Prayer request: that God provide for the spiritual and material needs of those preparing to file cases confronting biochemical warfare-enabling treaties and statutes.
Also link to video of Iceland conference, and slide deck.
Video presentations, interviews, slide decks and transcripts.
Prayer request
I encourage interested Bailiwick readers to pray that Almighty God will — in the mysterious ways in which He works — provide for the spiritual and material needs of lawyers and litigants around the world who are preparing cases that will directly challenge the legal foundations of ongoing State-sponsored military-medical warfare programs, and draw the moral illegitimacy of those legal foundations further into public understanding.
International law foundations that currently authorize governments to torture and kill people with legal impunity (by blocking civil and criminal prosecution) include treaties such as the 1946 treaty establishing the World Health Organization, and 2005 amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations that entered into force in 2007.
National governments around the world have adopted domestic laws to implement the WHO-IHR. The coordinated global Covid-19 programs rendered those domestic laws, and the triggering WHO-IHR provisions, more visible.
In the United States, implementing statutes include 21 USC 360bbb ("expanded access to unapproved therapies and diagnostics," also known as the Emergency Use Authorization program) and 42 USC 247d, "public health emergencies."
Key pillars of these two American legal structures were enacted by members of Congress and signed into law by then-President George W. Bush: Project Bioshield Act in 2004 and Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act in 2005 (Division C: last 14 pages of DoD Emergency Supplemental Appropriations bill post-Hurricane Katrina). Both programs have been expanded and developed further through amendments adopted since 2005.
The men and women preparing to confront and discredit governments worldwide, by bringing cases directly challenging these illegitimate treaties and statutes, need spiritual and material support.
On the spiritual side, they especially need prudence and fortitude. On the material side, they need money, time and ways to communicate with each other without diabolical interference.
I am emphatically not asking Bailiwick readers to donate money to any specific organizations, law firms or campaigns.
I'm asking Bailiwick readers to pray that God provide for the needs of these men and women, as and when they each need those things to carry out their work, through whatever means He chooses to use as instruments for those purposes, to the extent that their work accords with His will.
If you are Catholic, or on the path to becoming Catholic, I encourage you to pray Rosaries to the Blessed Virgin Mary for these intentions, and novenas seeking the intercession of saints to whom you have particular devotion.
Below is one possible wording of the intention:
Intention: That Almighty God provide for the spiritual and material needs of lawyers around the world who are preparing cases to directly challenge the legal foundations of global, State-sponsored biochemical warfare programs.
Iceland conference video and slide deck.
Video of the Oct. 4, 2023 conference in Reykjavik, Iceland is available on YouTube.
Oct. 4, 2023 - Let the science speak. Conference held in Reykjavik, Iceland. (3 hours). Speakers include Pierre Kory, Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Vibeke Manniche, Max Schmeling, Philipp Kruse.
The organizers, the other presenters, and all the Icelanders I met, were extremely kind, thoughtful and courageous, and I'm very grateful that I was given the opportunity to meet them and to work with them for this event.
I think the organizers are arranging for edited versions of each presentation as individual videos, to include embedded slide decks. When I have links to those presentation videos, I'll post them here at Bailiwick.
PDF of my slide deck: