>.mil deployed against the populace

Where do you classify DARPA bioweapon depopulation efforts?

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I would classify that as an ongoing covert military attack.

The military is already being deployed to kill people, but it's medicalized, and operated through bioweapons-disguised-as-vaccines, at clinics, pharmacies, hospitals and doctors offices, and deployed on people who (more or less) voluntarily submit, by civilian/DOD/HHS-deputized nurses and pharmacists (wearing civilian clothes and scrubs) using DARPA/DOD bioweapons and syringes.

It's not yet being conducted by uniformed military personnel at gunpoint on people who actively resist.

The difference between that and armed thugs on doorsteps is the overt/covert difference

As far as I know, they haven't sent out armed thugs to go door-to-door, yet.

Maybe they have in some places, but without reporting by MSM or alternative media. Entirely possible

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Yeah, it is. They burgled my house, beat up my dog, and came back (they have "entry specialists") to make an unauthorized backup of my computer replacing that the FBI claims it bought from a heroin addict, "Angelo Garcia", in a sting operation. (No court case number or Bureau of Prisons record.)

Don't forget chemtrailing and biotrailing.

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Yes they have on many occasions and all law enforcement is now militarized

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That really started with Obama.

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And the Bush regime after 911 the war on terror was a war on FREEDOM.

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Jan 21, 2023
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Sorry but I called this one out after doing my own research on him , even before his election, his non history , his parents CIA connections , I knew clearly what this monster was about , and who was controlling him. I was called everything under the sun , whole communities of people would not even speak to me , they so bought into this emotional psyop. He did unimaginable damage to not only this country but the world. His controlled evil personified.

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Jan 7, 2023
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This is a VERY important point, although it's a lot easier to talk about than to accomplish. Outreach to both LEOs (police) and military is sorely needed. Tyrants with no "Teeth" are paper tigers; our job is to see that they are defanged. That task may be difficult or impossible, but even winning the sentiments of a modest percentage of troops can produce internal resistance and friction that makes coordinated suppression of the populace unworkable. True patriots will throw sand in the gears of their own units. Every officer or soldier who understands the situation is one less impediment to sustaining human rights and freedoms. We must try to reach them; even day-to-day conversations on a one-to-one basis are worthwhile.

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Many say they know VERY FEW doing anything or even WILLING to try most are now coward politicians only worried about being reelected , if in MASS they would act according to their OATHS and side with the people not the globalist agenda it would be a game changer , so far very little.

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Show me what they have done other than talk big , if the sheriffs of this country acted together, on a real Constitutional basis and a real moral and legal basis, we could stop this madness in a year. Now with this controversy around Mack , it doesnt look good .

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May 3, 2023
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Thank you for this comment /reply it is of GREAT VALUE TO ALL . i HOPE they stay on target and keep working .

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It almost happened in the UK 2020, just found this in the Birmingham Mail.

"Army called in to support door-to-door testing in Birmingham's covid hotspots"

"Birmingham City Council has called on the army to help drive to get more families to test for coronavirus."

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Jan 7, 2023
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Completely true and with CHEMTRAIL SPRAY PROGRAMS , this is an essential part of these multi stage weapons platforms.

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I would like to see any reporting on that, or related efforts.

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Jan 8, 2023
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I appreciate the input, and I'm glad you were doing gardening work; a LOT more people should be involved in that. There is much to investigate in the microwave RF sphere. So much is still unknown about dosage and effects. The meter you mention (now $385) looks pretty good, but is expensive. I will check tests/reviews of various models before choosing one.

Though CV-19 does bear close resemblance to (ionizing) radiation sickness, there are substantial differences. Likewise with poisoning. I'm reluctant to dismiss viral theory, because even the perps have strong convictions/investments in it, as well as a long history of R&D. If viruses don't exist at all, then a whole lot of science, laboratories, and real-world experience needs a great deal of explaining. I don't see that happening (yet). This is not to discount the existence of other stressors/agents.

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Resist , pray and tell as many people we know , so more people can be aware . Thanks Katherine .

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Hi B-n-B, stay safe working this weekend !!!! Oh, for you :) :) :)

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Thanks Stan_R…. Listened to Mr. Kirsch and Mr Kennedy talk from last night and caught up with Katherine W. Substack here, while working. So far today 2 miscarriages and ruptured hemorrhagic and abruption!! It’s not stopping.. all jabbed. Good news 2 live unaffected newborns . Thanks for thinking about me 😉

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Has there been an increase in gestational diabetes among the jabbed by any chance?

