This helped my heart, an organized resistance is our only chance. Thank you.

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Yes, mine too. My heart needed some encouragement.

But where is the list of former representatives and politicians who SIGNED ANY OF THE UN TREATIES OR APPROVED THEM. THAT TRANFER OUR SOVREIGNITY AND ABILITY TO ACT AS WE SEE FIT TO THE UNITED NATIONS TREATIES AND AGREEMENTS? Isn't this in hindsight, going against the US CONStTITUION??

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I tucked them into this post as “Many, if not all, members of Congress - 1983-present.”

I started tracking them down for one statute - found the 12 sponsors of the 2004 Project Bioshield Act:


Which then passed 99-0 in the Senate and 414-2 in the House.

But yes, the Congress-criminals is a list that needs to be built in more detail, digging from the statutes down to the sponsors and then to the “Aye” votes.

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Just looked over the bill details. All the Senate sponsors were Republicans (of course - At the time they were the leading the war on terror and promoted anything else to do with war). And the 2 representatives who voted no were Jeff Flake and Ron Paul. As time passes it becomes clear what a treasure Ron Paul is and unfortunately he's no longer in Congress. Like his son, he'd have a lot more support today from the ever awakening public.

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it was a dark day in our history when the GOP convention changed their own rules to prevent his nomination from the floor

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Too bad the second “we” organize, we will have more federal agents than patriots, “ just doing their job” infiltrating the enemy (the people). We need an organic revolt. The kind they can’t infiltrate.

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Very nicely laid out Katherine. You have keen legal mind.

I appreciate all the work this took and I look forward to what may come of this.

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Thanks for putting Trump appointed Alex Azar,(HHS) on the list. Few understand the key role he played. https://secularheretic.substack.com/p/vaccines-or-bioweapons-part-2

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More than anything else, this post helps to clearly and succinctly define the breadth and scope of the crimes committed and the numbers of people (clearly not all listed) who helped to perpetrate the greatest crime in history. (Yes ,greater than the Nazi or Stalin or Mao or Pol Pot genocides.)

What made this work was the near infinite flood of money and influence exerted by the international banking cartel that is at the real heart of all this. Everyone else who committed crimes are mere underlings, puppets taking orders and/or acting in selfish self interest. How to hold thees people accountable for crimes committed over literally centuries is the most important task before us. Getting people to understand who is at the center of our difficulties won't be easy, either.

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Oh Dearest Katherine Watt: I have read your entire brilliant message and all the comments thus far and WOW! You have truly done your research! Thank you for thinking so deeply on the sorry state of this world after years of gas-lighting, physical abuse & full on killing of human beings en mass. I absolutely marvel at the detailed work you have done on this most vital of all subjects in the world at this critical time in history. What can we do to help you push this most URGENT justice through??? How can we amplify your most important project for a return to some semblance of sanity around the world after the HELL we've all been through, those of us who have managed to survive to this point, and to all the victims whose quality of life has been badly damaged, and even those countless many whose precious LIVES were snuffed out completely by these sociopathic and psychopathic killers? Do we have your permission to copy and paste your message in its entirety and share it with others so that your entire project can go viral around "the Internets" as someone once infamously said. Lol. I think you're brilliant and I'm SO grateful for this most noble and epic pursuit of REAL JUSTICE after all nearly 8 BILLION of us have either endured, or NOT survived, these heinous CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. The Earth & all Her precious inhabitants need & deserve REAL JUSTICE & we need it NOW. God bless you and keep you, dear Katherine. We love you and support you.

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Thank you for the kind words.

Yes, you certainly can cut and paste and repost my work anywhere you like.

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I just posted your entire message on Twitter. And I just subscribed to your Bailiwicknews.substack.com with monthly payments. I am SO grateful to you for initiating this extremely important call for JUSTICE & HEALING FOR ALL. Bless you, bless you, bless you, dear Katherine Watt. <3

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Would certainly be an interesting “day in court”. None of these kleptocrats were granted unalienable rights to rule over anyone. It is rule by fascism clear and simple. They take orders fro the real bosses.

