Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023Pinned

Reminder of no-defeatism policy.

New readers take note: I delete defeatist comments.



"I know the material presented here is hard to process. I don’t offer it to help readers resign themselves to being enslaved and killed by the US Government, its globalist central banker overlords, and counterparts in other sovereign nation-states around the world.

I do it because I think the odds of successfully fighting off the would-be slave masters and murderers goes up, the better the targeted victims understand the plans, programs and pseudo-legal tools the killers build and use against us.

I think that people should continue to fight the fight using the weak legal tools the bankster-killers have left intact — as so many courageous, persistent people have already been doing for three years, and so many more have been doing for decades and centuries previously.

I think people should continue to investigate and learn how and when the bankster-killers weakened the legal tools. I think people should keep crafting stronger legal tools to replace the collapsing mess as it falls. And I think the construction process for new legal tools benefits from broader, deeper understanding of the current predicament and how it was brought into being..."

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Katherine, I cannot thank you enough for all you are doing!! You are a relentless warrior and hero for humanity!

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023Author

Reader asked, by email, what the nullification process could look like in other states.

My response:

Uncharted waters.

The Tennessee law is based on the Tennessee state constitution, and the provisions of the US Constitution that lay out the relationships between federal and state power. Other states would need to look at their own state constitutions, and build their own bills around their state constitutions and the same parts of the US constitution cited in Tennessee.

The feds have been overstepping constitutional boundaries for a very, very, very long time. Back to the late 1700s, the bankers started chipping away.

What's different now is simply that so much unlawful power has accumulated in executive hands, and is being used for such obviously deadly purposes, that people are being directly, observably killed by the feds, through the illegitimate pseudo-laws, so states are finally starting to resist.

I should add, the last time states tried to stand up to the feds, Lincoln launched a war to suppress them.

Tennessee's action will push the feds toward having to make that decision again: whether to use overt military force (i.e. military force that isn't covert or hidden behind bioweapons and 'public health', which they've already been using since at least 1969) to try to quash what they will try to construe as rebellion, or allow the states and people to repossess usurped power.

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I live in Tennessee and know Rep. Hulsey. He is a rare breed. He is a statesman not a politician. I have the highest regard and respect for him and I don't say that about too many elected officials.

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I haven't had the good fortune to meet Representative Hulsey, but from what Katherine has put forth in her reporting here, it makes me proud to be a Tennessean.

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 3, 2023

I love living in Tennessee. My WWE County Mayor also told resident biden where to shove his mandates. Not a very scholarly comment, but hey it's Friday.

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Yes, I saw a video with him, kind of warning about what's going on and how we are going to lose our country. So, looks like he's clued in.

I'm in NJ and most here are brainwashed. I'm going to have to figure out who to send this to.

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I don't know about the power brokers but most folks are being jolted into reality with inflation IMO.

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Maybe now that they are feeling the pain of inflation they will be receptive to learning about the central bankers and the Federal Reserve (Bill Still's The Money Masters documentary)

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We need this in CT!!!

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We need this in EVERY state.

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And Michigan.

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And Pennsylvania!

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Are people in CT awake to any of this?? We tried to warn extended family up there, but they treated us like we were insane (they were very invested in the covid operation).

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Mar 3, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023

Not really. I managed to get a couple. NW Corner of CT is Red.. Rest is Blue.I guess everyone will lose their minds at the same time when they realize what's happening.

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Sorry to hear that, but it fits with how extended family reacted (Fairfield County). My elderly father tried to warn them about the injections, they didn't want to listen. They really believed everything the TV was telling them.

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My beautiful state, the Volunteer state.

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This is awesome news. Here in Kommunist Kanada, we have Premier Scott Moe of Saskatchewan & Premier Danielle Smith of Alberta leading the way out of federalist he🏒🏒. Their latest law prohibits/prevent any Federal govt agents/employees from trespassing on private property. The govt run MSM (literally, $600 M Cdn of "Covid subsidies" to major corporate networks last 2 years plus over $4 B to CBC National) propaganda is unanimous in absolutely villifying leaders like Mr. Hulsey & our western Premiers, who are fed up with Castro's son Turdeau destroying our country. I hope Tennessee inspires the same in other states. Unchecked Federalism is a curse on freedom & liberty.

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Hey governor Ron, are you paying attention, yet?

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The states do not have to abide by Federal policies. This makes no sense. This is like TN thinks Federal gov is law . When did the feds get total control over the individual states? Everyone saying they need this in their states….you already have it. Your state constitution rules your state.

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Lincoln made it clear with a very bloody war that the States are enslaved to Swamp. State sovereignty was merely words on paper after that. Also, most are as broke as DC and need federal money to function, so that gives DC more leverage than there should be.

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Finally.... Something positive!

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Katherine thank you for all the work you do. I appreciate your position on defeatism and consider that yet another positive aspect of your character that is marking a path through this dark night of the soul for us all.

Yes, we are engaged in a spiritual war, and yes, things look very dire. And while it is time to draw the lines, to stand ready to die for what is right and just in the eyes of God, it is also most certainly not the time to surrender to the relentless psyop of fear mongering and peddling of existential (Godless) hopelessness.

We do not consent, we never will.

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Viva states' rights! It is past time that individual states declared that they would not comply with federal acts that violate the Constitution. What a concept! I am astounded.

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Add WHO to list of government and other sovereignty stealing entities to trigger to HB 726. The Feds are now attempting to yield sovereignty of our federal government to the CCP pawn at the WHO.

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Good news I hope.

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It might be easier to move to Tennessee than to bounce this idea off our fascist governor and Democrat infested legislature. This is exactly what needs to happen to shut down the rampaging DC Swamp leftism.

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Katherine, readers may want to look into "nullification" articles at The New American Magazine, a publication of The John Birch Society (JBS). JBS has been in The Fight against communism since the 1950's. Some readers may recall that in the 1970's, the JBS was smeared by none other than Wm. F. Buckley, Jr. He claimed the JBS was racist. It's a long story and the details are in John F. McManus's book, "William F. Buckley, Jr.: Pied Piper for the Establishment." Back then, I believed the racist claim. But I know better now. The veil has come off after reading that book.

Also, a very important and revealing talk by John F. McManus, a Catholic, is "Enemies of the Catholic Church." It has been a jumping off place for me to learn that the Illuminati is real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGOKa4KjcAY&list=PLVIssNCZbKsNugL131Ibvo23u_UhPWaun&index=16

As Henry Makow says, "There Is Only One Conspiracy - the Illuminati."

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Thanks for the link--looks interesting, and so do many of the other videos in the playlist (Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech is very important)

And on Henry Makow--he's one of the many who first woke me up to this. He had a "Build An Ark" audio series with an Irish priest posted on his site (still there) and that's one of the things that clued me into this whole plot. And as for being called a racist, yes, I've been called an "anti-semite" for talking about the central bankers. When it comes to the enslavement of humanity, I really don't care what they call me.

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