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Not that I have noticed, obesity biggest factor . That is an interesting thought though!

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I only wondered because I have a cousin - mid 30s - expecting her second child. She is slim but now has gestational diabetes. Pretty sure she is jabbed. I know that diabetics suffered problems with controlling their blood sugar early on as it happened to my mother and I was suspicious enough to check on a diabetic forum - lots of long term type 1 complaining that suddenly they could no longer regulate their sugar. I'm not a doctor or a scientist though so could be making 2 + 2 = 5.

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Jab can affect the pancreas and cause insulin diabetes . Some peoples kids ended up with insulin dependent diabetes. Hopefully your cousin doesn’t end up with insulin dependent diabetes post partum .

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Truly outstanding essay! THIS is what real philosophers should be doing. Keep up the marvelous work, Katherine Watt.

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Here in Canada we are have our rights literally trampled on more and more with each passing year.

The use of the "emergencies act" last spring to squash the truck convoy protests in Ottawa showed the true colours of our gov't. Along with the banks that froze accounts to those who made donations. Our media is all bought and corrupt, reporting only what the gov't wants citizens to see.

They are trying to push forward an online censorship bill to stop us from reading and sharing the reality as opposed to the controlled narrative.

The vast majority of new citizens arrive from war torn or very gov't controlled countries so seeing the huge freedoms that we have had disappear is still better than where they have come from.

Only God knows where we are headed!

Thank you for all the hard work and efforts to all the freedom fight warriors out there!!

Don't stop, we all need each other to get through these hard and difficult times.

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I responded directly in the OP, but i will reiterate here:

"Thankfully there is one enormous difference between the United States now and the final decades of the Roman Republic—namely, the use of U.S. military units on American soil still seems to be off limits."

No. The "oligarchs" have their army. Federal, state and local LE combined with AntiFa, BLM and the Migrant Militia of fighting aged males comprise a formidable physical presence. Here. Now.

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You forgot that military units were in Portland during the so-called riots.

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Thanks for the reminder. This is not going to be easy. I recommend you look at what I wrote and the associated discussion. There are so many angles to this. https://substack.com/inbox/post/95110026

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There are possible solutions for some of that. Coming soon. But I don't believe in the Dead Man's Switch concept so the outline will be presented here. Almost all of the 99% despise the 1% who have prospered since COVID at everybody else's expense. There are exceptions and the numbers are rough guesses, taken from Occupy Wall Street (not Trump's OWS). I talk to all people about this in a pleasant and respectful way. Almost all agree that they despise most of the 1%. As things get worse, the anger and possible violence might explode. It is critical that the enemy does not succeed in splitting the 99% who will be victimized to go at each other, I will call this 99-split for short. The key might be to turn 99-split into 99-1. Think about it. If the 99% go after and disable the 1%, the command structure of the enemy is also disabled? Perhaps the enemy's super computer communication spy programs have indicated that this might happen organically as things get worse, and maybe that is why it might be hesitating to launch its end game? I will write this crude idea up on SolutionSeeking.Substack.com as soon as possible. There are all kinds of problems with it, but maybe it can be improved upon and acted upon?

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Command and control for hostile gangs? Yeah, even if we cripple that, it's so incredibly organic, they'll pillage loot and plunder ad infinitum.

One estimate i saw from a sympathetic congressperson, says there have been 5M in the last two years. I'm sure a vast portion of them are straight criminals.

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It is not going to be easy. It is a war and these are people. They are victims. They are assets. They either work for the enemy or against it. My guess is that they can be shown who their real enemy is, but I could be wrong. My guess is that it is best to treat them will as much compassion and understanding as possible, they are humans, and they have been harmed and victimized in many of the same or similar ways that we have, while the 1%, and their puppet leaders (some of whom magically became quite wealthy lately) have prospered.

Starving people may be inclined to pillage and loot. Why not convince them beforehand to pillage and loot the bounty at the opulent mansions of the 1% instead of the other side of the 99% where their puppet leaders will try to send them. I would rather they show up at the opulent gated mansions than my place. How about you?

We have all been divided and conquered. I hope to examine alternatives to that. This will not be easy. I could be totally wrong, but I will continue to have discussions with those few who will still have discussions. Thanks.

