more thoroughly you understand the scale and complexity and recursive nature of the crimes, the more futile it seems to resist.

So, to protect their ability to use the legal frameworks and legal tools that they’re familiar with, thanks to long legal careers, they draw back from processing the overthrow predicament.

In the overthrow scenario, all the legal land ahead is uncharted.

What are the legal mechanisms for the People to restore to power, through the courts, the same governing institutions (Congress and federal courts) that have themselves passed and then upheld the laws stripping themselves of power?

It’s similar in structure to the age-old brain teaser: “Can God create a rock so heavy that He can’t lift it.”

Can Congress, as authorized by the US Constitution, pass laws to suspend the US Constitution and its own authority to check and balance the executive and judicial branches? Can Congress, as authorized by the US Constitution, pass laws to suspend judicial review of executive action?

The answer is “No, but they’ve done so anyway.”

To which the next, brain-freezing question is, “Then what do we do now?”

How do you remedy a harm that, in principle, couldn’t have happened and that, in practice, the perpetrators (Congress and courts) don’t admit or possibly even understand they’ve actually done?

I bounce around in that limbo myself quite a bit. As the months pass, I can stay with it longer, and think through possible resolutions to the bind better.

But I still frequently get overcome with a kind of disbelief at the strangeness of it all.

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Katherine, I really appreciate what you are doing for We The People! Thank you!!!

I was just wondering, do you know Deana Pollard Sacks?


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No. I don’t track developments that occur mostly on video, for time-limitation and attention-span issues. I know of some of the Corona Investigative Committee work, and have watched a dozen or so of the individual videos — the most useful of which was Brook Jackson’s, in my view — but I don’t have a handle on all the people who have testified there.

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She is a law professor. I am paraphrasing from the video so hopefully I have it right. She has filed an amicus brief a couple of weeks ago in the 3rd federal circuit, to make them instruct the lower courts that the wrong standard was applied in previous cases, and she talks about the "strict scrutiny" standard that should be used because the right to reject medication goes back centuries in this country. She expects to win.

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May God stand with her and lend a helping hand to her victory. 🙏

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You go girl!! Balls to the wall :-)

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Yes. I work with Sasha on several issues.

To my knowledge, the first public confirmation, by the manufacturers themselves, that what they’re making are bioweapons and not medicines, was in Pfizer’s April 22, 2022 Motion to Dismiss Brook Jackson’s false claims act case.

I started writing about it in May, from the legal side of the story:



Sasha comes at it from the regulatory perspective, from her decades of experience with clinical trials supporting regulatory procedures to get new drugs and devices reviewed by FDA and approved for marketing.

She’s been on top of it for a long time.

Her work has brought her — in the last few weeks — to close reads of the DOD contracts and corporate SEC filings.

Which is what she’s been explaining in her recent interviews with Jane Ruby and others.


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I think I remember that they really are classified as bioweapons, therefore making it correct that accountability is not required.

It was several days ago that I read that.

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My adult kids took them. I am worrying every day.

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I'm sorry. Do you still get to see them? I hope. Cherish the moments. Hopefully, you'll be cherishing for many, many years to come.

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Before the jabs became available, I had realised there was something amiss when I discovered how they were using the RT PCR tests which can be used to get a positive very easily. I believed all the hype up to September 2020 myself, but in all the time from Feb I knew no-one who had been ill, very ill, hospitalised or died. Neither did anyone else I knew! Yes, there were some who had a few days of illness. I got ill in Jan 2020 before they announced any pandemic. It wasn't pleasant. I just thought it was a really bad cold/flu. I was in bed a few days and coughed for about 3 weeks. I started sending info for my daughter to read to pass on when I found out about the tests and the other doctors and scientists who had written to the WHO and other places about the testing and also the jabs and how they had failed in all animal tests. She got so angry with me and said I need to see a doctor. Called me a conspiracy theorist. It's not that she watched the news ever to get fearful. I told her to wait, no need to rush. She said she would. However, she lied, maybe not initially but later on, as in April of this year, she visited Australia and obviously required 2 doses and in UK the protocol was 12 weeks apart so she must have had the first one well before Christmas time. Also, she got me tickets as a Christmas present to see a singer at a theatre early December last year and I told her if I needed a test or to be jabbed I am not going. So she went instead and this was just before Christmas, and she had her Phone QR code. She lied about that too! She had no side effects from the jabs. My son and his girlfriend both had been ill with it too so they didn't even need a jab and he said as much but then they went and got them. I realise that there were no consistencies in the manufacturing of any of these batches and that they contain many horrific things that are not listed which classed as "trade secrets" because they are still all EUA. Well, the DoD classes them as "counter measures" and not a pharmaceutical so that's why there is no Good Manufacturing Practice for any of them or anyone allowed to test vials or speaking out. She told me that if I mention anything about these again, she will not speak to me. So, tell me, how do you tell someone that they are ticking time bombs? Is it better for them to remain ignorant? Do these supposed supplements/detox remedies actually help? A blood test would be a good start I suppose. They are not teenagers, they are 33/31 years old so very difficult to give advice to. I'm sure they look at me as the doddery mother with nothing better to do than look at the wild videos and go crazy.

