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We use their psyop war against them every opportunity and some.

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Yes. We have to understand their modus operandi in order to expose their criminality and how they have got away with it so far, or so it seems. The psychopaths, sociopaths, malignant narcissists and other disordered individuals behind these atrocities are effectively mass murderers and serial killers. They are hiding in plain sight and have disguised themselves as 'philanthropists', 'experts', 'public health advisors' and so on. These are disguises and work with gullible populations who believe that medicine, law, public health etc is heavily regulated for safety. Catherine Austin Fitts called it out from the beginning, it's a coup d'etat and the goal is a modern-day slavery system. The globalists have had decades to line up their henchmen - the lesser psychopaths, narcissists and mini-hitlers desperate for a bit of power and the chance to practise some sadism. Serial killers are cunning, they can out-fox even experienced analysts. But once you've spotted the techniques, they are quite obvious. Bill Gates, for example, gives the game away with his body language. Schwab is harder to read but both talk utter rubbish - talk of saving millions of lives, saving the world, building back better etc are meaningless platitudes. And in fact, they mean the complete opposite. You have to reverse what psychopaths say to get to the truth. For the average person it's incredibly difficult to comprehend the mentality of a psychopath, which is why they have got away with so much. Beware the wolves in sheep's clothing.

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The good news is that the globalists have overplayed their hand and are now in panic mode. Eg: Dr Peter Hotez has fully exposed himself as a WHO criminal. This is the perfect 'own goal' - he has shot himself in the foot.


In this article, Hotez reveals that the whole 'vaccination' program is to do with expansion of global tyranny under the disguise of 'saving lives'. Look how desperate he is (they are) to hit the developing world market. This is modern-day colonialism. Psychopaths do not take well to being exposed. (Hotez is a good frontman for the 'vax' fraud as he refuses to even consider whether his child's autism could be linked to vax. )


The devious device of accusing your critics of doing what you yourself are doing is a classic criminal technique, not only do you point the finger away from yourself but you also gas-light into the bargain. Win, win for the fraudsters! https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/why-does-peter-hotez-think-we-are

Why the WHO has to go: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/100-reasons

WHO terrorist organisation: https://beforeitsnews.com/health/2022/12/uns-world-health-organization-terrorists-attack-on-your-bodily-autonomy-video-3048478.html

Peter Hotez being positioned as a replacement for Fraudchi? Certainly seems to be the case what with his latest mouthing off. The perfect puppet for Tedros who has to be one of the most unpleasant individuals one would ever hope not to encounter. The WHO is essentially a terrorist organisation. https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/geopolitics/peter-hotez-vies-for-power-as-fauci-steps-down/

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Yes, but DON'T go too far. A major portion of OUR work is to sort out and discard the liars / evil / sellouts; and find and SUPPORT the valid, the true, and the helpful. THAT however, can be hugely dangerous because "sorting out" the GOOD FOLKS for non-valid reasons ("he sounds glib") HELPS our enemies and harms the truth!

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Well, if someone were to publicly track where every one of them were located all the time, who knows who might show up to protest. Or just be present. Some people are driven to paranoia by thinking they're being watched/followed all the time... and maybe they are...

Just saying. I can imagine Soros, out on his yacht far out in the ocean, would get rattled by irregularly visiting boats that had people in bullhorns welcoming him to the deep blue sea, and then leaving.

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