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And thereby you think putting Ryan Cole down is warranted?

Yes, our enemies are happily going around murdering people who stand up. That MIGHT add weight to their arguments... but without them still here (alas!) -- or someone who has followed and replicated their work -- who can 'stand in' and defend it in the NORMAL process of medicine and science to determine validity... then it's fantastic preliminary work -- that STILL NEEDS to be verified!

Sure, generally, whatever the govt/TPTB SAYS is to be looked at askance ()ot just straight discarded!), because they will ALWAYS be lying! However -- the DETAILS must be tested, CONtested, and worked out.

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I think this is the Ryan Cole interview with Del that you are referring to? https://thehighwire.com/videos/the-highwires-lab-investigation-of-covid-vaccines/

I don't think there is anything here that either proves or disproves the graphene hypotheses. Many, many researchers have theorized that there is graphene in the shots that should not be there and that has not been disclosed in the list of ingredients. Cole appears to support the germ theory of disease which many now are seriously questioning.

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Cole is a LEADING extremely experienced and educated pathologist. IF HE says: "after matching it up to many many slides of cholesterol crystals, and spectrographic inspection, this is not graphene but is cholesterol crystals... on what POSSIBLE basis do you dispute him?

"has not been disclosed in the list of ingredients." There IS no list of ingredients! The FDA/CDC/ govt has made it LEGAL for them to hide whateverthehell they WANT! Surely you've seen the poison-vaxx 'drug insert' -- that in ENTIRELY BLANK!? (If your 'researchers" think they could or should "trust" the 'list of ingredients' -- then they are NOT researchers! They're idiots!)

"Many many researchers have THEORIZED" How many of your "many many" have decades of pathology work? How many have the amazing experiential background Cole has ... yes, I AM 'arguing from authority" because Cole IS an authority and esp. in this specific field! What are the back grounds of your "many many" researchers? We will likely NEVER prove of disprove -- unless Pfizer et al. included it in their lab notes (yeah, right!) AND we get out hands on them! However -- the WAY TO BET is with the guy with the best experience, equipment, and knowledge. That's Cole.

Does your list of (more valid? is that your point?) researchers include Bryan Ardis? On balance, I cannot find Ardis to be any kind of authority on this stuff. He had a VERY important (and very EARLY) absolute super HIT with the remdes. and tests. Broken clock? He had NOT followed it up with MORE substantive research. He's lost his path. The snake venom thing -- which he was SO convinced on -- completely DETRACTS from him being a solid course. I will continue to keep an eye on Ardis: blind squirrels sometimes find a second nut! But he will need a boatload more -- and better backed up -- sources and resources before I will do more than note and pass beyond whatever he shows up- with!

What background in actual slide microscopy do your 'many many' have? How MANY autopsies have they done over the past 30-40 YEARS?! LOTS of folks are ... getting out over their skis ... because they are SO SURE they've found something... see, e.g., the "hydra" in that Cole/Del video. Was that not persuasive enough for you? Do you need to go even further into HOW a living creature could live through the manufacture, the -80-degree storage, the transport, decanting and thawing, and injecting into a human and STILL 'allegedly' move about on the slide.

Have you never worked with a microscope? When you put the cover slide on top of the sample (on the other slide) and slide it under the microscope 'holders' -- any liquid or anything else is squished between the two glasses. The saline (or vaxx-matrix or whatever) spreads; it MOVES, it 'appears' to be capable of movement -- but it's merely the water/liquid spreading. These supposed "hydras" are leaf parts, and the movement OF the liquid, moves them too!

UNTIL this-all is over and "we" get a helluva long time to discuss, investigate, test, balance, experiment, and work on germ theory -- it is a DISTRACTION! (And fatal to some folks!) That is wasting time while MILLIONS are dying, and it's NOT the time to discuss "possible flaws" in the original underpinning of an entire wing of medicine. When we MANAGE to stop the forced use of this poison -- THEN it is absolutely worthwhile to discuss germ theory. I'll be right there with you. I don't yet KNOW if there's something there or not. I am interested to find out. I AM NOT willing to waste time trying to sidetrack and distract our folks DURING a GENOCIDE!

And to decide some CLEAR expert is not worth listening to because he is AS cautious in determining germ theory as he HAS been in determining -- and proving -- this is a poison vaxx?! I can't / won't support that at all! Look -- when we finally get to the "let's see what ELSE the ortho-docs have gotten (or cho$en to get) wrong" Cole will likely be right there in the thick of it -- discussing BOTH sides, while helping us work out the truth! He has NEVER stopped himself from admitting when new info changes his positions.

Really, are you LOOKING for reasons to discount him? For what possible purpose?!

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