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I am so, so sorry. It doesn't matter what kind of loss it is, loss is hard. Loss of respect, loss of contact, loss of trust. --- I knew the jabs were bad news when I heard all the animals had died during the tests long before these particular shots were even thought about. I knew that mRNA can rewrite DNA. I knew before May. My friends husband got the shot. He was in the over 70 set, so he "got" to go first. His prostate cancer came back with a vengeance. She was so afraid that she was gonna die. (She's one of those people that wants to be kept alive at all costs. 🙄) I tried to explain the animals and the RNA, but...death! She stopped speaking to me. We had been friends for 52 years. --- I know he was on treatment for the cancer, before covid. I saw them the other day. He doesn't look like the cancer is doing anything. She looks like she doesn't feel great and when she said she was ok, the tone of her voice said she wasn't. She asked me how I was and I said that I was fine. That was the end of the conversation.

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I'm sorry for you too. When you get older and don't work anymore you lose the work contacts you socialised with occasionally. I don't have many friends at all these days, one or two close ones, like you, whom I've known since my twenties and one younger, a teen friend, but unfortunately these are the ones who are keeping their distance from me. We used to meet up every couple of months for lunches, etc. but I've not seen one since a year last July, another nearly a good year, none at all the previous year also and a third friend I can't remember how long! I believe they either think I am a threat and dangerous to them (so they can't have any faith in the jabs at all) or they realise now that they made a big mistake and they are too embarrassed to talk to me and admit it. I also think people are getting used to being solitary in their little "bubbles" as our government called them. Luckily, I have a couple of newer friends who think the same as I do. It is strange and sad, isn't it, how a close friend can so easily become a stranger? We have a village FB group and I remember reading the comments after people had their jabs and they were so pleased they had headaches, shivers, shakes, fevers, etc. because the government told them "it was working". What other jabs do that? Since my delve down the rabbit hole though, I realise that HIV and AIDS was the first real scam, well, even before that to be honest and none of the jabs that kids get are necessary or prevent anything, cause much harm and that with better nutrition, sanitation, not working kids 12 hours a day in toxic factories and down mines etc. keeps most illnesses away. A doctor in America did a survey of children who were and were not jabbed. There's a video somewhere. The unjabbed had less asthma, eczema, ear aches, respiratory infections, etc. no autism or ADHD! Mr Rockefeller changed the whole medical system to his pharmaceuticals. I believe these were actually thought about even before the "virus" came and were in the wings waiting to be dispensed. The big experiment and getting all the things in order. I also saw a UK government order for all the signage, you know, 2 metres apart, wear a mask etc. and these were ordered from a Spanish printer the year previous to the so called outbreak. Also orders for these PCR tests a couple of years before too. Oh, just remembered now, there were also tenders put out by the UK government in various places around UK for mass storage facilities to be used as mortuaries! I read up on the failures and the ferrets dying too. I think there must be something else in these jabs that stop people thinking or making them think a certain way!

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.....even THERE, likelihood of winning is SLIM - with the Pritzger-Lightfoot-Soros TROIKA able to RIG jury composition - but, I really, REALLY want to see KADLEC included for criminal complaint AMONG them.....

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A Caveat: be ware of insincere 'plaintiffs' bringing suit and then dropping for no good reason after sucking all the oxygen out of the movement.

It happened here in Michigan when some people pretended to be committed to stopping the governor from seemingly endless 'anti-covid' emergency orders, and then abandoned the suits.

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Fauci is in a league of his own. Adding more people to a Fauci lawsuit would be like trying to hit a moving target.

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Yes, Adolf Hitler and his minions have always been scared to death to be sued.

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