I’m on several email threads that he’s also on. And Fuellmich, David Martin, and several other men in that upper tier.
They haven’t yet expressed any interest in pursuing these types of cases. My guess is that they don’t quite understand the double-bind predicament set up by the globalists yet, because it’s a lot to take in and they have their own ways of understanding the situation and their own legal strategies to pursue, and like everyone else, they’ve been running flat out doing everything they can think of for hundreds of clients since the legal chaos began.
Or maybe they don’t want to face it as head-on as seems to me to be needed.
I’m terrible at marketing. I know this. I’m deeply uncomfortable trying to force people to look at what I’m trying to show them, if they don’t want to look at it.
So I stick to researching and writing and getting the information out there as clearly as I can, and I practice trusting that God will help it find its way to the people who He wants to get it and take it further, if that’s part of His plan.
I was also wondering about these other legal approaches by these other individuals with legal credentials. I applaud all of you for your expertise in this field. Katherine, your approach has been so very clear to me, and I am so grateful for your efforts.
I also have faith that God is finding a way to get this legal info to us non-legal-credentialed people who have an intuitive "knowing" of justice. Part of my morning prayer includes "With God, all things are possible" and "May God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"...and whatever I might do as a humble and faithful servant of God. Thank you for shining light on the evil that powerful humans can do, and for understanding the ways in which these humans have perpetrated their machinations. I pray for your continued strength and courage also, since you've shared that this is not your only gig. Thank you.
To be clear, I believe all of these attorneys are doing what they think is best and doing extraordinarily good work.
Siri, for example, has focused on Freedom of Information Act cases. In Sept. 2021, he filed Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. FDA, which was the major FOIA case that got FDA to release the Pfizer trial data starting last fall.
And then Siri worked with Del Bigtree of ICAN to file a FOIA case against CDC for the adverse effects data from V-Safe that was released in the last couple of weeks.
There is a tiny handful of attorneys in this country trying to do anything at all — Callender, Mendenhall, Wentz, Childers, Renz, Dundas, Siri, Fuellmich, Kennedy among the most prominent.
The vast majority are still sitting on their hands.
Opinion only question: Why do you think they're sitting on their hands? Don't want to rock the governmental boat? Afraid they'll lose? Lazy? --- My personal opinion about Kennedy is fear. He's got cajones, but doesn't want to suffer his father's fate.
But my best guess for the main reason, at this point, is that they’re stuck in a cognitive and ethical limbo.
If/when they allow themselves to think through the implications of the already-completed, silent overthrow of the country and the Constitution/rule of law, they can hold onto it briefly.
But the more you think it through, the more overwhelming it becomes to think about how to respond to the predicament.
And the more thoroughly you understand the scale and complexity and recursive nature of the crimes, the more futile it seems to resist.
So, to protect their ability to use the legal frameworks and legal tools that they’re familiar with, thanks to long legal careers, they draw back from processing the overthrow predicament.
In the overthrow scenario, all the legal land ahead is uncharted.
What are the legal mechanisms for the People to restore to power, through the courts, the same governing institutions (Congress and federal courts) that have themselves passed and then upheld the laws stripping themselves of power?
It’s similar in structure to the age-old brain teaser: “Can God create a rock so heavy that He can’t lift it.”
Can Congress, as authorized by the US Constitution, pass laws to suspend the US Constitution and its own authority to check and balance the executive and judicial branches? Can Congress, as authorized by the US Constitution, pass laws to suspend judicial review of executive action?
The answer is “No, but they’ve done so anyway.”
To which the next, brain-freezing question is, “Then what do we do now?”
How do you remedy a harm that, in principle, couldn’t have happened and that, in practice, the perpetrators (Congress and courts) don’t admit or possibly even understand they’ve actually done?
I bounce around in that limbo myself quite a bit. As the months pass, I can stay with it longer, and think through possible resolutions to the bind better.
But I still frequently get overcome with a kind of disbelief at the strangeness of it all.
I can see that. Not being in the legal profession, I only see, "Go get 'em! Just do it!" This is the problem of electing so many lawyers to Congress, I guess. They're the snooty version of Bubba yelling, "Hey, y'all! Watch this!" Then getting the Darwin award. Except they're not dead, our country is and soon, we may be also.
Thank-you very much for the explanation and cooling my jets.
Have you reached out to Jeff Childers? He’s got a group of attorneys so inclined.
He’s a Bailiwick subscriber, since April 18, 2022.
So far, he’s shown no interest in the legal approaches I write about.
Maybe he’ll get interested at some point.
I'll send prayers up. Hopefully, it will help.
How about Thomas Renz?
I’m on several email threads that he’s also on. And Fuellmich, David Martin, and several other men in that upper tier.