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he Ten Commandments

20 Then God spoke all these words, saying,

2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of [a]slavery.

3 “You shall have no other gods [b]before Me.

4 “You shall not make for yourself [c]an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth. 5 You shall not worship them nor serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, inflicting the [d]punishment of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, 6 but showing [e]favor to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.

7 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not [f]leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.

8 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 For six days you shall labor and do all your work, 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God; on it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male slave or your female slave, or your cattle, or your [g]resident who [h]stays with you. 11 For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and everything that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; for that reason the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be prolonged on the land which the Lord your God gives you.

13 “You shall not murder.

14 “You shall not commit adultery.

15 “You shall not steal.

16 “You shall not [i]give false testimony against your neighbor.

17 “You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male slave, or his female slave, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”

Catholic Church changed the 10 Commandments from what God delivered to Moses. Note the changes and draw your own conclusions. Get back to Hebrew roots for truth.

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Please consider adding Vice President Mike Pence, who was charged with establishing the Coronavirus Task Force in 2020. Thank you...

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Done, thank you for catching that omission.

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.....not sure if an INTENTIONAL oversight, but - you've COMPLETELY left off KLAUS - as well as Carsten at the IMF, the Von Leyens & Quandts, Australia's Hunts (one sibling is a UC-Davis - now THERE's a BIG ol' red flag - or Pepperdine adjunct; can't remember which now) Regina Dugan at DARPA, Tony Blair, Buffett, Winfrey, Matthias Dopfner (Springer Publishing Group CEO, controls multiple media provider content including Netflix, Universal-Comcast) Eric Schmidt, Sergei Brin, the Google / YouTube sisters, David Rubenstein at Harvard.....

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Not intentional. Had to start somewhere. It’s a big group of evil-doers.

Can you send me a list of the full names, titles and organizations you’d like to see added?

Email is kgwatt@protonmail.com

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Should add though, I’m focusing on American citizens.

Tedros and Gutierres on there because of their direct interference with US governing.

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.....presuming you have David Martin's resources (?) There are a FEW on his list which were omitted, Katherine.....

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I do have some of them, and have skimmed them. Haven’t done a close read to pull out all the names in his work.

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i enjoy the detailed dive into the facts associated with the legal society and the developments of the codes and statutes that the federal and state governments have used to slowly, since the civil war, boil the frog. Have you had the time to look into the history of the various declarations that created our states, states-of-states; and various territorial, national, and municipal corporations and how that plays into the bigger picture; have you looked at the various constitution developments and the actual limit on the enumerated powers; sometimes it is important to go back to the beginning; the next piece is the deep dive into being a man or woman as a creation of the Creator and removing ourselves from the legal society completely and treating ALL trespasses as a man or woman and bringing forth our rights without intermediaries; teaching this basic understanding may be the only way out of the admiralty law and legal society.

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Have only had time to do a very cursory review of those things.

I’ve decided to focus more on where things stand right now, and how to deal with the current situations, and less on the many centuries’ worth of prelude that led up to this moment.

It’s not that I don’t think the history is important. Clearly I do. [I once got teased for starting an investigative report about watershed pollution several million years ago when the geology was forming.]

Having done a lot of digging, it seems to me to be time to pick a point at which to stop digging into ever-more-granular levels of detail, since we already have a pretty good basic understanding of the steps taken since 1913 or so, and look more at “So what? What next?”

I realize that there’s a lot of room for disagreement on this issue.

Some readers believe it’s extremely important to lay out the maritime/admiralty law, the Crown, the British Accreditation Registrar (BAR) and so forth, and get lots of people try to file legal paperwork to reclaim self-ownership.

They may be right, but I find it hard to see how filing legal papers in newly-launched accreditation registries can create legitimacy. In other words, where does the legal authority of the newly launched registry come from? What’s to stop any recognized authority from just ripping up those papers as irrelevant?