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Essential information, thoroughly detailed, and acute observations! This should become a classic on Substack! I am recommending it to my readers as one of the classics on Substack:


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Thank you for giving more information that clearly shows we need to act, and act soon. Some of us are doing our best to try to brainstorm solutions to this. The solutions won't be easy. But all life on the planet may depend on it. Some are doing our best here: https://solutionseeking.substack.com/p/coming-soon

We could really use some well intentioned help. If not in the link above, then, maybe somewhere else, some other ways? When is enough information enough? Isn't it action time?

Thanks again.

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And just as i finished typing. Corey Lynn's new solutions blog hit my inbox.


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I'm following you in your substack Larry.

Other solutions-oriented folks can be found in the Corey's Digs and Corbett Report spheres.

They both have focused "Solutions" content.

I go hard with the #ParallelEconomy mindset on Gab.com as do many others. It's a "thing" there.

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Thanks. I will try looking around on Gab. I am on Gab with my real name. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/69b6bfd0-59de-48aa-9b20-2333a7091439

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Thanks. I subscribed to Corey's Digs and I think we are connected on Gab.

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Thank you for clocking all of the NDAA supposed exemptions to Posse Comitatus. So hard to keep track of all of the stacked and obfuscated violations!

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Well D koresh says Hold my beer.

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The tyrannical legal structure is in place. Empire has displaced the Republic a long time ago. They’ve left the republic’s facade standing to fool us into believing we still have a Constitutional Republic, however “dysfunctional” it may appear to many of us. On the federal level, our Republic is gone. Imperial decisions aren’t made by the nominal government, but through the deep state structures. Nominal government is a theater production, a Potemkin village! The legal framework for the tyranny is fully in place, all of it unconstitutional!

The only thing standing in the way are the heavily armed American people. They will engineer and probably soon execute an event to confiscate the arms; many will be fooled into voluntarily giving up their arms. See what happened in Australia, both how they’ve surrendered their guns and recent COVID examples of what their government can do to them because they no longer fear them. The areas showing any resistance will be declared terrorist zones and the military will be sent in to take over. This includes taking over governorships of states, if needed. They believe they will win if they can handle one territory at the time. Judging by our collective failure to detect this last psy-op, I believe what is coming is our greatest test. Most of us are utterly unprepared, both physically and psychologically.

Many have been fooled into believing that our arms are keeping us free, but this has not prevent our loss of freedoms and liberties. We have been induced to stop acting as a free people over decades. Our guns are now just the last barrier to overt tyranny. We have allowed them to take us too far down the tyranny road. Not grasping our true reality is our greatest weakness. Judging by the last psy-op, about 30% of the population will instantly become faithful collaborators of the totalitarian system. Has the next third, which has fallen for the jabs going to act any differently? I have my doubts. Even if are defeated, there is one thing we can still do - keep the flame of freedom alive within your hearts with those whom you love and can trust.

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My guess is at a moment they will use UN "peacekeepers" against people. Not only in US but in most of the countries. Medical terrorism at its highest level with all package. US signed on to Kigali Principles too.

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Okay Katherine but specifically how would those laws and EOs be used to thwart the public at large from acting in self defense?

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"Thankfully there is one enormous difference between the United States now and the final decades of the Roman Republic—namely, the use of U.S. military units on American soil still seems to be off limits...."

Copied from the other article: The military doesn't have to roll out into the streets. They are already INSIDE of you....literally. The contract with Big Pharma to push the covid "magic potion" shots was with......surprise surprise.... the US Department of Defense DoD. Like the Architect in The Matrix Reloaded movie series, he talks about how each time they RESET the matrix that they get increasingly more proficient at how they do it. Combined with the television/movie/general mind control programming (Project Mockingbird/MK Ultra), capturing all communications data (Project Echelon; public/private contracts with Big Tech), and some of the advanced weapons that DARPA has on the backburner, they have the real capabilities....in SatanSpeak...to "deceive the whole world" . Dodge the Hijack.

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Thank you Katherine.

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Sounds like we’re basically very much screwed. Too many ppl are still deceived to the blatant assault on the American ppl by corrupt politicians. Are there enough citizens awake to take back our country? Unless the Creator/Governor of the universe Who alone can stop this century’s old evil madness, & HE intervenes on behalf of those who fear Him, then demonic darkness will continue to strut about in every arche of power.

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I share your worry. But I see an awful lot of waking up from so many different agendas, and so many different spheres. It seems to me that the task is for all these good activist folk to find each other (as I actually see happening on some level) and somehow work together as God‘s hands, feet, and mind, to destroy this ignorance and evil that has taken hold of our world.

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