They haven’t yet expressed any interest in pursuing these types of cases. My guess is that they don’t quite understand the double-bind predicament set up by the globalists yet, because it’s a lot to take in and they have their own ways of understanding the situation and their own legal strategies to pursue, and like everyone else, they’ve been running flat out doing everything they can think of for hundreds of clients since the legal chaos began.
Or maybe they don’t want to face it as head-on as seems to me to be needed.
I’m terrible at marketing. I know this. I’m deeply uncomfortable trying to force people to look at what I’m trying to show them, if they don’t want to look at it.
So I stick to researching and writing and getting the information out there as clearly as I can, and I practice trusting that God will help it find its way to the people who He wants to get it and take it further, if that’s part of His plan.
I was also wondering about these other legal approaches by these other individuals with legal credentials. I applaud all of you for your expertise in this field. Katherine, your approach has been so very clear to me, and I am so grateful for your efforts.
I also have faith that God is finding a way to get this legal info to us non-legal-credentialed people who have an intuitive "knowing" of justice. Part of my morning prayer includes "With God, all things are possible" and "May God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven"...and whatever I might do as a humble and faithful servant of God. Thank you for shining light on the evil that powerful humans can do, and for understanding the ways in which these humans have perpetrated their machinations. I pray for your continued strength and courage also, since you've shared that this is not your only gig. Thank you.
Just keep doing you, Katherine. And trust that. Your work will continue to ripple out. I trust that. Bless you.
Also here on Telegram Bobby Rajesh Malhotra You will be disappointed.
I've got a pic of Martin with a lovely one eye tattoo on his left arm. Have a look on Seeking the Truth Telegram, lots of info there.
Aaron Siri
Yes, I’m on lists with him and his associates too. First contacted his firm in April:
To be clear, I believe all of these attorneys are doing what they think is best and doing extraordinarily good work.
Siri, for example, has focused on Freedom of Information Act cases. In Sept. 2021, he filed Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. FDA, which was the major FOIA case that got FDA to release the Pfizer trial data starting last fall.
And then Siri worked with Del Bigtree of ICAN to file a FOIA case against CDC for the adverse effects data from V-Safe that was released in the last couple of weeks.
There is a tiny handful of attorneys in this country trying to do anything at all — Callender, Mendenhall, Wentz, Childers, Renz, Dundas, Siri, Fuellmich, Kennedy among the most prominent.
The vast majority are still sitting on their hands.
Opinion only question: Why do you think they're sitting on their hands? Don't want to rock the governmental boat? Afraid they'll lose? Lazy? --- My personal opinion about Kennedy is fear. He's got cajones, but doesn't want to suffer his father's fate.
All those things are part of it I’m sure.
But my best guess for the main reason, at this point, is that they’re stuck in a cognitive and ethical limbo.
If/when they allow themselves to think through the implications of the already-completed, silent overthrow of the country and the Constitution/rule of law, they can hold onto it briefly.
But the more you think it through, the more overwhelming it becomes to think about how to respond to the predicament.
And the more thoroughly you understand the scale and complexity and recursive nature of the crimes, the more futile it seems to resist.
So, to protect their ability to use the legal frameworks and legal tools that they’re familiar with, thanks to long legal careers, they draw back from processing the overthrow predicament.
In the overthrow scenario, all the legal land ahead is uncharted.
What are the legal mechanisms for the People to restore to power, through the courts, the same governing institutions (Congress and federal courts) that have themselves passed and then upheld the laws stripping themselves of power?
It’s similar in structure to the age-old brain teaser: “Can God create a rock so heavy that He can’t lift it.”
Can Congress, as authorized by the US Constitution, pass laws to suspend the US Constitution and its own authority to check and balance the executive and judicial branches? Can Congress, as authorized by the US Constitution, pass laws to suspend judicial review of executive action?
The answer is “No, but they’ve done so anyway.”
To which the next, brain-freezing question is, “Then what do we do now?”
How do you remedy a harm that, in principle, couldn’t have happened and that, in practice, the perpetrators (Congress and courts) don’t admit or possibly even understand they’ve actually done?
I bounce around in that limbo myself quite a bit. As the months pass, I can stay with it longer, and think through possible resolutions to the bind better.
But I still frequently get overcome with a kind of disbelief at the strangeness of it all.
I can see that. Not being in the legal profession, I only see, "Go get 'em! Just do it!" This is the problem of electing so many lawyers to Congress, I guess. They're the snooty version of Bubba yelling, "Hey, y'all! Watch this!" Then getting the Darwin award. Except they're not dead, our country is and soon, we may be also.
Thank-you very much for the explanation and cooling my jets.