Again, the counter argument is: “what’s to stop them ripping up the thing most people think of as the legitimate, morally-defensible Constitution and laws?”

Clearly nothing, because they’ve done it in the last two years. I can’t argue with that.

I’m making a judgment call for my own work, setting those things aside in a way, to look instead at what is still legitimate and widely perceived as legitimate within our current situation, and how can those pieces be brought up to the surface more, restored, reclaimed, re-loved, and put back into effect to the extent they were in effect in December 2019.

Because clearly, the powers that want to kill us and our legal system think that the things they’ve done to kill and discredit those laws since January 2020 were important to do.

I agree with them on that point alone.

There was something that mattered about our laws as they stood in December 2019. Those laws, if enforced, would have blocked many elements of the killing program and protected us.

Clawing our way back to our legal and moral status under those laws is what I’m trying to support.

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I think you are TERRIFIC!! THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS. Now, can we crowd fund a lawsuit with you as the brains behind it? Let us know. We are anxious to do something to "claw back the rights we have lost since 2019.

Then we will go after the UN Treaties.

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Understood. Your work is impressive and noble. I respect the effort and detail a ton. I pray it continues as I find the detail very interesting and a good example of what we need to watch for if we get our status as men and women back. And naturally, what can be prosecuted today.

The tough question on tyranny and legitimacy of any new form of registry and government is answered by: "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." The Declaration of Independence clarified that position. Clearly, the people have the authority. As the Creator also gave us that authority and clarified this same authority with the opportunity to continue after death. We were formed under the Creator.

The real issue lies in the legal society itself. It is a paradigm we have allowed to govern. We give up our authority to a representative or we give up our position as a man or woman and allow trespass by giving our authority to government or the legal society. The constitution has a VERY limited set of enumerated powers given to the government (18 definitively listed). All other codes and statutes are for those that are part of that government within the 10 square miles, federal citizens, or federal employees.

But, to your point, that government has proven they will use their perceived powers to kill us regardless of what is true at this point.

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Usually that means having to kill them back. I think that’s how it works.

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Brilliant reply Katherine. Bravo!

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Amazing work. Many thanks.

Please consider adding to your defendants list: Ezekiel and Rahm Emanuel; Christine Grady (Mrs. Dr. Fauci and head of NIH Clinical Bioethics for over a decade, after she succeeded Ezekiel Emanuel); Kathleen Sebelius (aided Becerra in the 2009 attempted "plandemic coup"); Bobby Rush (introduced HR-6666), and Nancy Pelosi. If you need some documentation, I can pull it together soon and get it to you.

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Will do - thank you.

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Please do send me the documentation - not a ton, but enough small pieces to be able to pick up the threads later. kgwatt@protonmail.com

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I would put Nanzi at the top of the list. It’s her that used our assets in Afghanistan as a bargaining chip to get China to take the blame for this plandemic. And all to get one man out of power, that was going to expose the lot of them. Three wars later, here we are.

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They are already on there.

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This really goes down to this Moses vs. Hammurabi match. And we already established Hammurabi Code cannot be a law for a long time.

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I am associated with https://prosecutenow.io/ a legal group that overturned OSHA mandates and getting the optionality of face masks within commercial transportation and filed the federal lawsuit called Dr Griner v Biden and CMS. Contact me at (913) 548-9989 or frnkprb@gmail.com

Frank Priebe

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Your endeavours have touched me deeply, in a positive way; by outlining clearly Divine Laws and Man's Laws whose sacred covenants were broken...And by shining a light on the dark perpetrators...if not Man's justice, God's justice will be done...

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I would absolutely love to see that list of people in court.

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Same here.

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Please add Victoria Nuland to the war criminal list & her husband, architects of the Iraq war & several color revolutions.

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Truly one of the most evil women in history!

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They blew right through 18 USC 2441 - prohibits war crimes (Geneva Conventions).

They do this because, legal loopholes and/or 'Term/word' redefining, and the 'Declaration' of an Emergency State of Affairs?

What Deep Frauds.

Excellent work. Please Continue!

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